
I Eat Energy To Grow Stronger

The life of humans on earth has always been viewed as boring by Xianth Evander. He wished that his life would be different and more thrilling and fortunately, his wish came true. For a reason unknown to him he suddenly found himself in a completely new different world and the first entity he met was the legendary Golden Lightning Phoenix whose existence brought fear to almost everyone on the Osmeon Continent. This Phoenix was a great help to Xianth from the start and let us watch as our protagonist explore and reach the top of this world by eating all kinds of energy he encounters!

KenceRussel · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

Chapter 19

The gossip from these people gave an answer to one of Xianth's questions. Aside from that ungrateful bastard that he saved from the grey wolves, he had not met any other human inside the forest. He didn't encounter any adventurers and the reason was that the Viscounty prohibited entrance to the forest

After some time, it was finally Xianth's turn and the guard asked him for the entrance fee

"A hundred gold coins to enter" the guard said and Rezen took out a single gold coin from the sack he got from the merchant's guards

When he was stealing the gold coins, he already saw some numbers engraved on them. Not all gold coins are priced the same as they would be too heavy to bring

There were gold coins with the numbers; 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, and lastly 1,000. If Xianth were to guess, the number on the gold coins was their value. As for why the gold coins don't cost the same, he has no idea. This is one of the things he should learn while living with his fellow humans

After handing a gold coin valued at a hundred, Xianth was finally allowed to enter Ilmer City. As he walked, he stared at the architectural style that is not common in his previous world

The architectural style was similar to medieval Europe. The buildings and houses are mostly made from stones and woods

There were also no highways that are present on earth as the roads were only used by pedestrians and carriages

"I should find an inn to stay and have a meal before going to a library and then at night, I should find a pub to listen to the gossips"

The first priority that Xianth have is to learn more about this world, how it works, and the culture that it has. He decided that he would immediately do that after taking care of his accommodation and having a meal

It has been a long time since he last ate human food that is cooked. For two months, he was only able to eat magic crystals, Ischyros' mana, and also the fruits he got from the forest

As Xianth was aimlessly walking around trying to find an inn, a young and dirty kid approached him

This kid's clothes have some holes in them and their color already faded. The kid has dirt on his face and his hair looks really dry and hard as if he didn't wash them for a long time. He was also giving off a not-so-nice scent

"Mister, are you new to the city? I can help you find the things you need for only a hundred gold coins!" The kid offered his help

At this point, Xianth still doesn't know the value of money and if the hundred gold coins are considered as expensive but he just let it go

In any case, he has at least tens of thousands of gold coins that he got from the Guards. If such people that he could defeat could earn such a sum of money, Xianth should also be able to do the same

"Alright, take me to a cheap but not shabby inn first" Rezen accepted the offer and the kid was immediately beaming with a bright smile

"Okay!" He replied cheerily and Rezen was guided to an inn only around 15 minutes walk from the city's entrance

The inn has two floors and from what Xianth could see, the first floor was a large dining area. The second floor might be where the rooms are located

"Mister, this is Mama Mia's Inn. People that are not new to the city know that their rates are cheap but the service is great! It was run by a kind-hearted grandma that helped travelers afford great service at a low cost!" The kid said confidently and Xianth nodded his head

Even from the outside although the inn does not look luxurious it was very decent

"Alright, let's go inside" Xianth said as he still needs this kid to show him where a public library and a pub are

However, the kid shook his head. "Mister, I can't go inside. The customers will not like it. They might even search for me later just to beat me up" the kid said fearfully as if that kind of thing had already happened before

'It seems like this world is pretty brutal' Xianth thought and considering that this is a world where a single entity can obtain enough power to threaten an entire country, it is not surprising at all

"Alright, here's 50 gold coins. Wait for me outside before guiding me to a public library. I'll just book a room and eat, I'll give you the other fifty when we are done" Xianth said and the kid happily took the 50 denomination gold coin and hid it under his clothes

"Okay, Mister! I will wait for you here!" The kid said with a bright smile and Xianth nodded his head before entering the inn

The inn was pretty normal and although it was not completely packed with customers, there were still quite a lot of people inside

Since Xianth wore the same type of clothes as normal people aside from the fact that his was altered crudely to fit him better, his arrival didn't cause any stir

His appearance and clothes enable him to blend with the crowd. The only thing that attracted the attention of the others was his facial features that could be considered as handsome

His face was already that of a handsome young man but his new hair and eye color further elevated his charms. Some girls and even some guys can't help but stare at him a bit longer than usual

However, Xianth ignored them and he went straight to the counter where an old woman could be seen. She has that polite and kind-looking facial features that gave people a better impression as if she was your own grandmother