
I entered a multi-dimensional war at 13

Shu was an orphan born into a nobles orphanage for training soldiers for mankinds defence against the worlds horrors. Shu was a average boy with a average rune but he was blessed with a otherworldly mind for combat and cultivation. Watch as he takes on earths enemies and finds comfort in what others find hell.

homeless_bruda · Fantasía
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3 Chs

ch 2 new dorms

The next few days shu had excruciating pain on his wrist.

Shu had chips in his teeth from the pain and his whole body shook.

All the orphanage could do was give him a singular pain killer that hardly had any effect.

Shu struggled through the day not getting any sleep.

The next morning he awoke the pain in his arm had settled, he immediately ran towards a office style building and knocked on the door as fast as he could.

The door opened slowly and shu pushed through a gap before it even fully opened.

A receptionist looked at the excited kid and lazily passed him an orange crystal.

Stab it in the rune when you feel it sucking in.

Shu had been given a small dungeon monster core with barely enough energy to awaken a ability.

Shu waited for 3 and a half hours until he felt a sucking force.

Shu hadn't noticed a couple other kids had come into the room to get their crystal as well.

He hesitantly stabbed the monster core into the rune area.

He felt it peirce a film of a sticky consistency and then disappear into nothing-ness.

The death rune soon formed an infinity-symbol with one side full and the other side empty.

A small image of a dagger then formed on a sprouting rune.

"Scout class" Shu shallowly said.

He walked up to the receptionist who took out a scanner and scanned the rune.

"Passive health and stamina regeneration" she said not even glancing at shu.

She printed out a dog tag looking necklace and passed it to shu.

"Go to class 3-b tomorrow" she said.

Shu walked out of the office building and to his dorm.

His roommates or more accurately bedmates looked at Shus rune intriguingly.

Shu ignored the daft idiots and muttered "see you" and shut the door quietly after picking up his notebooks.

Shu then walked to another part of the orphanage where it more or less turned into a slightly larger orphanage with more adults around.

He walked up to one of them and showed him his tag.

"Over there" the instructor said.

Shu looked to the side and saw a row of 70 bunkbeds behind a slightly glazed glass window.

"Im starting to miss those idiots" Shu thought internally as now he had to share a room with over 100 sweaty knights and scouts.