
The New Doctor

When I got home, I wasn't so exhausted, so I ate dinner after getting embraced by my boyfriend, and then I did some research about the patient I saw in the hospital

While I was doing my research, I had a cup of coffee next to my laptop. I slowly sipped my coffee bit by bit while I was focused on my laptop.

A while later, Daniel walked to me from behind and kissed my cheeks. I turned and smiled at him.

"You seem to love your computer very much this evening," he said,

I chuckled,

"I'm just doing research, I saw this patient in the hospital today and she looked terrible, so I'm trying to figure out what's wrong with her,"

"How did she look?"

"Terrible," I said and tapped my fingers on the desk.

Daniel sighed,

"Sometimes I thank God for good health, last week I was on my way home and I saw a man in a wheelchair his right leg was fine and his other leg was... I don't know, it was tiny. Then I began to wonder if he was born that way or something happened to him,"

"Well, some people are born with awkward conditions, and honestly I feel sorry for them, especially the ones whose problems have no solution," I said then there was this weird silence in the room.

A while later, Daniel headed to bed,

"I'm going to bed Jas, I'm exhausted," he said and yawned,

"Alright, I'll join you later," I said,

"Good night,"

"Good night," I responded.

I spent a lot of hours doing my research but I couldn't find out the situation of the patient, instead the internet kept telling me things I already knew about.

I opened my eyes and looked around me, then I figured out I slept off while doing my research. I looked at the time on my phone and it was 8:36 AM,

"Shit," I exclaimed and stood up, then I ran to take a quick shower because I was already late, I didn't get the chance to have breakfast even though I was hungry.

After taking a shower, I grabbed my laptop from the table and my phone then I stuffed it inside my bag and ran off while Daniel was still fast asleep.

I got into my car and drove off, and after a while, I arrived at the hospital. When I got to the hospital, I was lucky because Doctor Boniface wasn't in the hospital yet. I got my lab coat and headed to my office, then I dropped my stuff and went to the cafeteria to get breakfast because I was starving.

After breakfast, I was on my way to my office when Doctor Boniface walked into the hospital with a new doctor. They both walked to me,

"Doctor Jasmine, how are you?" he asked,

"I'm fine sir," I responded,

"Good, this is Doctor Marco, he's from Canada and he's one of the best doctors you'll ever work with," he said and winked at Doctor Marco.

"Hi," Doctor Marco said to me and smiled,

"Hello," I replied and waved at him.

"Alright, I'm going to leave you two now, you know the patient's room and I wish you both the best of luck," Doctor Boniface said and walked away leaving us standing in the hallway.

I was a little nervous standing with him because he seemed a little mean, so I couldn't say anything which led to this awkward silence in the hallway.

"So can we go to the patient's room now?" he asked politely,

"Sure," I said and smiled awkwardly as we both made our way to the patient's room.

Upon reaching the patient's room, Doctor Marco gave the patient a concerned glance.

He said, "Bloody hell," and approached her cautiously. With a "Oh my goodness," he spoke.

"I don't even know what to say, doctor, I've been doing my research since last night and I can't even figure out what's wrong with her,"

"It's okay, according to Doctor Boniface she was born this way and wasn't involved in any accident which I highly doubt, she looks like she was assaulted," said Doctor Marco, "I think we should do a scan first, to see how this condition affected her inner body because this looks like assault,"

"No, doctor Boniface said we should do any scan," I said,


"I don't know," I responded. "Let's just get started,"

"Okay," he said.

After Eight hours of working on the patient, I finally left the room and went to sit on the chair in the corridor.

After leaving the room a short while later, Doctor Marco took off his rubber gloves, tossed them in the garbage and washed his hands in a nearby sink. After he finished washing his hands, he came over to sit on the chair next to mine after noticing that I was in the chair near the wall.

With a sigh,

"Honestly when Doctor Boniface told me about this patient, he didn't describe her as bad as that," Marco stated.

"Well, I'd seen her before, so I knew how awful she was,"

"Yeah," Doctor Marco muttered. He continued, "I don't think it's possible to treat her since she was born that way,".

"Me too, in fact, I'm not even hoping we treat her, doctor Boniface just wants money, I heard her relative paid a lot of money to this hospital to treat her,"

Doctor Marco responded, "I'm not surprised," and got to his feet. "Anyways our shift will be over in about an hour, you want to grab dinner while we leave?"

"Uh... Yeah sure, I'm starving," I replied.

When our shift was finally over, I and Doctor Marco headed out, he didn't have a car here in the U.S. because he was from out of town so I drove him to a very nice restaurant nearby.

Since it was our first time meeting, we were at a loss for words as we were eating dinner together.

"So... You live around here?" Marco inquired,

"Uh...yeah, my place is a few minutes drive away from here," I replied.

"Same, my hotel is just down the street, Doctor Boniface insisted I stay in a hotel not far from the hospital so I could get there fast," he said.

"That's great, at least you don't get to spend too much on transport,"

"He answered, "Of course," and used his fork to eat the steak. "Hmm, this is some good meat,"

I laughed. "You know what? This place has fantastic food," I remarked.

He responded, "And really expensive I guess," I laughed after he said this.

"Don't worry I'll handle the bills," I replied.

"What? You can't do that. How can I go out with a beautiful girl and let her handle the bill?"

"Well, you're new in town so I guess this is a way of saying welcome," I said with a smile upon hearing this.

The waiter brought the bill and placed it on the table as soon as I replied. Feeling that he should be the one making the payment, the waiter dropped it near Marco, who picked it up and examined it.

I grinned as he remarked, "You see, even the waiter thinks I should be the one paying." He inquired, "You take credit cards?"

"Yes, sir," he said, and Marco finally handed him his credit card to finish paying for our dinner.