
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantasía
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70 Chs


In the middle of the night, thick fog rose from the street.

Dense fog covered the entire street, and it was wet everywhere.

A figure lightly jumped over the fence and came into the yard.

   "Stop your footsteps." A voice came from the next door, calling to stop the figure from jumping over the wall.

The figure who climbed over the wall and entered the courtyard stopped.

The dense fog dissipated beside him, and the figure in the yard revealed his true body, his slender arms almost reaching his knees, his blue face stiff and cold, and Dybala stood with his head tilted and looked at him from the balcony on the second floor next to him. That monster who is as inhuman as himself

The orange-yellow pupils were full of murderous intent, and the strong body covered with scales looked down on him.

Dybala couldn't help making a strange smile. "I remember you, and you were among the people who came that day." "It seems that I didn't find the wrong place."

"Do you dare to be so arrogant when you are injured?" Lauren stared at a very conspicuous sword wound on Dybala's right chest.

This sword wound almost runs through the entire chest, and the wound is turned outward, exposing the pink flesh inside.

"Oh, this wound reminded me of the day the guy with the sword almost cut me in half with a sword."I came here with sincerity, and you don't want to let other people secretly release me. "People know," Dybala said.

"You're threatening me." Lauren clenched her fists.

He wants to keep the peace of the night for the master and not let other people disturb him.

Dybala smiled sinisterly, "Because time is a bit tight, so I took the liberty."

"It seems that I came at an inappropriate time today, but it doesn't matter; your boss will definitely make a different decision from you, and I will come to you at this time tomorrow." Dybala turned and left after speaking.

"Wait, you haven't said what it is." Lauren felt like this guy was a deranged lunatic.

   "Didn't I say it?" Dybala scratched his head with a confused face.

"Okay, then I repeat, although your master slipped away very early, those people still guessed correctly that I would have a helper, and they even asked who my helper is." Oh, but don't worry, I am very trustworthy. "I didn't say anything; I said I ran out secretly by myself."

Dybala tilted his head and said, "Well, if they find out by themselves, then it has nothing to do with me." So I'm here to ask you if you want to kill them together, when all the wealth of our family, including the one related to the sea, is all yours. Are you excited?

Is this insane person making such a loud noise in the middle of the night because he is afraid that other people will not hear him?

   Lauren frowned.

But the strange thing is that even though this lunatic's voice is so loud, the other residents around are not woken up.

Dybala disappeared into the mist after speaking.

"Did he really say that?" In the early morning, Lynn pushed open the window and saw Lauren's reminder, a small blue flag hanging by the window, so he went to Lauren's house after breakfast and learned what happened last night.

"That's right, he sneaked into your master's yard in the middle of the night last night, but I chased him away!" Lauren said.

Lin En frowned, and Dybala found himself with a hint of threat in his words.

It is said that it is an inheritance related to the Sea God, but Lynn is not too cold.

Ordinary gold, silver, and jewelry are of no use no matter how many there are, as long as there is enough of this thing.

Lin En finally understood why the second wizard of the Alchemy Laboratory inheritor cast so much gold into a door and left it there.

Compared with other metals that cannot be compatible with magic, gold is a semi-magic metal.

As a result, many magicians or wizards use gold to create magic or witchcraft items.

Compared with those precious and powerful magic metals, the value of gold is not high.

As for the inheritance related to Poseidon mentioned by Dybala, Lynn couldn't help but think of the scene when he first met Dybala.

Trapped at the bottom of the water by several thick chains, it just crawled out of the water like a water ghost; its appearance is not good enough, and it can be equated with ugly.

Lin En doesn't care much about appearances. If Lin En is asked to choose between extremely powerful strength and appearance, Lynn will definitely choose the former.

But it also needs to be strong enough to make him ignore such small problems, but Dybala's strength is not strong enough to make Lynn's heart beat.

Even such a few chains can be bound, and the ability is probably nothing special.

   Thinking of being threatened by Dybala, Lynn's eyes were slightly cold, and he must deal with it cleanly next time.

Although he won't admit it, there are some things that don't need evidence; just suspicion is enough.

If that guy confessed himself before he died, it would be troublesome, and it would break his peaceful life.

Lin En felt that he should have a good talk with Dybala; he was not interested in the so-called inheritance of the Sea God.

Lynn has no respect for God as a result of her exposure to wizard books and past life memories.

In his view, the so-called gods are nothing more than some powerful life forms.

If you have enough strength, it is not too difficult to play a guest role as a god.

Compared to the inheritance of gods, it is the opportunity to catch a few gods that makes Lin En excited.

And an ancestry that must constantly eat people in order to survive?

"Let's talk about it tonight." Lynn said.

Lynn did not affect his rhythm because of Dybala.

Because of the successful construction of the Sleeping Curse skill framework, Lynn now has a lot of free time every day.

These are the times when Lynn will watch alchemy books.

There is a time limit for meditation, and the one-time meditation time cannot be too long.

If the brain is compared to a precision instrument, meditation is a high-level operation, and the brain is easy to hurt if it is operated under high load for a long time.

So meditation needs to control time; 4-6 hours a day is the best meditation time.

Back in the room, Lynn picked up the young gray rabbit that Borg bought for him from the market.

looking at the little rabbit jumping back and forth in the cage.

Lin En pinched the rabbit's mouth and poured the body-activating potion prepared yesterday into the rabbit's mouth to drink it up.

Letting go of his hand, the rabbit shook his head, jumped twice, and shrank to the corner with his back facing Lynn.

Physically active agents have two effects: one is to increase activity and strengthen the effect of exercise.

The other is to induce mutations in the body.

This variation is random.

And it works better on young individuals and has a lower chance of inducing mutations in adult individuals.

This rabbit is still underage, and Lynn is also using it to test the effect of the potion.

Although the materials used in the body active potion are not particularly rare, it is, in essence, a wizard potion; it belongs to magic potion!

Put the rabbit in a cage, and then put the cage into the alchemy laboratory space.

Then Lynn started today's meditation and brushing of daily tasks.

At night, Lynn stood in Lauren's yard, looking at the thick fog gradually rising around him, and heard from Lauren that the thick fog suddenly rose like this yesterday, and the thick fog came too suddenly. At the end of the street, Dybala's tall The figure arrived through the fog as expected.

Lauren, who was standing behind Lynn, looked at Dybala's chest calmly. Compared with last night's wound, today's wound has shrunk and healed a lot. This guy's recovery ability is not weak.

"Relax, buddy, I'm here to seek cooperation." Dybala walked outside the small courtyard and said to Lynn in the yard with a smile, but his face was so ferocious that his smile was a little frightening.

Lyn narrowed his eyes and asked Lauren to open the yard latch to let Dybala in.

"It looks like you've been injured quite a bit." Lynn looked at Dybala's wound pointedly.

Dybala touched the sword wound on his body and said, with some nostalgia, "I was careless." "I wanted to avenge the entire family after killing the liar, but I didn't expect to see two foreign aids on the scene, a magician and a magician."a knight with superb sword skills. "The knight cut my chest with a sword, and I also blinded his eye."

Dybala said, "Now I just want to take revenge on those liars who lied to me." They promised to support my wife Malacia and my son if I accepted the family inheritance, but they lied to me and more."My lover even died three years ago because he had no money for medical treatment."

"That's a shame," Lynn said.

Dybala said: "It doesn't matter; I will take revenge anyway."

"Aren't you inviting me in?" Dybala asked.

Lynn turned sideways and signaled for Dybala to enter Lauren's house.

Not afraid of traps, Dybala went straight into the house and sat down, saying, "The ancestor of my family was just a sailor who picked up a statue in a fishing boat." He dreamed and dreamed in his sleep that night."Seeing the statue, the statue gave him strength, and since then his fame has grown and he has become a well-known sailor, and later he formed his own fishing fleet."

"It sounds good, but when I saw you, you were locked in the water." Your inheritance should have a lot of drawbacks. "I'm not interested in becoming a cannibal lunatic." Lynn said.

"In fact, at the beginning, this inheritance did not have these disadvantages, but as the inheritance passed down from generation to generation, the characters of the people who got it became more and more extreme, and they even lost their sanity and attacked the living." At the beginning, only the most wise patriarchs could inherit the inheritance. "It has become something that even dogs dislike, but they still have to hold the power of inheritance in the hands of the immediate clan." Dybala sneered.

"It's really ridiculous." "While fearing it, I can't bear its power."

Lynn tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa; he didn't know how to answer.

However, it has been human nature to pursue strength since ancient times.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be an apprentice wizard." Dybala spoke up unexpectedly.

Lin En's spit that fell on the leather suddenly paused, and the air seemed to freeze. Seeing this, Dybala said, "It's not a secret; it's just a wizard apprentice." In fact, many noble families have left inheritances, but to become a wizard, I need talent; I'm really envious. I don't have the talent of a wizard apprentice; otherwise, I would have been taken away ten years ago, and I wouldn't have been selected to receive this cursed inheritance.

You should be planning to board that ship in five months. "I don't know which family you belong to; maybe we are still related by blood." Dybala asked tentatively.