
I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Synopsis: Reborn in Holy Spirit Village, nicknamed Ah Man, whose 18 generations of ancestors were born only with zero-Level innate spirit power, awakened green hatchet with Level 3 spirit power. No spirit ring or no spirit bone skills, fights rely on cutting everything flat, if you feel uncomfortable, come and cut me. Also known as "Born as a commoner, the daughter of a rich family fell in love with me" "This man obviously has no spirit skills, why is he so fierce?" PS1: Entering the Spirit Hall, won’t follow Tang San, won't worship the master, and bring his wifu to build his own academy. So If you love Tang San you won't like it. PS2: His advantage or cheat is soul power and Dark Arts of Dark Ones from another world (Feng Shen Ji Manhua), power of Dark Ones complements well as a not-too-powerful cheat (no instant Op, need some growth). PS3: There's no need to read that Manhua, I will add an Auxiliary chapter to introduce the skills and other bits for both your and my convenience; Author will also introduce the cheat skill in chapter 5 and 6. === Author: Stir-Fried Qitian Pepper === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.com/txt/44424.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Derivados de obras
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355 Chs

Chapter 288 Sacrifice

"Young friend Lin, you're here." The Blue Silver King, who had long since sensed Lin Manshan's arrival, was the first to condense a spiritual body to greet him. On the other side, the Blue Silver Emperor's spiritual body also slowly condensed, however, her demeanour was slightly dull, and her mental state obviously didn't look too good.

"Greetings two seniors." Lin Manshan responded with a smile, pulling Ye Lingling closer.

Glancing at Ye Lingling, the Blue Silver King let out an exclamation, "Your wife is truly gifted, to be able to break through level 70 in such a short period of time."

"Just a matter of luck." At the side, Ye Lingling humbly curtsied.

The Blue Silver King nodded, then with a slightly complicated expression, he looked at the Blue Silver Emperor, who fixed her gaze on Lin Manshan, speaking in a clear voice, "This time, it's better to let me do it. When a spirit master breaks through the Spirit Saint, the martial soul will have a qualitative change. Although no matter what spirit ring one acquires, there is only one spirit skill, the Martial Soul True Body. However, the different choices of spirit rings will still bring about a great difference."

"The martial soul attributes found inside Lingling are compatible with my clan already, and my bloodline belongs to the Imperial Clan. Therefore, if your wife can accept my sacrifice for the seventh spirit ring, my Blue Silver Emperor bloodline will complement her martial soul to a certain extent, allowing your wife's martial soul to be accompanied by certain bloodline talents possessed by Blue Silver Emperors, which will definitely be beneficial to the development of your wife's martial soul in the future."

There is such a good thing? Lin Manshan immediately arched his hand, "Then I will thank Senior Blue Silver Emperor."

"Thank you, Senior Blue Silver Emperor." Ye Lingling hurriedly bowed her head in gratitude.

The Blue Silver Emperor shook her head slightly, "As long as you can treat my clan well, everything I've done is worth it." Saying that her gaze rested on Ye Lingling, "However, relying on the supply of life energy to forcibly raise my cultivation to 100,000 years, without the gradual process in between, there would be no time to re-condense the soul core, therefore, this sacrifice will not produce a spirit bone. However, I can sense that the leg bone that I dropped back then has already been absorbed by Lingling, so it will be a lot easier for her to absorb my spirit ring next."

Upon hearing this, Ye Lingling's expression suddenly changed, turning her head and grabbing onto Lin Manshan's arm, her voice tinged with a sobbing tone.

"Manshan, you..."

"Lingling, don't worry, aren't I fine now? Moreover, this is also a good thing for me." Lin Manshan smiled faintly, "That spirit bone of Senior Blue Silver Emperor isn't suitable for me, in fact, I've wanted to replace it for a long time."

"It just so happens that this time when I went out I obtained an extremely high-quality power right leg bone, so I just happened to swap it out, and my battle prowess has been boosted quite a bit as a result."

"." Looking at the two people's loving demeanour, the Blue Silver Emperor's complexion was inexplicably a bit pained.

But soon, she regained her composure and waited for Lin Manshan to turn back to her, then nodded slightly, "Then let's begin."

"Hm." Lin Manshan nodded, took a few steps forward, and mobilized the life energy stored within the soul core to converge along his right arm to his palm, and when he raised his hand, a pillar of glowing green light went straight into the Blue Silver Emperor's body. The Blue Silver Emperor responded by using the Blue Silver Emperor's talent domain to transform the life energy into cultivation, and the energy fluctuation emitted by her body also rose rapidly.

Time passed little by little, until about three hours later, a terrifying aura suddenly rippled, Lin Manshan looked up, there was already a huge tree in front of him that was completely coiled and knotted by the vines, its branches and leaves were lush and stretched out, covering the sky and the sun.

I didn't expect the fragile Blue Silver Grass to be so majestic after advancing to the 100,000-year-old level. Withdrawing his right hand, Lin Manshan couldn't help but sigh inwardly, 'Just this body size, this uncountable number of vines, how the hell could the Clear Sky Hammer touch the porcelain?'

Between his thoughts, the tree's branches and leaves swayed, and its size rapidly shrunk.

After shrinking to a height of two meters, a strong blue-purple light suddenly burst out, and a woman's silhouette can be seen vaguely in which there is a convex and curved back.

Immediately, the light dissipated, and a stunningly beautiful woman in a blue dress revealed herself.

No wonder the Tang brothers will both fall for her, this person is indeed good-looking. Lin Man Shan secretly sized up, and then inwardly sighed, 'Well, the physical body has been reshaped as well, an innocent type of body. This is much stronger than a certain country's surgery in my previous life, it's just amazing.'   

While he thought in this manner, the Blue Silver Emperor approached with elegant steps and slightly bowed her head, "Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Although she would soon make a sacrifice, with Lin Manshan's help in restoring her 100,000 years of cultivation, her bloodline was able to go one step further.

Lin Manshan smiled and waved his hand, "Senior doesn't need to be polite, each takes what we need."

The Blue Silver Emperor nodded and turned her head to look at Ye Lingling at the side, squeezing out a smile on her face, "Then let's begin."

"Good." Lin Manshan didn't delay, turning his head towards Ye Lingling and nodding, then turned around and walked towards the back.

When Lin Manshan walked to the side of the open space and stopped to turn back, the Blue Silver Emperor nodded slightly, then placed her hands in front of her chest. At that moment, a green light filled the air, and a strange flame-like aura began to continuously rise from the surface of her body, and in the next moment, her hands rose abruptly.

"Boom!" A majestic might immediately erupted, and in just the blink of an eye, a pillar of light descended directly above Ye Lingling's head.

At this exact moment, not far away, the Blue Silver King's expression suddenly changed drastically, "My Emperor! What are you doing!?"

The Blue Silver Emperor seemed to have expected this, and her stunning face flashed with pain once, "Ah Lan, those memories are just too painful. Only by doing this can I completely free myself for good. Ah Lan, don't feel sad for me, this is the best destination for me."

Saying that she turned her head to look at Lin Manshan, her face turning serious, "Although the truth is agonizing, I still have to thank you, thank you for letting me see it all clearly. Next, my clan is entrusted to you, I hope you can treat them well."

"Senior, why are you doing this?" Lin Manshan also had a bitter smile on his face, with his ability to perceive souls, he naturally detected that the Blue Silver Emperor's soul was burning, there was no doubt that this was a soul sacrifice, and the Blue Silver Emperor had chosen the most overbearing way of sacrifice.

This was something that he really hadn't expected, either.

The Blue Silver Emperor's face revealed a hint of relief and liberation as she smiled, "Because only in this way can I get rid of that painful memory that is engraved in the depths of my soul. It is also the only way that I can bestow some of my abilities to Lingling."

"This is the last thing I can do for my clan, and it's also considered to be the remuneration for the protection that Mr. Lin will give to my clan next."

"I will." Sacrifices could not be interrupted once they had begun, let alone a sacrifice for his wife. To forcefully interrupt it, hell knows what consequences it would lead to. Thus, in such a situation, Lin Manshan didn't dare to interrupt and could only give his assurance.

"Thank you!" The Blue Silver Emperor, whose figure was becoming illusory, nodded her head sincerely.

Then she turned to look at the Blue Silver King, "Ah Lan, you've worked hard during these years of my absence. You are a qualified king, more suitable than me to lead the Blue Silver clan."

"Please forgive my dereliction of duty as well, from now on, the clan will be in your care."


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