
I befriended an arrogant rich guy.

The story revolves around a high school girl who befriends an arrogant guy in her school. Read to find out what challenges she had to encounter after meeting him.

Phina_7777 · Adolescente
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12 Chs

2.A new friend.

I am getting late for class, living alone is hectic because I have to do everything by myself now. I woke up at 7:30 am, not knowing that I was very late for my first day of school and I had to dress up as fast as I could. There was no time for me to prepare breakfast, so I only drank a glass of water and hopped out as quick as I can, it was my lucky day that even the bus arrived when I reached the bus station exactly. Also skipping breakfast is really bad for health, as my stomach wouldn't stop making noise but I couldn't help it in my situation. I finally reached the school at least on time, like I said, luck was on my side as there was no traffic on the way.

I am already in third grade, I studied the other two grade in other school when my mom was alive. I may be called a "transfer student" too but I don't prefer to be called that because I am joining the class on the first day itself. Introduction was going on because I applied as a new student and our home run teacher decided that everyone should introduced themselves and finally it was my turn.

"Hello everyone, my name is Kang Maria, I hope we have a fun time" I said with a smile yet awkward. My new classmates cheered and welcomed me with applause. I was told to sit beside a girl, with curly hair and big round attractive eyes. She had a charming look, slim body, and was tall as well. Since this school belonged to high class people,I knew that she also belongs to one of those high class people where they wear other clothing instead of uniform.It looks top quality, maybe it was a designer one. I don't see much difference though.I mean clothes is clothes, no big deal. But I had to admit, she was the most beautiful girl amongst my classmates, and that includes me. I look boring, dull straight hair with round glasses, looking like a nerd, well I can say I am. I don't have an appealing look, also I have never heard anyone saying to "You're beautiful" except my precious mom. But I do love myself and I don't really care about having a good outward appearance as long as we have a good heart. And so it would never matter to me,as I only came here to achieve my goals after all, hopefully to become someone successful.

Anyways,I walked towards the seat.We locked our eyes and I was kinda nervous to be honest. She was very intimidating.

"Hi,I'm Lee Sana, let's be friends!" she cheerfully greeted her hand to me to shake her hands. She was a straightforward type of person and I on the other side,was readily excited to shake her hands. On the first day itself,I have made a new beautiful friend. I'm not sure about her but I was very excited to look forward to our friendship.

We became close.

She told me about her life and I did the same too, also about my mom. She assured me not to worry anymore because now she is with me and told me she would always be there for me whenever I needed her. I was very much fascinated by her kind words. She was also fine with me being from a middle class family and I thought she would have a problem with it but I guess I judged her wrong. Also,whenever class ended, she would always wait for me by the door and we would head home together till we go our separate ways. The only thing that I didn't like was, joining her other group of friends because I had a gut feeling that they don't seem happy whenever they see me. They only let me in, so that Sana wouldn't feel bad. And so,I decided to eat alone whenever it was lunch time. I like to be alone anyways and I made her understood too. Since then, she also never bothered me whenever I eat alone. But as usual,we would head home together like it was our daily routine.

It is already a month since I joined this new high school,everything seems to be going smoothly, no bullies or whatsoever from other students of me, being from a "poor background", like what they would refer to those who comes from a poor family,until a day arrived where a male transfer student decided to join our school.