
I Don’t Want To Be the Seventh Hokage

Kakashi: “If Mr. Iluka, me, three generations of Naruto-sama, and Sasuke Uchiha fell into the water at the same time, who would you save?” Naruto glanced at him: “Are you sure you want me to choose?” Kakashi is confident: “Choose, it’s okay.” Naruto thought for a while: “Then I will choose the fifth one. First, drown a three-generation old man and show it to the other three. This is the end of the dishonest play with Lao Tzu, and then give the other three of you a chance to reconsider. .”

Bagus_Fadilah_6065 · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 6:

Tail... the breath of a beast?

   somewhat uncertain.

   Inside him, Yao Gui Niu was a little serious: "Be careful than... Be careful, I feel that the breath of the nine tails is still as strong as ever, and the seal used by the human pillar that carries him... is even more perfect than the iron armor seal we used."

"Nine tails...?" Kirabi raised his head and looked into the distance. He noticed the child ninjas at the extreme edge of the playground: "Our seal technique is already perfect, yeah~ it's better than our iron armor seal. Perfect? ​​Oh?~"

"Yeah." Bawei thought for a while: "If the guess is correct, it should be the gossip seal used by the fourth generation of Hokage personally. At present, only the gossip seal is better than the iron armor seal for the entire Ninja world's sealing technique on the strength of the human column. ."

Kirabi was silent for a moment. He had fought with his brother for the fourth generation of Raiking and Bofeng Shuimen. He knew the strength of the latter. It is not impossible for Bofeng Shuimen to use this perfect sealing technique: " However, that kid~has not mastered the synchronization with Nine Tails~ yeah."

   The eight-tailed ghost cow hesitated: "Anyway...Be careful. Although you don't want to admit it, among all the tail beasts, that pesky fox is indeed the strongest."

   "Master, what's the matter? What are you looking at?"

Just when Kirabi was a little silent, a young man with a lollipop beside him was carrying a long knife and was a little bit shattered: "It's so troublesome, why do you have to fight against other Shinobu students? If I got up, in case I confiscate the knife, the other party avoided again, accidentally chopped a big tree, and the big tree broke again, and the broken tree fell to the ground, just falling on the wood The most fragile boundary of the leaf caused an earthquake. Together with the earthquake, Konoha was implicated. Once it is destroyed..."

   "Shut up, stop dreaming!"

[Chapter 010] Sasuke's shame! (Seeking collection, seeking recommendation ticket)

   "The Ninja School was established by Konoha, the second generation of Hokage, Senju Kuma, whose purpose is to ensure the stability of education and the efficiency of talent training."

   "And after these non-ninjas have passed the basic learning in school, each ninja will be divided into different groups and their own teachers to practice, and accept tasks of different levels suitable for them..."

   Yunyin Village visiting mission listened to the explanation under the leadership of Konoha Ninja, and visited the model academy that was imitated by the major Ninja villages, with their own thoughts in their hearts.

   "The learning in the classroom is mainly for students to understand the history of ninjas, and to teach some basic ninja knowledge, and the college playground you see now is for students to conduct field combat exercises."

"The knowledge learned in class is always to be applied."

   "For example, in this training venue No. 7, the main task is to assess students' shuriken skills."

  Kiraby raised his head and glanced at the training ground surrounded by iron nets. There are several wooden stakes standing in the forefront. There are discs on the wooden stakes, and circles of red (anti-harmony) graphics are engraved on the inside.

   "The open space a little bit outside is for competitions between students."


   Is there a battle?

   When the student with the lollipop heard the word, he became interested and immediately turned his gaze. At this time, students from other classes were actually fighting.

   The two sides fought back and forth. Basically, they were dominated by physiques. In the whole battle, they did not use a ninjutsu. Not to mention how exciting the fight was, but it was also considered to be pretentious.

   "How about it, Omoy, if you play against them, what is your chance of winning?"

   Behind Kiraby, a little ninja with red hair wrapped in a white towel grinned and whispered: "Konoha's ninjas are very gentle, and they don't have any hard work!"

  Omoyi heard the words, holding a lollipop, bowing his head, feeling uninterested: "Don't ask me, I don't want to fight, I just said it, if I can't hold the knife..."

   The red-haired girl with a white turban suddenly had a pound sign on her forehead, and she punched it out: "I told you to stop dreaming! In the afternoon test, if you lose, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

  Kiraby sighed when he saw this.



   The edge of the playground.

  Su Xiangyang looked at their leaving back, couldn't help but stretched his waist and jumped off the swing: "Let's go, it's time for lunch."

  The four-member group of skipping class and Sasuke also felt that they were sitting here with a group of people watching the mission of Yunyin Village, and they didn't think it meant much, so they patted their butts and went to eat separately.

You can't go home during the lunch break at Ninja School. Basically, before coming to the school, the parents at home make the lunch, and the students bring it to the school.

   As for Su Xiangyang...

   I simply took a few octopus **** from the storage space and made do with it for lunch.

   Before the end of the meal, Su Xiangyang and Sasuke saw that Hyuga Ningji rushed to their class and stood in front of them.

   "Stop eating, come with me."

   The spoon in the assistant's assistant paused: "What's the matter?"

Hyuga Ningji didn't explain too much, he said quickly and simply: "Ogiharaichi and Hisato Toshio have been diarrhea since this morning. There should be no way to fight today, so the team teacher asked me to tell you to go to the 9th as soon as possible. A collection of training venues."


   God **** diarrhea!

  Are they here to be funny! Isn't it for glory?

   Su Xiangyang hesitated for a moment, then raised his head faintly: "Is your mouth rented in a hurry?"

   Neji Hyuga: "???"

   "Hyuga Neji looks shocked and wants to reward you with a set of combo punches, the value of gold is +777!"

   Su Xiangyang, regardless of whether he was shocked or not, he quickly filled the last small octopus ball into his mouth, and Sasuke and Sasuke followed Hyuga Neji to the 9th training field.


   At this time, a considerable number of students have gathered on the 9th training venue.

The fact that the students of the Ninja Academy of the Thunder Country Yunyin Village Mission had to fight against the students of the Konoha Ninja Academy had long been publicized, so the students came to the competition venue early in order to get a look. Good location.

   And when Su Xiangyang, Sasuke, and Hyuga Neji arrived at the training ground, Iruka was also relieved.

   Su Xiangyang looked up, Huo, good fellow.

   Three generations of Hokage, Danzo, Xiaochun...

  A crowd of Zhongnin have come to watch the battle!

   As for such an exaggeration?

At this time, the three generations of Naruto and Danzo are communicating with the leader of the Yunyin village mission, Shangren. After all, that Shangren was once the right-hand man of the three generations of Raikage. He is quite famous in the world of ninja, and face is still needed. given.

Kiraby stood with three little ninjas and muttered something quietly.

  Su Xiangyang looked at the three little ninjas, and knew something in his heart. These three...should be opponents to fight for a while, but...why do they look so familiar?




  Aren't these three of Kirabi's apprentices?

   "Are you sure?" Sasuke saw the three people, and his eyes were more serious: "These guys... are different from the others in Konoha Academy."

  Hyuga Neji stood beside him, his eyes also had a solemn expression.

   Su Xiangyang thought for a while, and then he said: "Wait...I'll fight that guy, I'm 100% sure."

   "So confident?" Sasuke was taken aback for a moment: "Let me fight that man, I don't want to fight a woman."

   Su Xiangyang groaned for a while, then turned his head to look at Neji Hyuga: "What about you?"

  Ningji Hyuga doesn't matter: "I will not be merciful regardless of men or women."

Ha ha.

   You deserve to be single.

   Su Xiangyang thought for a while, and quietly said to Sasuke: "Also, I can let you fight that man, but you have to do me a favor, otherwise we'll guess the boxer and decide."


   There is no lock-up opening, no complicated process.

   There are more and more onlookers at the training ground No. 9, and even many parents and villagers have come to watch this exchange game.

   The three generations of Hokage simply said a few words, that is, handing over the venue to both parties.

   After seeing Omoi with a lollipop in his mouth, Sasuke nodded at Iluka and walked up.

   "Wow... It's Sasuke, he's so handsome!"

   "Sasuke, come on, beat Yunyin Village's opponent to the ground!"

   "It's worthy of being Konoha's number one, walking in such a stylish way."

Sasuke's appearance...well, even though he was only seven or eight years old at this time, he already had a large number of fans at Konoha Academy, but it was different from the enthusiasm of the students. When Sasuke appeared on stage, his face... actually had a trace of it. flush?

After seeing Sasuke on the opposite side, Omoi's eyes became a little more serious. He could feel the strength of the opponent, indeed different from other students in the Ninja School, so he slowly pulled out the knife from his back: "Yunyin Village , Omoy!"

   At this time, Sasuke looked ashamed, he almost made enough mental preparations before slowly speaking: "Thank you for sponsoring the competition by Kichiraku Ramen...Ilaku Ramen, your best choice."

   "Three generations of Naruto Sarutobi want to choke Sasuke to death, the value of gold is +694!"

   "Shimura Danzo almost flashed his waist to break the agreement with Itachi, and directly hacked Sasuke to death. The value of gold is +999!"

   "Iruka thinks... the value of gold coins is +777!"

   "Uncle Yile is confused... the value of gold coins is +222!"


   Only when Su Xiangyang's eyes lit up, he sighed slightly: "The voice is too low..."

[Chapter 011]Twice a brace! (Seeking recommendation)

When Sasuke uttered these words, the entire playground... suddenly quiet, whether it was the parents, students, or ninja teacher who came to watch Konoha, they all had a face when they heard this sentence. sluggish.

  一...Yile Ramen...Sponsored this exchange contest?

   After a while, many girls felt their hearts in the entire playground... as if they were broken. They coincidentally looked at the blushing Sasuke in the middle of the field. For a long time... they couldn't say a word.

   "Haruno Sakura has a dazed face, feeling that there is nowhere to put her heart, the value of gold is +666!"

   "Ino doubts whether he has hallucinations, the value of gold is +777!"

   "Yugasa Yuko feels heartbroken, the value of gold is +694!"


Not to mention the sluggish reactions of these students and parents, even the uncle Yile who came to watch the game couldn't help but feel curious and touched his head: "This...Is this... advertising yourself? "

   The messenger from Yunyin Village was even longer...I didn't know how to answer the call.

Tutai (three generations of Raikage's right-hand man) as the leader, hesitated for a while, turned his head and smiled awkwardly: "Ha...Haha...Is this the orphan of the Uchiha clan... Konoha's future ninja... indeed? It's... um... it's unique."

   The three generations of Hokage, Danzo, and Xiaochun collectively lowered their heads and couldn't help covering their faces.

   What a shame!

Others will not say it. The three generations of Hokage are very clear in their hearts. The Uchiha clan's personality is relatively high and cold. Except for the soil of the year, other people...especially the iceberg face like Sasuke, it is absolutely impossible to say The only one who can say this is...

   Thinking of this, the third generation of Hokage silently glared at the Uzumaki Naruto in the waiting area, and the warning in his eyes was self-evident.

   If you lose the exchange game for a while, hehehehe.

   At this time, Sasuke and Omoy on the field have started to fight.

These two can be regarded as genius ninjas. After all, one is the only surviving person of the Uchiha clan, and the other is a ninja who can be regarded as an apprentice by Rabbi the eight-tailed man, and his mind is extremely flexible, although the two people are fighting. It's nothing in the eyes of many ninjas, but the fight is also extremely exciting, far surpassing the level of peers.

   "As expected, Sasuke, Sasuke-kun, come on! Take down your opponent severely!"

   "Sasuke-kun, come on!"

   "Let him know how good our Konoha Ninja is!"

   "Sasuke, Sasuke, the most handsome! Sasuke, Sasuke, first!"

   Come on, there are even support groups!

  Su Xiangyang turned his head and glanced at the girls who were shouting because of their appearance. He turned his head helplessly and took a serious look at Sasuke who easily avoided Omoi's attack. He couldn't help but start thinking.

   This ability... is outstanding!

   Whether it is speed, attack, or the angle of swinging the knife, it can be said to be impeccable. Every attack is focused on the most critical place.

Hyuga Neji stood beside him with a slight dignity in his eyes. He glanced at the other two little girls waiting to play not far away, turned his head and asked: "Those two girls are his teammates, this The youth is very strong, which shows that the strength of the two people will not be much worse."

   Su Xiangyang heard the words and turned around: "What about then?"

   Neji Hyuga frowned and asked the doubts in his mind: "To be honest, I don't think I'm really confident that I can win 100%. You crane tail... why are you so confident?"