
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantasía
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70 Chs


"Sorry, I'm doing it in self-defense." Lynn said it fluently, but there was no embarrassment on his face.

When these noble wizard apprentices surrounded him and wanted to plunder from him the possible benefits of Harlem wizards,

Needless to say, the end of these noble wizard apprentices is near.

It's his goal anyway: to die early and be reborn early, and to reincarnate two seconds faster than others.

And Lynn doesn't really care about the so-called good and evil. After experiencing this journey, Lynn's boundary line between justice and evil has gradually become blurred.

Perhaps the so-called fairness and justice are just the movements of the victors.

This place is not far from the official wizarding place on the back street. They didn't come out at first, and they haven't come out now, which means that they are either too lazy to take care of this kind of thing or that there are certain rules that prevent them from doing so.

However, the movement here did not attract the formal wizards in the building but attracted many apprentice wizards to come after hearing the news.

The screams here and there and the passionate massacre scene attracted many wizard apprentices, who exclaimed from time to time.

But they didn't know what happened; they only dared to watch from a distance and didn't rashly intervene.

Lynn was branded cruel in their minds.

A few of them were shocked, and they looked at this scene in disbelief.

"That headless corpse seems a little familiar."

"What is familiar? That is Hans." Someone recognized the identity of the corpse.

"Why did they fight Lynn?"

"I should know the reason. Hans invited many people to plunder Lynn's things, but I refused because I wasn't interested." Antina's blue eyes looked at Lynn curiously.

She had actually met Lynn once, but she didn't remember until Uncle Demps told her about it on the boat.

In that tavern, Lynn was sitting on the table diagonally opposite her, but at that time she thought she was just an ordinary person, so she didn't care. It's interesting to think about it now, to be able to pass by an apprentice wizard in that environment.

Dempsey stood behind Antina, looking at Lynn in the distance with complicated eyes, who looked like a **** of death harvesting the lives of those noble wizard apprentices.

He knows many noble wizard apprentices among them. As one of the three major knights of the Duke of Rhododendron, although he is a servant of the Rhododendron family, he has a high status. He has followed the Duke of Rhododendron since he was a child, and some small nobles are also polite to him. gas.

He has seen many of those noble wizard apprentices. During the few months in Bangor Port, many noble wizard apprentices came to visit the lady. Because they are wizards, even if they are just apprentices, their words are full of pride.

Although Dempsey didn't know much about the world of wizards, he still came to understand one truth over the years: pride is his own enemy.

as expected. After all, these noble wizard apprentices paid the price for their pride.

"This shortsighted idiot." Anusheh looked ugly and clenched his fists.

In fact, Hans had mentioned to him long ago that he wanted to seize Lynn's wealth and knowledge, but he was severely rejected by him at the time because he felt that it was useless to offend a potential wizard apprentice just for such a small profit.

It's better to make friends with Lynn, and you can get more benefits in the future.

As a member of the royal family with wizard talent, he has received the best education in the kingdom since he was a child. From the very beginning, he was destined to board this ship and come to this world, which is completely different from the kingdom. To ask and train him according to the standards of a real wizard.

If Lynn can be lucky enough to become an official wizard, maybe he will ask the royal family to grant Lynn's descendants a noble title to gain Lynn's friendship.

As far as Anushaikh knows, the Duke of the Golden Lion in the kingdom obtained his title in this way. The Duke of the Golden Lion was not a nobleman at the beginning of the founding of the kingdom, and he did not even make great achievements. Therefore, the Duke of the Golden Lion in the Kingdom Chronicle There are very few records.

But whoever made the Golden Lion Duke family produce an amazing genius, that is a real big shot.

So a large piece of fiefdom in the west of the kingdom was given to the descendant of that genius. It is said that it was to win him over.

This Lynn must be able to gain the appreciation of the Harlem wizards and become their assistant. He must be superior and have more potential than ordinary wizard apprentices.

Although many people boarded the ship, Anoushe knew that most of the wizard apprentices here would only be wizard apprentices for the rest of their lives.

They will never have the chance to become real wizards, and the fate of most of them is nothing more than working hard to become real wizards.

Anushaikh knows what attitude to make friends with and which people are simply using relationships.

But all of this was ruined by the idiot Hans.

Anusheh looked at Hans' body coldly and then shifted his gaze to the other noble wizard apprentices of the Kingdom of Erdolu who were being slaughtered.

He knew that he had to stand up. A loose alliance had already been formed between the noble wizard apprentices and noble wizards from the Kingdom of Erdoru.

His identity determines that he must maintain this group; otherwise, he will sit back and watch the fresh blood of this group be massacred wantonly by an outsider. Geniuses who have the opportunity to become wizards in the future should not hesitate.

Anusheh took out a pine wood and gold-thread-rimmed staff from his arms, raised the staff, and pointed it at Lin En, who was not far away.

He decided to calm down both parties and then resolve the matter slowly if it really couldn't be resolved. There was a cold light in Anusheh's eyes.

Lin En's body tensed up; sensing danger somewhere, he turned his head and found Anusheh, who was pointing his staff at him in the crowd.

Looking at the gray-white mist condensed on the front of Anusheh's staff, Lynn recognized that this spell was the sleeping spell of the zero-ring spell.

   "Sleeping Curse."

Lin En also knows the sleeping spell, but he is not sure if his wizard robe can resist it; the elemental spell of the evocation system can, but the sleeping spell does not seem to have direct attack power, in case It would be troublesome if the wizard's robe convulsions did not have a protective effect.

However, the Sleeping Curse is not without its weaknesses; that is, this spell, like the lesser fireball spell, is a ballistic directional spell, and the trajectory of the spell cannot be changed after it is released.

Theoretically, as long as the speed is high enough, it can be avoided.

Lin En focused on the sleeping curse, and at the moment the other party released the sleeping curse, Lin En kicked his legs like a sensitive leopard.

The next moment, Lynn's body sensitively rolled to the side.

Grey-white mist passed him by, sinking straight into the soil.

At this moment, Lynn's physical fitness shocked many noble wizards who were watching. Even the extraordinary knight's physical fitness may not be more than that.

"Strong physical fitness." Dempsey, wearing a blindfold, spoke solemnly with his only eye.

This kind of physical fitness has surpassed that of most of the knights he knows.

Anusheh saw that Lin En avoided his spell, and his face was also a little surprised.

However, his knowledge is not comparable to that of ordinary noble wizard apprentices, and he quickly calmed down.

This Lynn really hides enough; wizards seldom have shortcomings, especially the more powerful wizards, but in the stage of wizard apprenticeship, most apprentices mainly improve their mental power and spells, not really their physical fitness, mainly because their lifespan and energy are limited.

will not consider these until becoming a full-fledged wizard has a longer lifespan.

Seeing that Lynn's physique was no less than that of a knight, Anushaikh, who had failed in the sneak attack, persuaded him: "Linen, it's their fault for this matter, but it's enough for you to kill Hans; he has already paid for his life." For the price, I hope you can stop your subordinates; some of their elders have become official wizards, and you don't want to be targeted by official wizards."

The last sentence carries a faint threat.

Lin En raised his left hand, and the blood-soaked iron earth suddenly stopped. He stood on the spot with his lower body propped up, his body erected high, his chrysanthemum-shaped mouthparts opened, and the sharp sawtooth inside breathed out heat.

Lynn knew that the deal Angelet gave him was not that simple.

But Lynn had already anticipated this possibility before doing it.

   With so many ancestors boarding this ship before these noble wizard apprentices, it is impossible for all of them to be trapped at the level of wizard apprentices. There will always be a few lucky or talented people who will become official wizards.

By the way, the standard for becoming an official wizard seems to be

Lynn recalled asking the wizards of Harlem a month ago.

He remembered that Harlem's answer was 100 points of standard spiritual power. Through the formal wizard's sublimation ceremony, he could transform a talent spell, have a wizard tower of his own, and have a small army of followersalent spell, have a wizard tower of his own, and have a small army of followers. The minimum standard for an army is to have With a reasonable combination and number of occupations, it has the ability to conquer a small kingdom by itself. This is the standard for a true official wizard.

It is precisely so many cumbersome requirements that make many third-level wizard apprentices waste their lives at this level.

I actually just want to do my daily tasks in peace. Lin En thought silently in his heart and immediately swung his left hand heavily, and Tie Hu turned into a killing machine again.

But my deal is not over yet. If I miss the chance to slaughter so many of you at once, I will really lose sleep at night. Lynn's eyes are full of steaming, murderous intent.

This is the second chapter of yesterday. I have been conceiving the setting and plot behind it, and it took me all night to get it right.