
I Evolved Into A Lovecraftian Incubus

Throughout history, humans have revered both gods and demons, and this has given rise to a plethora of urban legends. For example, consider the fabled tale of Santa Claus or the horrifying story of the slit-mouthed woman. Or perhaps the tragic ghost story of La Llorona; or perhaps nebulous ideas about ghosts, yoakais, and monsters in general. These monsters are created in some ways by man's collective unconscious. Communal belief, as the manfestation of mankind, lends form and meaning to these unfathomable creatures. Fear is a powerful thing. The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. The bigger question is whether these stories and urban legends are simply made-up tales passed down from generation to generation until they become true. Is there a deeper meaning underlying every tale, folklore, or story? Well, the answer to that question is far more horrific than many people can comprehend. Every ghost, yokai, god, demon, folklore, urban myth, and supernatural occurrence stems from the same source. These are pataphysical beings who are born in mankind's dreams and roam the astral dimension. These beings are known as Fluxes. The Fluxes are a race of living concepts that are given life by the collective unconscious and completely transcend the laws of physics entirely. They cannot be understood using science since they are manifestations of human emotions and the power they possess is not of the physical plane of existence. They cannot be harmed by contemporary weapons; the only way to vanquish a Flux is to entirely erase the memory of its existence. Or if a Dreamer takes action and fights the entity on their own, as a Dreamer is capable of reaching the astral plane by will. Dreamers are basically evolved humans with one distinct supernatural ability and the capacity to travel dreams. Because of their abilities, they can literally tamper with the actuality and laws of the universe and reality as a whole, and as such, they are the only thing capable of defeating and straight-up killing a Flux. Dane Winter, a 23-year-old Higris University student, one day finds himself in a predicament where he encounters a strong Flux named Madam Butterfly in his dreams with the offer of becoming her avatar, or better yet a beacon that can guide her to the physical world. Dane accepted the offer, thinking it was a dream, not realizing that taking the hand of Madam Butterfly would catapult him balls deep into the supernatural world. And now he has entirely evolved and transcended his humanity completely, becoming a Flux, or more accurately, an eldritch Incubus. He still requires sex to survive, but it is not his primary source of nutrition. Dane, as a Lovecraftian Incubus, feeds mostly on the fear and emotions of women. With Dane being a straightforward and cool guy, how will he handle with these new changes in his life? Will he succumb to corruption, or will he evolve into something far greater; find out in this one-of-a-kind story of romance, adventure, horror, thriller, and mystery.

Iam_hastur · Ciudad
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5 Chs


"This power I've given you will make you nearly unkillable, as no weapon from the modern world, let alone Dreamers, can harm you." But don't take your gaze away from them; a Dreamer can still infiltrate your domain... but will face deadly repercussions as a result."

"Your true form exists in your domain, as long as it is not harmed by another Flux or Dreamer." Even if your concept has been erased from reality, your body in the real world can repair and respawn indefinitely."

"Your personal domain is essentially a limitlessly large imaginary space; it is a place in your dreams; it transcends all mortal dreams entirely; as such, you are a being that can be considered a living dream." That exist in both the living and the metaphysical worlds."

"You, like me, are no longer human." Given that you evolved into a Flux by drinking my saliva, which contains special powers, and if any living mortal being drinks it, it can convert others into the same race or something lesser, depending on how much was consumed to begin with. And the power you now have is dream manipulation, illusion creation, madness iducment, nigh invincibility, emotion empowerment, emotion manipulation, hypnosis, multipresence, power sharing, power removal, contract, empathy, infinite potential, thought acceleration, soul manipulation, cross breeding, sensory manipulation, supernatural senses, age empowerment, and mind reading. However, I have left one last gift to ensure your successful completion of the ordeal. The Genuine Necronomicon that contains all of the world's dreadful secrets. It will explain all you need to perform in my prestige, so good luck, and I expect great things from you, my herald."













"AWWWWGHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...UGhhhh... *Gasp*... *Gasp~~Gasp*, Oh, oh, my god—what was that? What was that dream?"

Dane thought to himself as he awoke from a deep sleep, his eyes wide open and his heart racing with terror. Dan continued to pant for oxygen as beads of sweat spilled from all over his body. On the other hand, he could feel his hair rising up in horror at the utter lunacy he had witnessed in his dreams.

"W-w-W-what... no... oh... Thank God *gasp*gasp*gasp*, I'm still alive. Thank God above, I'm still alive. Heheheh! But, goodness gosh, that dream was utter madness. I never want to sleep again if I have to go through something like that again."

"But, what the hell was with that weird voice, Fluxes, new powers, same as me... honestly, I need to stop watching horror movies in my free time."

Dane said to himself as he pondered the weirdness of the nightmares he had escaped from after waking up in the physical world. However, he quickly dropped that subject after calming himself down by saying.

"*sigh*, don't get too excited; it was just a dream to begin with, a figment of my imagination, nothing more; in any case, what I should be concerned about is how long I've been sleeping." I'm feeling a lot more rejuvenated than usual, but I'm sure it won't be long before I succumb to my conditions once more."

"Well, let's check the time and see if I can get anything done with the remaining waking hours I have left."

With that said, Dane proceeded to search for his phone. He was certain it was somewhere on the bed, considering that he fell asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. As a result, he had no time to tidy up or anything of the sort, and as he began to rummage around the sheets, he was met with the sight of his phone near the side of his bed. He went to retrieve it right away, but at the same time, he got a strange sensation of something foreign connected to him touching one of his picture frames on the wall, knocking it down completely, and breaking the frame as a result of something impacting with it.


The glass frame shattered on the ground, and the picture frame itself broke in several directions due to its fragile design. However, the broken picture frame containing a beloved family photo did not surprise Dane; rather, it was the thing that caused the picture frame to fall in the first place. Dane looked behind him and was surprised to see the reason for the frame to fall in the first place.

It was due to a massive demonic wing attached to his back, which was crimson in color and looked like a cross between a devil and a dragon. He was convinced he could cover himself with it because it was so large. The wing was two meters long, with massive bones leading to the tip. And it wasn't just one wing, but four, for a total of two pairs of wings attached to his upper and lower backs.

Dane looked at this with a horrified expression, as he thought to himself.

"W-what... heheh... am I still dreaming?" Yes, this still has to be a dream, right?...

Dane questioned himself, but, in this situation, no one responded in any manner. He realized this wasn't a dream, but he didn't want to accept the absurdity of the situation at first glance.

However, he couldn't just sit there and consider the problem indefinitely; this much was evident and obvious; at the same time, he felt even calmer than before, almost as if the sense of terror didn't exist.

He expanded his wings as he bent them lower than usual; the wings were like normal limbs, and as such, he could move them as if they were hands or fingers. If you asked Dane, that would be rather outstanding. But when he reaches out his hand to touch them, he instantly defines the feeling of touch. Given that something so supernatural was happening in front of him, this rapid turn of events astonished him tremendously.

'There's no way... is this really happening?'

Dane examines himself in his brain, trying to come up with a scientific explanation for what is happening in front of him. There was no way this was conceivable, as it was simply too absurd to believe. However, reality can be pretty disheartening; in fact, this was exactly what he had expected. The dream, the woman's voice telling him about his various abilities, the potential danger of the Fluxes, the so-called Dreamers, and much, much more.

As a result, when he awakens in the physical world with this new shape, the only way to give any of this any feeling of normalcy is to accept the abnormality before him. He was plainly human before falling asleep, and now he was a full-fledged Flux. And, if the knowledge in his head was correct, he was an Incubus with extraordinary abilities. He is a mix of a Shagoth dragon and an Elder Dawn, resulting in the unique and rare race known as the Lovecraftian Incubus.

They are, however, impossible to produce between two such Fluxes. Shagoth dragons are nearly extinct as a result of their people's ancient civilization dying during the Middle Ages. Without a Shagoth dragon, you cannot produce a Lovecraftian Incubus, as an Elder Dawn is a rare Flux that was previously worshiped as a Nightmare God owing to their ability to afflict their victims in horrific dreams.

But, thanks to outside forces, the famous, long-forgotten Flux race has returned to prowl the earth and inflict new havoc. Dane, on the other hand, appeared befuddled by the circumstances; given the facts, it was evident that the dream was real. Dane groaned and answered.

"Well, to think eldritch beings were a real thing."

What's more, he physically shook hands with the devil, and there was no turning back on his irresponsible activities, which resulted in him destroying himself. In this way, he responded to himself.

"First, let's look at what these modifications are. Honestly, it's so weird that I'm not even scared; what the heck did that thing do to me?"

On that comment, Dane rose from his bed and proceeded to his room mirror. And what he saw astounded him. As he stares in the mirror, what he sees is nothing more than a reflected image of the back of the room visible through the mirror reflection, but Dane was not; he didn't have a single reflection, almost as if he weren't even here to begin with.

"Well, that's just creepy as hell; what am I now, some kind of eldritch vampire?" If so, can I even walk in the sunlight? That would be quite troubling."

"... I'm curious if this applies to my cameras as well." Hmmmm, I'll have to put that to the test."

With that stated, Dane opened his camera and tried to look at himself through the phone's front camera, but he could not see himself at all; the way the mirror functioned, it was as if he didn't exist in this world whatsoever. But the most bizarre thing so far is that Dane quickly discovered that his shadows had vanished. Dane suddenly realizes what is happening to his body.

"My My, my reflection has vanished completely from this physical reality; am...am I dead? Hehehehe... Oh yeah, this is actually happening; I'm at a loss for words right now."

If you look at Dane, you will notice several major changes. Originally, Dane had a pretty plain-looking face with long black hair. His complexion was clear, he had large bags under his eyes, and his eyes were vivid green. However, he now looks fairly inhumane, yet still human-like at times. First, Dane had grown to 6'3 in height; his skin was clear, but his green eyes had turned a dark, flaming orange. His body became a little more muscular while remaining slender in a healthy way. His hair became straighter, yet he had keen claws; he had two pairs of demonic dragon-like wings on his upper and lower back, as well as two devil tails. He appears to be more charming, and his presence is more attractive, but in an enticing way. However, on his head were a pair of long black horns curling and rising from his skull.

But, aside from appearances, these adjustments truly changed Dane into a more glorious individual while still retaining enough to recognize him if you look closely enough.

"Wait, I just remember, wasn't there some kind of special book as well?"

Dane said to himself as he began to walk away from the mirror, and when he returned to his bed, there it was. A strange ancient tome, black in hue, with the cover page depicting a bodily nightmare of skin being stitched together and veins and arteries stretching out in various directions as it took the shape of the book, with a pulsating heart emerging at the center of the cover.

Dane moved over to the tome and picked it up, and the moment he did, a horrible sensation crept over him. And the first thing he said, while clutching the enormous tome, was.

"So, this is a Necronomicon?"