
I Can Control Heroes

An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, and demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There is a fully armed Dark Knight, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There is a superhuman individual in a tight suit, roaming between buildings, playing the role of a friendly neighbor. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... But no one could imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. ... This is a novel I'm translating because I see the translator has dropped it so I said to myself, why not finish it so that myself and others may enjoy? And it would be very appreciated if you could support me on Patreon at: patreon.com/chibi_mon_mon DISCLAIMER!: This is not my own novel and I'm just editing it to make it sound a lot more sensible and readable. RAW: https://www.mtlnovel.com/start-with-batman/chapter-1-start-dark-knight/ https://discord.com/invite/dFaAjwHr

Chibaku_Monster · Cómic
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32 Chs

Chapter 27

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Thank you guys, I hope you all have a wonderful day.


The physical form of the monster had been eradicated, but the eruption of the mental storm only worsened the situation. 

Those who had previously escaped the state of hysterical laughter, either exhausted or injured, soon found the mad smiles returning to their faces as the translucent storm surged once again. 

Thus, the brawls resumed where they left off, the biting recommenced, and the chaos of the mob returned to its frenzied rhythm. The brief lull was merely a halftime break, and now the referee blew the whistle to start the second half. 

Luo Yajun forcefully pulled a man who had climbed atop a girl and flung him aside before casually shooting him in the leg. Meanwhile, he continued his communication with the headquarters through his earpiece. 

"Still not here? Did headquarters send a bullock cart or something?" 

"The jet is getting close. Estimated arrival within five minutes." 

"So, does headquarters know that the situation has changed?" Luo Yajun impatiently interrupted, simultaneously crushing another leg of a deranged civilian. "The monster has been taken care of, but the spiritual entity went berserk, giving rise to some kind of mental storm." 1

This thing's power is even stronger than before; it's affecting me to some extent." 

Luo Yajun had received specialized training in Special Operations Unit Nine, so he knew what it felt like to be influenced by the source of infection. 

Right now, he could sense a suffocating atmosphere descending like a dark cloud, almost depriving him of breath. The crowd surrounding him, laughing manically and unleashing violence, seemed to form a dense wall that pressed against him from all sides. 

Then there was that chilling laughter, penetrating to the very core of his being, echoing incessantly in his mind as if stuck on repeat. 

Even as an anomaly himself, he was being disturbed. He couldn't fathom the magnitude of the impact this storm would have on ordinary people. 

A burst of static crackled through his earpiece, followed quickly by another voice. 

"Detective Luo, this is Professor Miyazaki from the Infection Research Department. Can you hear me?" Professor Miyazaki's voice came through from the other end. 

"I can hear you. I'm just busy breaking legs," Luo Yajun replied casually. 

While speaking, Luo Yajun interrupted his words once again, breaking two more legs. The infected individuals couldn't feel pain, and their wounds couldn't stop their hysterical laughter. However, it effectively limited their movements, preventing them from turning the streets into an unrestricted fighting arena. 

"I've only theorized about the release of a mental storm by the source of infection. Honestly, witnessing it firsthand is a first for me. It's truly incredible, the power of those spectral beings," Royajun remarked. 

"Professor, can you get to the point? I'm in a bit of a hurry here," he added, not particularly friendly. 

For some reason, listening to the professor's voice seemed to make him even more excited about this situation. 

Could this be the legendary mad scientist? 

"Alright, alright, let me get straight to the conclusion," Professor Miyazaki said. "In short, a mental storm cannot be sustained out of thin air. To maintain such an output, the eye of the storm must have its source of infection. If we eliminate that source, the storm will naturally cease." 

"So, should I unload a barrage of bullets into it?" Luo Yajun asked. 

"No. If a long-range attack fails to kill it with a single strike, it will only intensify the storm and cause irreparable damage," the professor explained. 

Luo Yajun paused his actions for a moment, turning his head to gaze at the dense storm. 

"In other words, we need to get to the center and ensure that we deal with the source of infection?" he asked. 

"Exactly. We need someone to go in and make sure their head hits the ground," the professor replied. 

"But some infected individuals can't be killed even if their heads are severed, right?" 

"That's a rare occurrence. Besides, even if decapitation doesn't kill them, it will still disrupt the continuous maintenance of the source's influence over the mental storm, achieving the desired effect." 

Professor Miyazaki paused and said, "Of course, this approach is very dangerous. The infection intensity of the mental storm may be higher than that of conventional sources of infection. Honestly, even if it's an anomaly going in, I can't predict what the outcome will be." 

Luo Yajun fell silent for a moment, then chuckled lightly. 

"Are you subtly suggesting, Professor, that I might end up becoming like these people?" he asked. 

The frenzied crowd surrounded him, and the chaotic streets transformed into a twisted dance floor of some kind of deranged nightclub. As the only sober individual in this vast dance floor, he seemed out of place. 

"I must remind you that even if you successfully eliminate the source of infection, it may have irreversible effects on you," Professor Miyazaki said. "Perhaps, even if you save everyone, when the backup team arrives, they might have to..." 

"Don't worry about it," Luo Yajun interrupted. 

He lit a cigarette, holding it in his mouth, and proceeded to reload his firearm while walking towards the dark, translucent storm. 

"If necessary, I'll save a bullet for myself later." 

After a pause, he laughed carelessly. 

"Professor, by telling me about this method, are you implying that this is what I should do?" Luo Yajun asked. 

"I didn't say that. I simply informed you about the solution and its consequences. It's up to you to decide what actions to take," the professor replied. 

Just then, the line cut off, and a crisp female voice came through the earpiece. 

"Wait for backup there. That's an order," said Chen Meiyue. 

It was Chen Meiyue's voice. Although she was much younger than Luo Yajun, she was his superior. 

Royajun laughed. 

"An order? You know that kind of thing doesn't hold me back," he flicked the cigarette ash and continued walking towards the center of the storm with a slow but determined pace. "If I were willing to obediently follow orders and adhere to regulations, I would be your superior by now." 

Chen Meiyue's voice softened. 

"Brother Luo, you don't have to go. Backup is almost here, and the headquarters team is researching other possible strategies." 

"Even if we wait, it won't make a difference," Luo Yajun interrupted her, speaking calmly. "Professor Miyazaki is right. This is the best plan at the moment, and I happen to be the most suitable candidate. 

My time has long been stagnant. I've been working in the Special Task Force, and the only meaning of my existence up until today has been to find a fitting end. 

If today is that time, then it's a fitting death. I won't regret it, and I won't have anyone regretting it for me." 

He laughed heartily, took a deep drag from his cigarette, and then flicked the butt aside. 

"Because the people who would regret me are already damn well buried." 

Without waiting for a response, he abruptly ended the communication. 

At this point, he was nearing the outer perimeter of the storm. The voices of his comrades faded from his earpiece, replaced by layers of manic laughter. Twisted phantoms began to appear before him—men, women, the elderly, and children, all wearing horrifying, contorted smiles. 

And this was just the outer edge. He didn't know what awaited him inside, whether he would emerge unscathed, but he didn't care. 

As he had come to this casino tonight, he acted without needing any reason, merely following his whims. Even if they were to destroy him, he didn't care. 

To single-handedly end this catastrophe and then take his own life with a bullet—it sounded like a cool and stylish way to die. 

A smirk formed at the corner of his mouth. 

It would definitely be a fitting death. 

But Royajun never expected that in the end, he wouldn't get the opportunity to be so impressive. 

He felt a sudden tightness around his ankle. Before he could even comprehend whether it was an illusion, a tremendous force yanked him off his feet, dragging him forcefully away from the storm in the opposite direction. Eventually, he was left hanging upside down, head down and feet up, beneath a lamppost. 

"What the hell?!" 

As the tragic hero who was ready to face death, Royajun's attempt at being cool was abruptly disrupted, and he found himself hanging in such an undignified manner. His face couldn't hide the embarrassment. 

He strained his neck to look towards the ground, only to see the bat-like figure standing atop the lamppost that held him. The figure, Batman, looked down at him from above, his black cape waving like a war banner in the storm. 

Using his grappling gun, Batman swiftly pulled Luo Yajun, who was prepared to face death, back and hung him on the lamppost instead. 

"What are you doing?" Luo Yajun exclaimed in frustration. "There's no time. Someone needs to stop that source of infection. I have to—" 

Before he could finish his sentence, Batman had already leaped down. The Dark Knight remained silent, ignoring Royajun's cries, striding purposefully towards the center of the storm. 

Luo Yajun was taken aback. 

Was this guy intentionally saving him only to take his place and face the danger? 

"Wait!" Luo Yajun struggled desperately, attempting to stop the bat-clad madman. "Come back!" 

But there was still no response. 

The Dark Knight disappeared into the storm, leaving only a solid silhouette with his cape fluttering in the wind.