
I fall on my own Revenge.

Do you know Aira Cruz Donovan? Probably not, Aira Cruz Donovan hiding her identity behind a mask, with her aim of revenge on the Valencians. She was Aira Cruz Donovan from a poor family grew up helpless, and oppressed. Always bullied, until his Father met the Valencians. It negotiated in exchange for a better life with the Donovans, but the Valencians were traitors. Read the whole story to know more about Attorney Aira Cruz Donovan! Happy reading!

ciayuxiii · Adolescente
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3 Chs

Revenge 1

Aira's POV

"You can now open your eyes Ms. Aira."

My heart is beating so fast, I'm nervous.

At first I'm afraid to do it but when I opened my eyes I felt so relieved even tho it's a bit blurry.

I blink two or three times and I think it works now, it's a bit clear unlike earlier. There I saw Marco with the Doctor's beside me.

I can see how happy they're knowing that I can see again. I look at Marco and I know he wants to cry at this point but he can't.

"Oh what are you feeling? Are you dizzy, is it blurry? What? Tell me."

Marco asked a bit hesitantly but I know he's just worried, and at the same time he was happy because I can see again.

"I'm fine don't worry, I can already see but sometimes it b-blurs. I'm fine so no need to worry too much, huh?" I laughed because he's worrying too much.

"Who knows maybe later your head will hurt again then you'll fall down." he said.

"Trust me. My eyes are now fine, and I'm okay too, see oh." I pointed at my eyes.

"I'm okay, I'm okay tss. Then later you'll complain again that you can't do it anymore!" he's mocking me. I know he's a bit mad but I know it's because he's worried.

"I'm not kidding okay? I don't have time to joke, I need to rest more so I can return to the Company. So, don't worry too much huh? I'm totally fine. By the way, thank you." This time I'm serious, sign that I'm not really joking.

Besides, I'm feeling so sleepy that I want to rest. I don't want to be stressed.

"T-thank you for?" he asked.

I smiled slightly when I saw his cheek turn red. I think it's not the first time that someone thank him why he's blushing, tsk. He's really crazy.

"What are you smiling at?! Maybe you're crazy just say so that you can be sent to Mental right away." he said, then i laughed softly.

"It's as if you haven't been thanked for the first time, so gay. You still have a stuttering effect."

I said annoying him.

"And by the way, how's the job I'm ordering you?" I added.

"The doctor just removed the bandages on you but you're thinking about the job right away. By the way, your Company's sales have increased this week, just this week ha! That's why you've beaten Marina! She's very angry then she said she wants to talk to you, she said that your company is just copying their designs. Iska told me that, she also said that an invitation came."

"What's that? I haven't even started to explode yet she's already getting angry, how if I revealed my identity is she going to die?" I laughed foolishly. Face my Revenge Marina, that's not the beginning yet but you can't dress up tomorrow, fool.

"Yeah, you don't want to be in trouble anymore? She just can't handle you now, Now what?" There was a smile in his answer.

"I want them to experience the hardships first, I'll take them little by little. Don't worry. What do you mean, by what?" I asked curiously.

"What I mean is what's your plan, you've already beaten them, show them your next move." he smirked

"For now I need to rest here in the States then after getting ready, sooner or later I'll be back in the Philippines and I'll start introducing myself. For sure Marina will be excited about what I'm going to do, they'll have a good time with me there, gosh I can't wait. " then I laughed like a sweet but psycho devil.

'This is exciting Valencia's I hope you'll like it.'

Then again a flashback appeared, I smiled bitterly, I hope this time I'll serve the justice you needed Ma, Pa. I will fight the case that was not won, because of their corrupt and useless system. I can give others the justice they needed but why it's so hard when it comes to this ?! I maybe strong but I have my weakness too, my Family. My Family's Case.

And there I found my self crying again, crying all over again, crying because of the pain that made me like this, w-why? Why I can't forget it? Is it because I have not yet won the case of my Family?

Even if I win your case, I will never forget the memories that changed my life, our life. Then I kissed our family picture, the only thing that is left and the only thing that I can treasure and hold forever.