
I cannot be your Midnight Love

Genevieve was just a girl, the daughter of a wonderful woman, the joyous center of a village of people. Then, she wasn't. Mother dead. Village burned. Her alone. Revenge driving her forwards, she fought through everything thrown at her. Then she met a man, rather he found her. He was handsome in a ruggish way, the way old men who cared about their looks were. His wrinkles didn't seem to take from his face, rather they added to his powerful presence. She knew that her life would only become worse. "Why don't you marry me?" the outspoken Duke asked her. "Because I value my sanity, Lucius." She replied as she turned away from him. She felt his arms wrap around her as he breathed in the smell of her hair. A blush rose to her cheeks as his lips touched her neck and his hand dipped lower than it should have. "I value your sanity," his husky voice whispered in her ears, making her hyperaware of the nerves on them, "but I think I need you, so let me take you." Her knees weakened with his breath, letting her lean into his chest as his hands whisked her away and his mouth left heat on her skin.

Coco_Vira · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

December 12, 777, Nozark.

"You found nothing, turn around, please, and leave me be." She begged, her eyes tearing up as she realised her helpless situation. The man she hated most in the world was… related to her? It couldn't be. He couldn't be- but he could. "You want me dead, don't you? I won't bother you, I won't come near you, I don't want any of it. Please, please leave me be." She sobbed as the man engulfed her into a hug and she knew that if she fought it, she would be signing her death certificate.

"Why would I want my own grandchild dead? What happened to your town was a mighty mistake, my child, it was a power struggle that should never have involved you. No matter what you have heard, it was not my doing." She held her breath, knowing he was lying but wondering why. He was the Emperor, he didn't need her. Why was he doing this? "Please come live with us, where you belong. My poor grand-daughter should've been as pale as any noble but from now on you can have every luxury in the world rather than living in this…" he wrinkled his nose at her home. The one she had spent years building, the only place that was her own.

"I am happy here. Please, please let me be." She kept sobbing, frozen and numb. She felt him put pressure on her and squeeze her, a sign to tell her to shut up and she did. She knew that there was no hope for the life she wanted. He led her to a carriage, one hand around her shoulders to keep her from running and she held but a small bag with her belongings, the first ones she had grabbed. She began trembling, shivering with fear. One last time she turned to him, "please?"

He groaned. "Why are you so adamant to stay? I've been searching for you for years, my child, please give us a chance. We're your family, I am your family." He searched for love in her empty eyes but all he saw was fear, anger and sadness. He sighed and pulled her into his arms from the side. "I don't know what you believe you know but I will treat you the way you deserve. I will return to you the life that was stolen and will love you unconditionally, so please stop fighting me. I am your ally, and you need allies." She simply gave up and pulled away from his embrace, leaning against the window and letting the wind take her as she whistled her sorrows away. The sound reverberated through the carriage and the melody glazed the eyes of the old man, sorrow and desolation filled the air. He wondered if he was doing the right thing but knew it no longer mattered, having her nearby was more important than what was right.

She closed her eyes and drifted into slumber, her head leaning against the smooth edges of a carriage larger than her home, her body curled into a ball. He stared at her and marvelled at her resemblance to her beautiful mother, the most wonderful woman he had ever known, one he had wished to one day become the Queen of Nozark and lead their empire into peace and equality. It was too bad his son couldn't see beyond her beauty, it was a pity he wanted to imprison and take the life out of her. He wondered if he was doing the same to his granddaughter but he knew that the possibility she represented overpowered his selfish wishes for her happiness. She was his last hope, to undo the pain his ancestors had created, one he could never undo. The light of change is what she would have to become, unfortunately it was a dangerous path. He knew that he was risking everything she had but she was worth the risks, the girl who would lead their country to prosperity and peace, the gem finder with pink eyes.