
I Fell into the Age of Mysteries

That day, he transmigrated into a body that was not his. That day, he encountered a fog that blocked everything. That day, he arrived in a completely different world from the one he was used to; he now found himself in a world with strange phenomena occurring. Will he be able to achieve something extraordinary? In a world full of dangers and hidden existences, his existence seems to be hidden among any branch of any leafy tree. Still, a strange, gently flowing river seemed to drown his sorrows and give him some visibility in a world full of mysteries.

Junni_MC · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Having a drink

I would never have imagined that the older man's divination would be so accurate...

Luke is surprised. He did not expect the divination given to him by the hooded old man posing as a fortune teller to be so accurate.

He really underwent a drastic change that he could neither foresee nor avoid!

"Ha." A dry laugh left his lips; he tried to deny that his transmigration had anything to do with the «Change of Destiny» ritual performed earlier.

So, was that hooded older man really a fortune teller?

If I look at it from another point of view, why did the older man decide to do a divination on me?

Why me, of all people?

Does it have something to do with my transmigration?

Many unanswered questions arose in Luke's mind about his transmigration and the older man who gave him precise divination. But despite his questions, he couldn't come up with anything precise.

"I still have to do the destiny change ritual... To see if I can return to earth again. Besides, I also have to look for the ingredients of the ritual..."

Luke let him tap his finger on the desk when he knew what to do at that moment: perform the «Change of Destiny» ritual.

He took the revolver from the desk and then the mystery box with the monocle inside to get something to eat downstairs. He hadn't eaten anything since he had transmigrated to this place and was starving.

Before leaving, Luke looked at his bloody shirt but shrugged and left the room. He walked down the hallway to the first floor.

Which is practically a bar

As he walks through the first floor, he feels the gaze of some of the more suspicious people, but they quickly ignore him and continue talking to each other.

Luke passes through the crowd as the sound of folk music reaches his ears, and he sits down at one of the unoccupied and somewhat secluded tables so as not to be disturbed.

One of the servers approached and forced a smile, unaccustomed to dealing with a customer who looked dangerous because no one in their right mind would eat in an inn with a shirt bloody with a revolver unless they were a criminal.

"Gentleman, is there anything I can help you with?" said the waiter with a forced smile.

Luke was silent for a moment, and he asked, "What's for lunch?"

The waiter began to call out the menu. "Venison Stew, Lamb Stew with Vegetables, Roast Lamb."

"Hmm... I'll have a plate of roast lamb with sourdough bread." Luke placed his order and asked. "What drinks do you have?"

The waiter looked at how calm his tenant was. His nervousness calmed considerably, and he replied.

"Blonde Beer, Apple Ale, Black Beer and Cider"

Luke was silent for a while, and after eight seconds, he said. "Apple Ale."

The waiter assisted him and noted Luke's order; after noting it with a polite smile, he left.

After the waiter leaves, Luke crosses his legs and closes his eyes to rest while the food arrives.


After a few minutes, the waiter came to the table and set the plate with a roast Lamb with mashed potatoes and an Apple Ale drink.

Apple Ale is made with fresh, unfiltered apple juice, top-fermenting yeast (similar to that used in ales), sugar to increase the alcohol content, and yeast nutrients to give it a healthy fermentation.

Once the server finishes setting the plates, they leave the table, bowing politely.

Luke smells the tantalizing aroma of fresh herbs, and the subtle perfume of grilled meat fills the air, mingling with the soft murmur of conversations from the surrounding area.

The tender and juicy meat fell quickly off the bone as his knife cut it, revealing a perfectly cooked interior that exuded the flavors of the countryside.

With each bite, he could taste the skill of the inn's cook. The lamb was accompanied by delicately seasoned mashed potatoes and a fresh mint sauce that enhanced its flavor without hiding its robust nature.

The meat's juices and the sauce created a gastronomic experience that transported him to the essence of good living.

To accompany his meal, Luke alternated between sips of apple beer. The golden, bubbly liquid had a fresh, fruity flavor that perfectly complemented the rich intensity of the lamb.

Each sip of the apple ale refreshed his palate, preparing him for the next mouthful of tender, soft meat.

Sitting at a polished wooden table under the dim candlelight and surrounded by the peaceful bustle of the inn's other guests, Luke allowed himself to enjoy this moment of culinary pleasure.

It was as if time had stopped in that cozy corner, and he, with every bite and every sip.


After finishing his meal, Luke sighed contentedly. Although the food lacked seasoning, he didn't know if it was because he had been up all night, but it tasted great.

The only thing missing was a bit of barbecue sauce to give it more flavor... I sigh, but I can't complain...

The waiter comes over and removes the plates from the table.

Some of the people who were at the bar washed up and headed towards Luke. The people had been watching him since he arrived at the inn, as his demeanor was too refined for someone with a shirt full of blood.

Sensing someone approaching, Luke saw a man of medium height with an athletic complexion. Short brown hair, neatly combed back, stood out against his fair, clean-shaven complexion.

With dark, piercing eyes that contrasted markedly with the pallor of his face.

"Hello, friend. I see you're enjoying the atmosphere. How about we share a few drinks?"

Luke doesn't answer but raises an eyebrow curiously, seeing how this person invites him out of the blue for a drink.

The man, seeing the silence of the person before him, smiled. "Oh, right, I forgot to introduce. My name is Jonathan Aldridge."

Embodying a small smile, Luke spoke. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Aldridge."

Jonathan sighed in relief for his insides and suggested again. "How about we share a few drinks?"

Luke is suspicious because this person wants to have a drink with him. He does not know his intentions, but this is also an opportunity to get more information.

Besides, he has no evil intentions and is in a good mood. "Sure."

He gets up from the table and accompanies Jonathan to the bar.

Once seated at the solid oak bar. Behind it, crowded shelves display a collection of bottles of spirits, beers, and local wines.

The burly waiter laughed and said. "Gentlemen, what would you like to drink?"

"I'll leave it up to your choice," Said Luke with a smile.

"I'll have a Pepper and Gin Cocktail," Said Jonathan.

The burly bartender assisted and quickly prepared the two drinks. In about two minutes, he had both drinks ready.

"For you, gentleman, the Gin Tonic is prepared with dry gin, tonic water, and a slice of lemon."

He placed the clear liquid with effervescent bubbles, accented by the floating lemon slice.

Luke looked at this curiously and said nothing, and the current man continued.

"And for you, gentleman, pepper and gin cocktail made with gin, sparkling water, a slice of cucumber, and some mint leaves."

He set down the other clear drink with hints of green due to the mint and cucumber.

Luke raised an eyebrow and asked curiously. "Sparkling water?"

Hearing the question, the face of the skinny man lit up. "Yes, sparkling water! It was one of Emperor Gustav Leopold's discoveries."

"Gustav Leopold?"

Standing next to him, Jonathan gave him a strange look and explained. "Emperor Gustav Leopold was the one who invented tarot divination. He also established the contemporary paper card system and its playing styles."

Luke is instantly stunned, and Jonathan continues to speak with admiration.

"He also invented the steam engine, improved the sailing ship, overthrew the imperial government of the Kingdom of Lysière, and was recognized by the God of steam and machinery.

"Later, he invaded other nations and brought Thalassia and other nations under his protection. He made the Kingdom of Leonesse, the Empire of Dornthal, and other nations of the Northern Continent submit to the Republic of Lysière. After that, the Republic became an Empire.

"Unfortunately, he died of old age. In the year 1239, he left a legacy that remains, but according to many rumors, they say that he was betrayed, so they tried to erase all his influence ".

After hearing that, Luke brought the glass to his lips and slowly sipped the Gin Tonic. The first impression was a refreshing burst on his palate: the dry gin with its herbal and citrus notes, balanced by the soft but definite bitterness of the tonic water.

The cool, bubbly liquid descended gently down his throat, leaving a trail of freshness and satisfaction in its wake. Luke closed his eyes momentarily as many unfamiliar thoughts ran through his mind.