



I can't believe we actually made a blanket fort.

Our 'roof' is constructed of one large sheet that has fairy lights wrapped around it. We also laid a couple layers of blankets on the floor to resemble a mattress.

To that we added a bunch of pillows, a throw blanket and my laptop.

/"What do you think?/" I question Belleza as we continue to gawk at the fort with admiration

/"I think that we need to do this more often/" she say with an excited tone before climbing into the fort

I can't help but become amused at her actions.

She may seem calm on the outside.

But the more you get to know her, she's a total kid a heart.


I'm falling for her.

And I'm falling fast.

/"Are you coming in?/" She asks with a smile as she peeks her head out

I nod my head as I crawl in after her.