
chapter 6

in the morning we make are way back to the mall wanting to get to the lower floors this time where all the undead is at. "make sure to not be spotted by the undead on the way because that will atrack every undead on those floors." jerry said

"OK guys be quiet" I said we make are way to the first store when john steps on broken glass. We hear the undead as they run towards us I know we won't make it back in time so I suggested to hide in a bathroom we make I go the stores bathroom and when sixia walks in i slam the door shut and lock it from the outside.

"kokoto what the hell are you doing! sixia yelled from behind the door

"making sure you don't die again" I said I run to the front of the door with my katana held high the undead comes running up the stairs and I charge. I fill the flesh of the undead as the sword cuts them in half. I fill the nails of the undead as they claw at my arms and face. I hear the tearing of my cloths and their teeth senk into my chest and arms. I fill the blood flowing down my bodie and the blood of the undead being flung onto me. "die already!" I yelled I'm on the stairs now as one of the undead pushes himself and me off the stairs and into the railing and hear my bones breaking as I fall to the first floor I land on the corpses of the undead and stay there. I no longer can move.

"what the hell? how did he do this?" a voice said

"its kokoto hes like a god" another voice said

"is he alive" voice number one said

"I dont know but he's in bad shape and is probably in pain if he is alive" anouther voice popes up what the hell I thought who are these people and then I remember who they are john, xia,and sixia. I have to tell her how I fill at least once before I pass I have finished my task of saving them, but I can't die yet not like this I have to tell her I have to. I fill the darkness before I see it. Its like a cacoon as it wraps around me. what was I saying before I dont remember and I dont want to it hurts so much I want to die.

"sixia see if you can find something to get him back to the safehouse."john said

"okay" sixia said, that's right I want to tell her how I fill I force the darkness back as I open my eyes to see the roof of the rundown hotel we stayed in the night before

"sixia!" i yelled sixia wakes up from her corner and comes to me with tears in her eyes

"I thought, I thought you were gonna die and we would have to put you down." sixia said

"don't worry I'm fine see" I said sixia looks down at my wounds and slaps my leg

"your not fine you have holes and and a broken bone don't tell me your fine!" sixia yelled thats when I see it I see fear and love in them and that's when I know I should tell her how I fill

"sixia i don't want to see you die because I love you I have every sense you picked up my books when your asshole boyfriend at the time grabed them and threw them at the ground."I said

"kokoto I loved you since you kicked his ass in pe class" sixia said i pull her close to me and kiss her. She tastes of meat and vegetables. Im not gonna complain because I probably taste the same if not worse. Then she puts her hand on my chest and I draw in a hushed breath as I relised that my wounds are wise then they seem.

"it seemes that i have a few broken ribs as well as and arm" I said

"yea that seems about right sense you fell about two stories Im glad you only broke ribs and not your back"sixia said she kisses me one more time and curls up next to me as I drift up to sleep.