
I Can't Fall in Love With a Demon King. I Just Can't.

I hate love. I hate cliché love stories and seeing my friends with boyfriends make me sick to my stomach. I suppose my friends don't matter though since I've moved. I'm determined to keep path in life good and just get out of my mom's depressive circle. That is.. Until I met Kiev... ***This book is almost entirely satire. Yes, it is a real love story, but it clings to the edge of a joke. Please enjoy this and remember not to take it too seriously

Aerie_Artemis · Fantasía
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3 Chs

* Three *

"Man up, Kiev. She's the perfect human!" Tabby insisted. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

"Why do I even need a human? Especially her? I like my women strong and she's a fucking wilting flower," I pointed out. Tabby laughed and I cocked a brow.

"Listen, you need to prove you can dominate realms and have them be willing to be under your rule. This is the purpose of 4 wives. The human realm has been the hardest to tame and no one have tamed it yet; however, if you can pop up with a human wife, you're going to be the most favorable king we've had yet," Tabby smiled in her creepy, demoness way.

"I suppose, but one woman doesn't speak for humankind," I insisted. Taby crossed her arms as well.

"Fine, meeting adjourned. You're marrying that girl. End of story," She walked off towards the cellar-guest room door. I huffed and pouted in a way reminiscent of a six-year-old, but ultimately followed her.

The thing with me was I wasn't a particularly strong man. Emotionally or physically. My father called me a crybaby before he left me when I was 7, and I've never been as strong as Tabitha. I mean, yes, Tabby was a lot to live up to, but I had the same genetics as her, so you'd assume I would be more than average. I wasn't.

"What is your name, wilting-wallflower?" I rounded the corner and found her in the same spot she was in when I pulled Tab out of the room.

"Denise...," She said slowly. Fitting. A girly-flowery name for a girly-flowery person.

"Okay, Denise. Here's the run-down. You are going to go get dressed and prepped by Tabby for our wedding in 5 hours. You will be beautiful. You will comply with my every order. The dark priestess will wed us and you will need to be okay will me biting your neck. I'm not sure what you do it your realm, but that is how we finish our weddings here. Then, you will be stuck in this room most likely for the rest of your life as I have no interest in giving you children," I ran through the order of events. She looked like she was going to cry and I really wanted to smack her.

"Why can't I go back to my realm in silence?!" She cried out. Wonderful, she looked like a fucking princess as she wept. Her loose bun was coming undone, the auburn strands framing her perfect face and her cheeks and nose reddened ever so slightly, making her beauty increase significantly. Jesus Christ, if we were the last people in her realm, I would kill myself before touching her.

"Because you are exactly what we selfish demons need," Tabby smirked, circling Denise like a vulture, running her finger across her face.

"Tabby, please just take her. I can't look at her anymore," I faked dry-heaving. Denise's tears sparkled as Tabby slung her over her shoulder, taking her to the next destination.

I left the soiled room and continued on to my sitting room. The room was filled wall to wall with books and scrolls of our ancestors and history. The were 6 chairs in the room for my various spouses as this was where they tended to reside.

I smiled as I saw each of them, smiling and talking together like a good group of friends. I knew it was rude taking them each from their homes, but I swore I loved each of them in their different ways. Some platonically, some romantically.

Cecelia sat in the biggest chair to the right. She was the most beautiful by my standards, but I was biased. She was my first wife. She had naturally curly black hair that reached her chin and this beautifully smooth lavender toned skin with flecks of dark purple freckles. Her horns were small since she was a halfling demon-vampire mix, but they were still threatening. She had dazzling black eyes as well that could see into the depths of your soul. She was large and close to my size. Her muscles always made me blush, especially when she flexed, which was quite often. She loved her body and wore tank tops and shorts that didn't leave TOO much to the imagination.

Wesley sat near her in a chair that was only slightly smaller. I married him since I purely loved him. Some frowned upon me for straying from my destined path by marrying him second, but I couldn't deny myself. Wesley was pure vampire. He had pale grey skin and cool blue eyes that always gave me chills whenever he looked at me. He was smaller than me and often wore soft sweaters that were 3 sizes too big for him. He was cold, but it was a comforting type. I hated playing the favorites card since they all were forced into marriage with me, but Wesley was definitely my number one.

Hilda sat alone at the far left, closest to the wall of history scrolls. Hilda was beautiful in her own way, but she was one of my platonic lovers. She had a translucent green tone and patches of light blue across her face. She was floral fae and she really wasn't down with marrying a demon, but she eventually stopped hating me. We don't really talk to each other, but she did find love with Cecelia, which technically I wasn't supposed to allow, but it was fine. I, again, had forced them all into marriage. If they found love with each other, I wasn't going to discourage it.

Jamie was sitting on floor of course and not in her chair, doodling in a sketchbook I had snuck in for her. Jamie was a werewolf, however she was born with a birth defect that didn't allow her to fully transform either way, so she always remained anthropomorphic and simply remained a soft furry human. It may sound gross, but it was actually quite nice. She had soft fur similar to that of a pomeranian's. It was always well groomed and fluffy. It was everywhere but her head and belly, and I quite enjoyed having her for a cuddle-buddy. She was another platonic lover, but I truly enjoyed being around her like a best friend.

I entered the room and they each smiled at me -- except Hilda who was basically scowling, but flashed a small grin -- and I sat in the middle of the three open seats.

"So, where's the new bride to be?" Cecelia grinned. I rolled my eyes.

"She's staying in the guest room, but she's getting ready for the wedding," I replied, honestly not that interested in talking about that whole situation.

"Oh my, does little Kiev-y dislike this wife?" Wesley teased. I frowned.

"Yes, and I simply intend on taking the throne. I am simply disinterested in this woman," I announced. All three of the girls stared at me.

"The only person you didn't dislike at first was Wesley," Jamie pointed out.

"I second that; I was there," Cecelia added. I scoffed and they all cocked a brow.

"I bet 20 bucks he'll be into this one in less than 6 months," Wesley snarked, grinning like a child who had just received a lollipop.

"Pft, I bet 20 for 3," Hilda unexpectedly said. I blinked twice, totally not thinking this would happen.

"I'm with Hilda, add 20," Jamie beamed.

"Me too!" Cecelia added. I groaned and rubbed my temples.

"Guys, I wasn't going to let you meet her, but now I may require you guys to have weekly meetings with her just so you can see how deplorable she is," I laughed. "You brought this upon yourselves."

"She's probably a really sweet person! I bet you just don't like the idea of another wife. Don't we haven't seen you ogling at the guard," Jamie raised her eyebrows, smirking. "Gosh, what's his name?"

"Terrance," Wesley growled. He reopened his book he had been reading and withdrew from the conversation.

"Aawww, is someone jealous? I bet you liked being his only boy," Cecelia coo-ed at Wesley and I could see him turning red.

"It's not like that...," I said, a small blush getting to my cheeks.

"He does!!!" Hilda gasped. "He likes another guy! Wesley is going to have competition with his own gender now!"

"Whatever!" I scrambled to change the topic as Wesley sank into his chair more. "You guys need to get ready too; the wedding is in a few hours!"

Everyone groaned and slunk out of their respective chairs to go get properly dressed except Jamie who hung back to talk to me.

"Are you okay, Jay?" I asked as she hugged my arm.

"Yeah, I just want you to know that you can do this. She's the last wife you need, and then you can finally get to the throne. After that point you won't have to impress anyone, okay? We all love you. Even Hilda. She just doesn't show it," She gave me a kiss and walked off to her own room.

I stood in the now empty room and just sighed. She's right. I should try to be nice to this girl. This isn't fun for her either.

"Uh-- Sir," a voice came from behind me. I turned and saw Terrance rubbing the back of his neck, messing up his long hair.

"Yeah, what's up," I blushed. I knew that I should be used to this whole romance thing considering my 4 spouses, but I wasn't.

"Um, plea-- please allow me to walk you to your room, sir," Terrance stuttered. I nodded, still quite red. Jamie popped out from behind the corner.

"HAH, I KNEW IT, I'M GOING TO TELL EVERYONE ELSE," Jamie ran off, laughing like a mad woman. I buried my face in my hands and pretended the didn't just happen.

"Pft, I-- I'm sorry, sir. Shall we go?" Terrance repressed laughter.

"Yeah, let's just-- Yeah."

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