
I 78 I

Gabriel's POV   (Whoa, there's a new one) 

'I'm so sorry my love,' I bow my head down, staring at Emilie's coffine. Her hair coils perfectly around her shoulder, the expression of peace painted across her delicate features. So beautiful. Yet so still. So still. 'I've tried everything. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, but I don't know how to move forward.' 

I sigh loudly, resting my hands lightly on the clear glass. The walls around me seemingly grow closer, trying to crush me beneath their steel. 'I cannot bring you back. There is nothing left that I can try.' 

My phone begins to ring in my pocket, and I take it out. Nathalie. 

'Sir?' Her familiar clear voice asks once I answer the call. 'Are you alright? You've been down there for a long time.' 

I hesitate for a few seconds. 'No. Our next plan to defeat Ladybug and Cat Noir is over. There is nothing we haven't yet tried. Nothing has worked. Akumatizing the same people over and over is not the way to go about it.' 

Nathalie's steady breathing sounds through the phone for a few seconds before she replies. 'I have something we could try.' 

'Oh?' I begin to walk across the long hallway. 'Tell me more.' 

'It's Ryuko. I think we can use her.' Nathalie's hesitation makes me furrow an eyebrow. 

'Use her? What do you mean by that?' 

'A couple of weeks, or perhaps it was months, I cannot remember...' She trails off again. 'Anyways I caught Y/n-' 

'Is that the sister of Marinette?' I interrupt. 'The baker's daughter who competed in the hat designing competition.' 

'The one and only.' Nathalie responds dryly. 'I caught Y/n with your son, Adrien together.' 

'Together,' My brow furrows further. 'Exactly what were they doing?' 

Nathalie lets out a tiny cough and she clears her throat. 'I believe they were having sex.' 

I stop speaking for what seems like years. 'Are you still there, sir?' 

'Give me a second.' 

I remove my glasses, shaking my head and ascending into my study. Hanging up the phone, I emerge into the usual room, spotting Nathalie waiting for me across the expansive space. 

'Hello Sir,' Nathalie dips her head as I take the seat across from her. 

'As you were saying...' I say darkly. 'Adrien and this girl..' 

'Right,' Nathalie blushes slightly. 'I have reason to think that Y/n is Ryuko.' 

'Really?' My interest peaks and I cross my legs. 'What reasons do you have for this?' 

Nathalie pulls out her phone and clicks on a link. 

'During this interview with Nadja Chamack, Miss Y/n has a very unique way of responding to awkward situations. She taps her fingers on the surface in front of her, while avoiding eye contact with those around her. She did this as Ryuko during the interview, and she did it when I caught her and Adrien together.' Nathalie presses play on the video and I watch intently for this behavior. 

I nod slowly. 'I didn't see what you did with Adrien and Y/n but I believe you. I trust you judgement.' 

'Thank you Sir,' Nathalie smiles grimly. 'This is most significant.' 

'And why is that?' 

'I also have reason to believe that Adrien is Cat Noir.' 

I inhale deeply. 'And why is that.' 

'Just watch how the two interact,' She presses play on the video again, and I study the two carefully. They do in fact, tend to gravitate towards each other, responding as if they were the only two in the room. 'It's just like how Y/n and Adrien were interacting.' 

Regrettably, I have to agree with this statement. 'How do we go about the next plan?' I say after a while. 

'I have a few ideas.'  
