
I Fell into the Age of Mysteries

That day, he transmigrated into a body that was not his. That day, he encountered a fog that blocked everything. That day, he arrived in a completely different world from the one he was used to; he now found himself in a world with strange phenomena occurring. Will he be able to achieve something extraordinary? In a world full of dangers and hidden existences, his existence seems to be hidden among any branch of any leafy tree. Still, a strange, gently flowing river seemed to drown his sorrows and give him some visibility in a world full of mysteries.

Junni_MC · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs


After an indeterminate time, the crimson moonlight filtering through the holes in the ceiling was changed by the sun's golden rays.

Luke, who had been awake all night, was abnormally relieved to see the sun's golden rays.

He got up from the rotten wooden bench, and as it was already dawn, he saw the whole interior of the abandoned and deteriorated church much more clearly. He did not look for a long time and walked towards the exit.

He did not feel like staying in this place any longer.

The loud sound of rusty hinges opened the church doors, revealing the exterior covered by a thin layer of fog accompanied by the soft, cool morning breeze.

Leaving the abandoned church, Luke looks up at the sky to find the sun radiating the warmth of dawn, but with the difference that it is different from what he is used to.

The sun was exactly like that of the earth, but around it were two concentric rings, which gave the sensation of a shackle binding its prisoner.

Luke did not know how long he had been gazing at the sky but finally withdrew his eyes from the clouds as he felt an unbearable pain. However, the image of the «Sun» remained deeply imprinted on his retinas despite closing them.

The sun wasn't supposed to be like this, but he had to accept the facts.

He is in a completely different land than he is used to.

Once the unbearable pain in his eyes subsided, he looked ahead where, in the distance, he saw a village, but it was unclear due to the morning fog limiting his vision.

It is expected that near a church, there is a village or a town.

Luke started to head towards the village to learn more about this world. He subconsciously turns his head towards the entrance of the abandoned church, not knowing how to feel.

He looked away from the church entrance and continued on his way to the town.


As you walk along the dirt road, on the right, you will see a wooden fence where there are some animals, cows, sheep and others. To the left there is a large field of wheat and sugar cane.

Luke sharpened his gaze, where he could see a small wooden house of simple style and saw a figure that he could not distinguish.

Due to the distance, he did not know if it was a man or a woman, a child or an older man.

But, he feels the gaze of these people on his body, which is normal. He walks with a revolver on his waist and a bloody white shirt; it would be strange if he didn't attract attention.

Luke averted his gaze and continued walking towards the town, which was getting closer and closer.

After walking for an hour, he reached the village, where he saw the moss-covered stone houses, with their dark slate roofs contrasting with the whitewashed facades.

Baskets of multicolored flowers hang on every door, and the carefully tended gardens are overflowing with rose bushes, lavender, and daisies.

Floral scents mingle with the smell of damp earth and freshly cut hay, creating an idyllic atmosphere that envelops all who cross the threshold of the village.

In the street you could see some children playing, talking and laughing, but when they saw a person they turned their heads where they saw a young man of charming appearance...

With a chiseled and attractive face. Their eyes are cerulean blue, and his irises look like layers upon layers of undulating cerulean waves stacked one on top of the other...

Hair has a blackness that rivals emptiness, with a small amount of white hairs mixed in...

Dressed in a white shirt and black pants...

But when the group of children saw the bloody shirt, they ran in horror to their parents, who began to stare at the newcomer.

Luke's lips twisted. He saw how the children ran away when they saw him, although he didn't blame them either. Their current appearance was unfavorable, and it was customary for them to run scared.

Exhaling softly, he looks to the side, where people are looking at him suspiciously. At that moment, he feels someone holding his pants.

Luke lowers his gaze and sees a girl sucking her thumb as if it were a pacifier, her eyes fixed on his face.

Why didn't this child run like the other children?

Luke gave a strange look to the girl who had not run like the others. But noticing how the girl did not look away from his face, he quickly understood what was happening.

Due to the excellent appearance of the body she possesses, the girl does not run away because of the blood on her shirt.

The girl had brown hair, brown eyes, and chubby cheeks. She was wearing a simple dress with long sleeves that came down to her knees and bodycon boots.

Luke crouched on his knees and asked the girl an easy-to-answer question.

"What's the name of this place?"

The girl innocently pulled her finger out of her mouth and replied.


Avebury? Luke thought in confusion.


A scream was heard behind him. He turned around and saw a woman very similar to the girl, with brown hair on her shoulders and black eyes, but with the difference that her face had some freckles.

She wore a light linen dress, a wide skirt that reached her ankles, and a floral pattern.

The girl that the woman called Isabella, when she heard her mother's scream, ran to them and hugged her legs and covered her face.

The woman checked her daughter's body and saw that she had nothing. She sighed in relief, then fixed her gaze on the person talking to her daughter. When she saw her face, she was delighted for a moment.

But her expression changed to one of horror at the sight of the blood-stained shirt and the brass revolver in her waistband, and she hugged Isabella tightly, fearing for her and her daughter's lives.

Luke was initially confused by the rapid change in the woman's expression, but he quickly understood her change.

His shirt is stained with blood, and he has a brass revolver in his waistband.

He does not want to cause any trouble or make things more problematic than they already are because everyone present distrusts him, so he raises both hands like a detainee while saying.

"Miss, I have no intention of causing any trouble. I want to ask a few questions."

The woman found herself hesitant but did not notice any lies in her words.

"If you really have no intention of causing trouble. Put that gun on the ground."

She wanted to secure her life and that of her daughter; if the person in front of her really had no bad intentions, she would not refuse and put the gun on the ground.

Luke exhaled inwardly relieved, seeing that the woman had any intention of speaking, and found the woman's caution understandable.

If he were in his place, he wouldn't even try to talk to someone with a gun. He would scream and run away in the midst of the chaos.

Under the woman's watchful eye, Luke grabs the brass revolver from his waistband, sets it gently on the ground, and takes seven steps back a manageable distance.

The woman sighed with relief, seeing that the other party really didn't want to cause trouble, looked to the right, and spoke.

"My dear, can you find us a small table to talk to the gentleman."

A black-haired man from the crowd dressed in a light, black slim-fitting black jacket. With pants fitted to match the jacket and white shirt.

The man watching from the intersection quickly approached and picked up the revolver from the floor.

The man adjusted his vest while speaking in a respectful tone. "Gentleman, follow me this way so we can talk comfortably."

Ignoring all the stares, Luke followed the man down the cobblestone street to a table with two chairs facing each other.

Quietly, Luke sits down and looks at the woman across from him.

The woman takes a deep breath and asks.

"What do you want to know first?"

Luke is silent for a moment and speaks. "What's the name of this place?"


With this, Luke confirmed that the girl was not lying to him and continued with his questions.

"What day is it today?"

The woman gave Luke a strange look yet still answered. "March 17th, one week before Easter."

"What year?" Luke asked in a rush.


Luke was silent.

From memory fragments, he knew that on the northern continent, the year was similarly divided into twelve months. Each year had 365 or 366 days, and a week was equally divided into seven days.

The division of the months was due to astronomical observations, making Luke suspect he was in a parallel world.

The division of the days resulted from religion.

This was because the Northern Continent had eight orthodox gods: the Goddess of Justice, the God of Storm, the Goddess of Eternal Darkness, the Goddess of Nature, the God of the Sun, the God of Wisdom, Hermit, and the God of Steam and Machinery.

Could it be that he transmigrated to the past? For what purpose would you transmigrate to the past?

Some questions arose in Luke's mind, but he quickly dismissed them, remembering the chained sun and the crimson moon.

Putting aside his thoughts, Luke continued his questions about some things that were unclear in the memories he obtained.