
I Can't Be Your White Moonlight's Replacement Anymore

"Lilia... Please. I beg you. Please don't jump off the rooftop." Augustus commanded his wife but it was of no use. "I've given you enough chances. No more." Lilia screamed back at her husband. "Either you sign the papers. Or, I take your company down along with my life." "Lilia, stop this nonsense. You are pregnant. Come here, Lilia." August tried to persuade his wife for the sake of his reputation but she wouldn't just listen. "No! I've had enough. You love everyone and everything except me. So, why should I sacrifice my life for you in every lifetime? Sign them. Or, I'll jump." Lilia's trembling hands that were gripping the cold steel were ready to let go. "Fine! I'll sign the divorce papers. But, you won't get a cent from me. Remember it." Augustus shot back frustrated as he signed the papers. "I'll remember it well, Mr. Reynolds."

Larsena · Ciudad
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10 Chs

The Past (Prologue)

"Behead the witch! Burn her alive!"

Chants of people echoed in the air as a woman was dragged through the muddy road up the scaffold. Blood trickling down her gorgeous face which was hidden behind her sky coloured hair.

"Why...," A small whimper left the woman's lips, making the soldier who was dragging her by her right shoulder furrow his eyes.

"Sir, I think she wants to say something. Can we-" The newly appointed guard tried to talk to his superior who held the woman's left shoulder. But, before he could finish he was instantly shut down.

"Damien , she's a criminal. Behead her. That's it. That's our job. Not listening to her demands. Unless you want The Emperor to behead you along with her." Damien 's superior spoke in a sharp tone, etching a lost expression on Damien 's face. He wanted to respond to his superior but some words remain buried because of a person's uncertainty.


Damien 's supervisor pushed the woman down to her knees as the wooden surface bruised her fragile knees, handing the metal leash connected to her cuffs to Damien .

However, would it matter? Could a small bruise really make a difference in a body full of wounds?

Damien kneeled beside the woman feeling sorry for her. "Young Miss, are you okay? I-"

"Don't." One word. That's all the woman said. But, somehow the aura of her voice made his core shiver.

Was it fear? Or, was it guilt? Who knew.

"I... I understand." Damien stuttered as he stood back up on his feet, glancing around at the people chanting for a defenceless woman's death. He couldn't help but take in a deep breath, feeling a complicated feeling in his chest.

A feeling even he couldn't understand.

"His Majesty, Emperor Augustus Reynolds III and Her Majesty, Empress Ixia Augustus Reynolds have arrived." The Chamberlain's heavy voice rang in the air suppressing the chants of the crowd as the two most prestigious people of The Empire soiled their expensive shoes in the mud, making their way to the wooden scaffold.

The woman on her knees who remained indifferent at the chants of the crowd wishing to behead her... burn her alive. Shivered at the mention of the two names which were named to be merciful throughout the entire empire.

Damien bowed to the two figures as one smiled and nodded as if completely oblivious to the entire situation while the other wore a thin line on his face. He kneeled beside the woman as he whispered in her ear. "You should greet them. It's the Royal Couple."

Tears ran down the face of the eyes that could no longer see. 

"Lift her face. Remove that annoying hair." Emperor Augustus commanded Damien as the little guard followed the words of his ruler. However, still gentle with the woman.

It wasn't in his blood to disgrace a woman.

Emperor Augustus crouched infront of the woman, making the crowds gasp. "Why did you try to kill her, Lilia? You knew I loved her. Everyone knew I loved her. So, why did you try to kill the one I, Augustus Reynolds loved!? Did you think I would never see through everything you did? Did you think the truth would always remain buried? Even if I didn't love you I trusted you, Lilia. How could you break it?" 

The questions of The Emperor remained hanging in the air. However, his questions remained unanswered. Lilia's lips didn't even part to breathe, let alone speak.

"Augustus, please let me talk to her once. Could you and the guard back away a little?" Ixia spoke in a honey drentched voice as she placed her warm hand on Augustus's shoulder.

Emperor Augustus nodded as he got up followed by Damien as they backed away a safe distance. Enough to react if the criminal tried to harm the Empress. However, not close enough to listen to the words being exchanged between them. Empress Ixia crouched infront of Lilia.

"Greetings to the Grand Duchess of The North, Lilia Raventhore." Ixia spoke, striking a nerve in Lilia's head as Lilia clenched her cuffed fists. "You and I are so alike, Lilia. Still so different."

Her voice seemed to strike Lilia's nerves. However, Lilia gritted her teeth and chose to remain silent. "Weird, Lilia. I told them to burn your eyes. Not your tongue. Shouldn't you talk to me one last time before you die?"

"We are not alike. There's nothing common between us." Lilia responded, trying to calm her nerves down. "You are you. I am me."

"Really, Lilia? The one who killed your family was also Augustus. The one who killed my family was also Augustus. If only you had joined hands with me we could have worked together to kill him for our revenge. But, what did you do!? You went to protect him. You only have yourself to blame for this day, Lilia. Even if we are alike I will never spare Augustus. Never. I wish we can be friends in other life Lilia. Maybe, you can even be my enemy and return all the misdeeds I performed against you. However, in this life I must have my revenge." Ixia clenched her fists while whispering low, making everyone who surrounded them wonder what has happened that made even The Empress who was as calm as a gentle breeze angry.

"There won't be a need for that, Ixia. I loved him. I loved him for setting me free from my abusive family. My entire life was dedicated to him. And, still... Let's not talk about love. He couldn't even see my efforts. What you did was really an eye-opener... Men are just unreliable. Or, maybe he's just one piece who couldn't distinguish between the knife that would protect and that would stab. I don't hold a grudge against you. You did what you had to. I did had to. I wish if there's another life I never meet him again." Tears ran down Lilia defeated face as it turned on Emperor Augustus's direction.

Though, she couldn't see. She knew. Her heart knew he was standing there.

"They might call me The Great Empress, Lilia. And, you, a witch. But, even if you are my enemy I must say these people don't deserve a strand of your hair. Especially the man you love." Ixia clenched her teeth, her heart twisting in guilt for killing the person who was protecting her enemy.

"Ixia," A large hand was place on Ixia's shoulder as she turned around to see the face of Emperor Augustus, gazing down lovingly at her making her want to spill all that she has eaten for breakfast. "We can't delay the execution."

Augustus's words made Ixia stand to her feet. As the walked down the scaffold to the VIP stage set for the Royal Couple to watch the execution of The Empire's Traitor.

No shouting. No cursing. No screaming for justice.

Everything went down in a blur. 

The neck pushed on the wooden block. The sharp axe swishing down. Blood spilling everywhere. And, the joyous chants ringing in the air, marking the death of the villainess who incited The Righteous Emperor against his white moonlight.

The death of the infamous villainess was a festival for the entire empire except for two people.

One who cried at Duchess Lilia's execution. Empress Ixia.

One whose hands were stained with blood of his saviour. The execution guard, Damien .

While the Emperor talked to his subordinates, giving them directions on cleaning the scaffold and disposing of Lilia's body. Ixia, Lilia's enemy, folded her hands to send a little prayer for Lilia's soul.

"Moon Goddess, if you exist, please heed the prayer of this child of your. Please give Lilia a chance at life again. And, not just any life. A life where she is cherished as she deserved.


I'm new here. Hello, guys! Hope you all are having a good day.

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