

*(Part 3 now available)*


A voice came unexpectedly towards me from the thin and calm air, i was long still lost in confusion and thought even more scared, i just stood still like a statue that doesn't breath or has life again. The voice rang into my hear and before i could answer? A hand touches my shoulder, this made me much more scared, all I just wished during this period was for the earth should open and consume me in time but immediately, i lifted up my face, i quickly look at who touches me from behind on my shoulder.

It was indeed my friend Alexander, my mind quickly got shocked and calm the same time before i knew i was in thought a long while; immediately, I decided to take a move when alex ask me what i was thinking about. He knew I was thinking about the old man I helped recently, in which we were looking in search for but couldn't see any prove of him, but then he calm me before facing my other friends, told them not to tell anyone about this secret but must be between us. we all look at our selves in companion before they all agreed to it. before he look back to me to bring back my attention ; james, saying don't worry, that old man can't harm you and with all you've helped him and I think you should put your mind at rest.

Alex looked at his wrist watch for time, its 7:54, immediately he look into our face and said guys we are go never to get late to school, we all need to hurry. Immediately we are all move in hurry, never spoke to each other but keep a silent identity never to get late to school, i forget about what happened a while ago just with the assurance of what my friend Alex said. we all got to school late as not expected, we were all punish according to the law in our high school, I went to St. james vincent high school huio, crown rest. i was in my classroom when they rang the bell for notice and urgent information, we all went to the hall for the information, in our high school and the student presents at the hall, in my calculations, they are more than 4,000,my school has the largest number of students in our country.

The principal of our school was already there waiting, he was sitting on a large chair just like a C.E.O, immediately we are all arrangements accounding to our levels, then he rose up to the alter, he greeted us all...*Good day my fellow students, I hereby stand before you all for a quick and urgent information. As we all know, our former seniors are now graduated from high school and are now processing their admission int to the higher institution of their choices but as of now we have to Elect a new prefect in help to school and the teachers as well.

So we needed them on time,Now I will begin by calling them according to their name I wrote down on my list.!!!!!*

He started calling names, every one starts gisting themselfs but the principal didn't call on me, but unfortunately i heard my name which surprised me, he looked unto my face.

He was looking at me face to face interaction not getting his eyes away from me until he spoke and said to the crowd*"YOU ARE POSITIONED AS THE HEAD BOY* i felt shy, amazed, my mouth was opened in shocked, many students of my school shouted for joy immediately they heard my name, someone beside me spoke, I knew it will be high then he congratulations me,I was surprised by the certain change for someone to congratulate me. i quickly come back to life, I join my friends, we were all give the authority under the school,, immediately we both went back to our various departments.

Time ticks, they rang the bell, everyone went to their various home on time!. i got home early today just on what happened some hours ago but It only my mom i met at home, my dad hasn't come back from

work, my dad had a workshop he did his handwork, he print books. i greeted my mom, my mom replied back to me; saying how was school today??!! i replied and said? School was okay.

immediately i went to my room, have a shower first before takin my assignment, focus and get it done before i look back into my bag, take some of my book and handout to read. i did that for hours before i heeded out to the kitchen for helping my mom as the only child. not long my dad arrived back from work, i immediately went on and greeted him.

my dad welcome me back calmly teasing me in a cool and funny way. i went back to the kitchen to help my mother, we both arrange the food on the dinning table for eating dinner. we all ate in unison, chatted in a family way, then bind ourselves Goodnight?!!! Before we all went to our various room to sleep.


Not long after i entered my room. i slept off!!

i saw my self in an ancient hall very beautiful, it looks to me like a house made of both crystal and diamonds in combination, shinning and glowing very into my eyes, but i look around but couldn't see anything but barrenness.

i looked at myself shocked. Still thinking about what brought me here, then i decided to find a way out but as I was going, i was looking around in wonder at the whole structure wondering what type of architecture is this building or who is the architecture that draw a very beautiful gaint design and structure. I looked around and kept going until finally i met alot of people bowing and singing, I immediately look at the steps, from what i could inspect, those steps are more than a thousand miles to the throne, I immediately looked up to the throne in hesitation to see what is up there.

It was the same man i saw a day before asking water from me, i was shocked with what the man was doing there, i looks at the man once again if may I was dreaming but he was indeed true he was the one. but reason what i could figure out was that he was old as usual wearing an ancient golden and elegant cloth, he was extremely beautiful but i couldn't know how to describe his beauty, his eyes was shinning like a crystal and was very cold and cool, his hair was white and beautiful and his chair was very beautiful; highly in mighty , in battle. all i could sense to my self was that this chair he Sat on was much more different from all the world expensive jewelries and resources and the most word richest queen and kings. The man then lifted his face unto me like he has been expecting me, finally he spoke to me....., saying!???!? *WELCOME BOY, HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU*



*Hey guys I just decided to stop here...am more inspirational writing this to you guy's because it moves me also...we are heading forward for the next, am still *"ÇLÀSSÎÇ"* *you best no 1 fans....much love for you guys*

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