
I don't follow, I lead!

Alpha Hayden is desperate when he asks the alpha of a pack of rogues for help. Not only an alpha of rogues, but also the banished son of the king alpha of the Golden Forest pack. The pack that was once considered to be to most powerful pack out there and that was wiped away by a fire. Now alpha Jake was coming and so were his siblings, the two only known survivors of that fire. It's then when alpha Hayden meets the lone wolf Evelyn. The shewolf that has been living as wolf for almost a decade and who wants nothing to do with him or with pack life. Alpha Hayden feels drawn to her and after a while he starts to believe that he finally have found his destined mate, but that doesn't make things any easier. Neither Evelyn or her wolf Sybil wants a mate, destined or not. It's their chemistry that eventually brings them together and things heat up. Their bond is getting stronger, but Evelyn keeps resisting. When her brother is forced by his siblings to reject his mate, things start to escalate and secrets are being revealed. Alpha Hayden finds out what really happened to the Golden Forest pack and why Evelyn left her brother's pack at sixteen. He also finds out why Evelyn and her brothers have to reject their destined mates, but by then it is too late. Evelyn takes away every memory of her and disappears, but she forgets one thing. The mark that she left on her mate.

A_R_Wanderer · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter 5

-Alpha Hayden's POV

After the necessary introductions I started to explain the situation to alpha Jake and his siblings. That we lost a lot of pack members when the Shadow pack came for us. We survived, but then the rogues and hunters kept coming for us.

They knew that we were vulnerable and then I tell them about what happened with the White Claw pack. That their alpha wanted to go to war with other packs and that he tried to convince us that it was for the greater good.

We all needed new pack members and it would show everyone how we dealt with our enemies. I tell them that my brother was the first who refused, because he didn't wanted to put other packs in the position that we were in. Alpha Samuel, alpha Cameron and alpha Darion agreed with my brother.

Then alpha Drake took over, what was typical for him. His father, alpha Darion, stepped down as alpha only a few weeks ago. It was perfectly understandable that Drake wanted to prove himself as an alpha, but it didn't make it any less annoying.

Alpha Jake seems to notice my irritation, because he starts to ask questions. Bringing back the conversation to me, but also including the other alphas. He is thorough, really wanting to know every detail and I like that.

It makes clear that he takes his task very serious and the others respond to that. Alpha Cameron and alpha Samuel seem much more relaxed now and after two hours have passed, we finally decide that we are ready to take a break.

Sage brings us a tray with food and drink, but then alpha Drake decides that he has to opens his big mouth again. Telling our guests that out of the four territories, his was the largest and that he also belonged to a very important bloodline. Suddenly Emmet tries to hold in a laugh and he looks in the direction of the windows. The shewolf was the only one who didn't sat down. Instead she was leaning against a wall and looking outside while we talked.

I never met a lone wolf before, but I always thought they were like rogues.

I couldn't be more wrong!

The shewolf didn't look bewildered and she didn't had that rotting rogue smell. The strangest thing was actually that I couldn't smell her at all and that didn't made any sense to me.

Every wolf had their own unique scent. That's how we identified each other or how we could sniff out an enemy for miles away.

''Alpha Hayden, do you allow smoking in your pack house?''

I look surprised at Emmet and I nod.

''Outside,'' alpha Jake snaps.

I hear the shewolf growl before she leaves the room and Emmet follows her. I can see them through the window and this time nothing is blocking my view on the shewolf.

Fuck, she was gorgeous!

Tall and athletic build, although she looked very petite standing next to her giant brother. Long golden sand hair that she was putting in a ponytail and bright golden coloured eyes.

Breathtakingly beautiful!

The shewolf lights up a cigarette and she inhales deeply, but she can't enjoy her cigarette for long. Emmet snatches the cigarette out of her hand and it doesn't look like he is going to give it back.

Apparently the shewolf was used to it, because she simply lights up another cigarette.

''Did you catch her scent, Ace?''

''No, her wolf hides it,'' my wolf answers.

''How do you know that?''

''Because that's what her wolf said and then she threatened to snap alpha Drake's neck if he wouldn't shut up.''

I hide my smile by taking a bite out of the sandwiches that Sage prepared.

''So he didn't charm either of them?''

''Don't know about her, but her wolf is really getting annoyed.''

''Alpha Hayden, don't let them eat the cookies!'' Sage mind links me and I can hear the panic in her voice. ''I don't know what happened, but somehow the pups used salt instead of sugar.''

Clairy and Trevor walk into the room, both holding a plate with freshly baked cookies. Brock tries to catch his daughter attention, but she only has eyes for Emmet and the shewolf.

''You are very tall,'' Clairy says while she looks up at Emmet. ''You are an alpha too, right? Do I call you alpha Emmet or just Emmet?''

Clairy doesn't wait for an answer and she looks at the shewolf.

''You are very pretty! What is your name and do you want a cookie? We made them for all of you!''

Trevor looks at the shewolf and he holds up his plate to her.

″That is very nice of the two of you,″ Emmet says with a warm smile. ″Thank you very much!″

No, no, no!

It's too late, the shewolf already grabbed a cookie and takes a big bite out of it.

″Delicious! Thank you, little alpha,″ the shewolf says. ″And thank you, miss Clairy.''

I frown, because I know Sage. She wouldn't have warned us about the cookies if she didn't tasted them herself.

''Do you want another one?'' Clairy asks with a huge smile on her face. ''You can have all of them, because we can always make more!''

The shewolf stuffs the rest of the cookie in her mouth as she grabs another cookie.

″You can call her bottomless pit, because she is always hungry,″ Emmet says with a wink.

″Like you are any better, alpha dumb ass!″ the shewolf snaps back at her brother.

Emmet chuckles and he turns his attention back to the pups.

″Don't listen to this little ray of sunshine and Emmet is just fine, miss Clairy. Also don't tell her that she can have all the cookies. She will eat them all by herself, because she doesn't like to share her food.''

Trevor gave his plate to the shewolf and I notice that halve of the cookies are already gone.

″Thank you for welcoming our guests, Trevor and Clairy. We will continue with our meeting now.″ I say and I nod to Sage.

″That means that we have to go,″ Clairy whispers not so softly and she starts tugging on Trevor's arm.

Trevor lets out a sigh and he looks at the shewolf, before he lets Clairy drag him along.

''Wait, I'm coming with you,'' the shewolf says as she puts the empty plate down.

''Don't they need you here?'' Clairy asks confused.

''They don't need me to drag this meeting on, the newborn alpha has that covered,'' the shewolf says amused while she looks at alpha Drake.

An awkward silence follows and I'm trying really hard to keep a straight face.

''Why do you call alpha Drake a newborn?'' Clairy asks curious. ''He is too old to be a newborn!''

''He is a newborn alpha,'' the shewolf answers. ''Talks a lot, but says very little.''

Clairy looks puzzled and she looks at her dad for help.

''What do you want to do, alpha?'' Brock mind links me.

''We should discuss the final agreement now, but your sister is more then welcome to explore the pack house with the pups, alpha Jake.''

''Sounds like a good idea to me,'' Emmet mumbles.

Alpha Jake gives both of his siblings a stern look, but the nods.

''Great, we can show you everything!'' Clairy cheers. We can show you your room or do you want to see our room first?''

''Clairy, we still have to go over the agreement and after that we would have asked our guests if they would like to stay here of with their pack in the barns,'' Brock grumbles.

''You still have to do that, dad?'' Clairy asks in disbelieve. ''You have been here forever!''

Brock looks like he could die of embarrassment, but I just hold up the other plate to the shewolf. Her eyes lock with mine and I'm lost for words.

She really was breathtakingly beautiful!

All of the sudden one of her eyes turns silver and her wolf is staring me down. It was intimidating as hell, but I'm still not able to look away.

''Evelyn, play nice,'' alpha Jake warns his sister.

The shewolf takes the plate and she leaves the room with the pups, while I pretend to look for the right papers.

Her name is Evelyn.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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