
Lack of money

"Kira, what happened? Are you okay?" Neji asked looking worried.

"Why the question? It seems like I'm not okay?" Kira asked confused.

"You started crying suddenly, so we were worried about you." Tentem said.

"Eh? I'm crying?" Kira murmured and touched his face.

Kira was lost in thought and did not notice when tears began to fall.

Kira quickly wiped his tears away and put a small smile on his face.

"Sorry for making you seen something so shameful." Kira spoke up.

As the exam was over, there were not many people near Kira, so few people saw his tears.

Only Neji, Try, Rock Lee and Hinata were close enough to Kira to notice their tears, so Kira did not care.

In fact, many other people saw Kira crying, but mostly they were girls, so Kira continued not to care.

"I have something to do now that the exams are over, so see you." Kira said good-bye.

"See Ya." Tentem said.

"Bye." Rock Lee said.

"See you later." Neji spoke up.

"..." Hinata said nothing, just looked at Kira with a flushed face.


After saying goodbye, Kira returned to the Academia.

When Kira was sure no one was following him, he entered one of the academy halls.

As soon as Kira entered the room, he noticed another person in the room.

"Oh? You were late today?" Kira asked wryly with a smile on his face.

"This is an official mission, so I would not even do something like that." "Well, you know what to do. Kakashi spoke as he handed a parchment to Kira, and shortly thereafter he exploded in smoke and disappeared.

"Dammit! If I did not need this money ..." Kira sighed after reading the contents of the parchment.

"Why did Kakashi have to go on a Rank S mission right now that Naruto will be fooled by Mizuki? I really need the money, but I do not want to change the plot any further ..." Kira murmured.

"That's it! My job is to simply protect Naruto, I do not have to stop him from stealing the Scroll Of Seals, just protecting him from the shadows!" Kira thought.

"But ... if I protect Naruto, he will not defeat Mizuki and consequently will not become a Genin ... Damn! Why is this so complicated? Damn money!" Kira grumbled.

Kira then put the parchment away and left the classroom. Kira headed for the back of the Academy instead of going ahead as he had to secretly protect Naruto.

"I think about it later, for now I have to protect this orange brat." Kira thought, and moved quickly toward the back exit.


As soon as Kira reached the back exit, he took a bag from the side of the door.

From inside the bag Kira removed a completely black cloak.

Kira put on his cloak and put the bag back where he was. Kira had prepared this purse in advance, since h appearance attracted much attention, even if he concealed is presence.

For situations like these, Kira wore a simple black cloak, which completely covered his face, making it easier to conceal it.

Kira seemed almost invisible when he wore the robe and concealed his presence. If Kira stood in front of a civilian while wearing the cloak and hiding his presence ... he would be seen, since he was not invisible, and that was literally the opposite of hiding.

But if Kira passed near a Genin Sensor Type under the same conditions, Genin would not notice him unless Kira wanted to reveal himself.

In fact, Kira was perfect for being a killer, and hiding his presence, since he did not have Chakra, so he would not be noticed by the Sensor Type. So if he could completely erase his presence, he would be virtually invincible.

But Kira still had many flaws hiding his presence, so Kira was very far from achieving this level of concealment.


Kira followed Naruto through the shadows all day, and not even Mizuki noticed his presence.

Kira did not intervene when Mizuki fooled Naruto to make him steal the Scroll Of Seals.

When night came Naruto invaded the Hokage's Residence and stole the Scroll Of Seals.

Kira was surprised at how simple it was for Naruto to steal the Scroll Of Seals. Even though he was kept at the Hokage's residence, his protection was very low.


I came back! But I know no one cares then so much.

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Tsukuyomi !!!

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