


A void is black.

Emptiness goes with black.

Black represents emptiness, and lonliness, and damage.

Is black in me?

I feel gray and white, I see gray and white, I live with gray and white

but then what is black?

Is it the night sky kind of black? The black where stars shine and kisses echo and you feel welcome?

Or is it the void black? The black wherein you feel empty and lost. Where you wander, searching for an exit, but the screams suffocate you. Is it your screams? Is it worse than gray? 

I suppose it's a part of gray.

White and black makes gray. 

If white was emptiness then what was black?

Black is a part of gray, therefore it's a part of fear.

Maybe it could be the fear that suffocates?

Or maybe it was just gray?

Maybe you wish so much to see and feel something other than gray and white that you try to push in black.

Desperate to feel something, anything.

Maybe it was happiness.

Is there happiness in fear?

Maybe loss. Maybe pain. Maybe pleasure.

Maybe insanity.

Am I going insane?

All I feel is gray and white. 

There are more colors,

But I don't feel them. 

The gray and white is leaking out, from just feeling them to seeing them. 

Maybe I am insane.

Maybe gray and white equals insanity.

Or maybe everything's just black.