
I can bring anything from fiction to the real world

Brian was watching anime one day when all of a sudden.................

killer_beee12344 · Cómic
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9 Chs


I started to feel uncomfortable the more people video taped me so I left the gym, I wanted to test out my powers so I went to the second best place the junck yard, today it was closed so I jump the fence, when I entered I so a pile of used metal broken car etc. The perfect place

I got a huge scrap of metal and bent it, with ease

So I bent two more then three,So on until I rreached 56, So I then went to a broken car, I wanted to see my attack power so I put in all my force and punched the car, The car went flying like their was no tomorrow

What the hell I didn't even put the extremis, Okay let me try it with extremis, it wasn't hard finding another car, This time with my full force adding the extremis the moment my hand landed on the car it obliterated it like nothing was left my hand melted the metal like oh shit man I should watch out I could kill someone if am not careful

After about an hour I finally felt satisfied, I went home took a shower and went back into my computer my Mum and Dad had left since today was their anniversary So I was at home, So I wanted to see what happened to the things I took from the fictional world to my surprise nothing happened like whatever I took automatically replaced itself

I was so happy then I thought of an idea, I went to dragon ball Z, When The team was fighting cell, I paused when I so the senzu beans, I got them from him then replaced the episode 88 more time, And since each bag had 10 senzu beans, I ended up getting 880 senzu beans,

I then went to the comics the time when batman and superman had fused, I like the suit so I pulled it out of the comics, it was a little bit big but i still put it on, But the moment i put in on it adjusted to my size, and when I put on the suite I had an intercom in my head , Hello Master Brian, What the hell

Who's their I asked, am your A.I intelligence, What's your name I asked it, I don't have a name it said, Does Master Brian want to give me a name, I thought about it for a while then decided on Friday I know it's unoriginal but I got nothing what you want me to name it Mia Kalifha oh hell no am a Christian man.

Okay can I changed the color of the suite, Yes Master Brian, Okay thanks, Like it read my mind,the bat and superman symbol was released and my suit became a neon black and the helmet became a dove white.

I was surprised but I didn't think much of it I had a job to, My first target St. Maria Hospital, it was a hospital in my neighborhood I jumped out the window and walked to the place people kept on giving me weird looks but I didn't care

I finally reached the place I decided to go round the hospital since I didn't want any of the staff to see me after I made it round back, I jumped up and started climbing the walls I reached my first place, The site for blind kids.

I first looked around before fully entering I then put the stealth mode and entered the place,it was dark out so no one heard me, Hey kid I so a little girl who had her eyes covered, Mm whose their she said in a sleepy manner,

Am a doctor am hear to give you your medicine, But I thought I was done taking my medicine she asked confusedly, Yes but this is a new type of medicine we were testing so, Thanks to the voice modulator I was able to sound like a grown man.

Doctor can I ask you one question, Ya sure, what happened to my Mom she asked, I don't quite understand I asked, Well Mummy was trying to protect me from Daddy, He comes home very late which makes Mummy very mad, Then I hear screaming almost every night

But one night, I came done stairs to see what was going on then I found Mummy carrying on the floor I Daddy standing over her, I tried to push my Dad off of her but he was too big, Daddy then graded a hot flusk of boiling water and tried pouring it on me

But my Mummy pushed me out of the way and she got hurt,I was speechless after hearing that I think I felt a tear shed form my eye, But I pulled myself together Immediately, Yes she is doing fine, The girl Immediately grew a smile on her face.

I then handed her the senzu bean and told her to swallow it, She swallowed it without and problem, then told her to go back to sleep

She just nodded, I continued to do that in the children's side their were 56 children who were blind, I some were easier to convince than others but I managed to give them. Since I was done with this part i