
Chapter 92 The Autumn Selection Begins

"Dig the roots of Mount Rui?"

Hearing Erina's words, Xingping fell into a trap.


This method is indeed not impossible

Ruishan's ability to become one of the top ten is almost all due to the support of those gourmet companies. If those people are no longer supporting Ruishan and he cannot receive new commissions, then it is estimated that his seat will not be secure.

At that time, even if I don't take the initiative to provoke him, he will jump out to make trouble for me

And the solution to the trouble is nothing more than

Count it as a food halberd.

As long as that bastard dares to accept his food halberd, his ninth seat can still be kept


Can you teach him to be a man every minute?Thinking of this, Xingping already had a complete plan in his mind.

He said to Erina:

"If you have time in the past few days, collect the information of the gourmet entrepreneurs who have established a commission relationship with Ruishan, and then help me meet them secretly!"

"The location, it's best to choose it in your villa. I may have to show my hand at that time, so they will be convinced!"

"When these people are taken down, Ruishan will be like a turtle in a urn, let us handle it!"

Erina nodded after hearing Kohei's words


"I think so too. With your strength, Xingping, you can definitely convince those entrepreneurs with ease. When they switch to your command, I can see how arrogant he is!"Erina and Xinghei two people, a few words lightly written by Qingmao have almost decided the fate of Ruishan in the future.

But at this time, Ruishan still doesn't know that his end is coming.

He was sitting in the reception room, talking and laughing, chatting with the invited judges

"Today, it's really hard for everyone to take time out of their busy schedules to come here."

"What did Mr. Ruishan say? We are also very honored to be able to contribute to the construction of Yuanyue. What's more, we can still taste a lot of delicious food today. For us, it is also a matter of gratitude. Happy event!"

"Then wish everyone a happy meal in advance!"

Ruishan said with a smile.

However, in his heart, he didn't thinkmeaning

What kind of decent food can a group of freshmen make? You guys are only worthy of tasting this low-level food.

While everyone was chatting happily, the lights of the meeting place were suddenly turned off

Then, the rays of countless searchlights gathered in the center of the stage.

With the sound of heavy footsteps, the burly figure of Senzaemon slowly appeared in everyone's eyes.

Glancing at the freshmen under the stage, Senzaemon coughed and said slowly:

"It's a great honor, it's our annual big day in Yuanyue, the time for the autumn selection!"

Me: "You all were sent to the academy, passed byPreliminary screening, excellent dishes that stand out

"This venue is called between the moon and the sky!"

"Here is the highest stage that was originally only used by those who are also among the ten outstanding people to hold the Halberd Eater!"

"In order to pay tribute to the people who won the first seat in the past, there is also a tradition of hanging their portraits here!"

"You can look at the portraits hanging high on the surrounding walls. Everything they have achieved is what you are striving for now!"

"Many famous duels, and

All the dishes that are killed here are born here, and it is precisely because of this that every corner here is full of layers of accumulation and endless battle memories!"

"And the official competition of this autumn selection

It will also be held here!""That is to say, not all of you now have the opportunity to stand here!

"Only the students who stand out in the preliminaries can stand on this stage!"

"Someone, we will meet again here. Write a new page of history, let us look forward to the arrival of that moment!"

"Totsuki Academy, the 92nd issue kitchen


After Senzaemon's words fell, the audience suddenly burst into thunderous cheers.

And Xingping was under the stage, facing Erina


"The game is about to start, do you want to watch me perform here?"

"That's what I originally planned, but since I've decided to deal with Ruishan, I'd better get down to business first, and I'll collect the information on those entrepreneurs as soon as possible.The selection will involve most of Ruishan's energy, so it is very unlikely that Ruishan will notice when you meet those people at this time, so... Xingping-kun will have fun here for a while!!"

"Okay, then Erina, you can go to work


Erina nodded, and then said to Alice, Mito, Megumin, and Hisako:


"You guys, cheer me on!

"We will try!"


After reading the relevant regulations of the preliminaries

The students who gathered here went to

There are two venues, A and B.Kohei's examination room is at the venue!

But he didn't set off immediately, and

Is out of the crowd, came to vip pass


If his impression is correct, after a while

There will be an important woman, from here through


At this moment, in venue A, all the participating freshmen are already making preparations in full swing in advance.


And the audience in the auditorium,

One is also very excited.

"Obviously it's only the preliminaries, but there will be

The atmosphere in the venue is already very warm!"

"Yeah, it's the first time I've seen

There are so many people in this venue!""Look at the judging panel, everyone has a lot of background!!"

"Why is the middle seat still empty!"

"Really, who is that?

Set it up!!!"

Looking at the empty seat, the corners of Ruishan's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"This nasty woman, I clearly emphasized to her that it starts at 11 o'clock!! Give me this one again!!"

Just when Ruishan was about to go to the entrance of the passage to have a look, a staff member ran over.

"Master Ruishan, all the work for the venue has been prepared, but there is still a judge and freshmen who did not show up.Hearing his report, Rui Shan was taken aback.


"I know about the judges, I

I will contact her later, but one of the contestants did not show up? What is the situation? Who is the identity of that contestant?"

"It seems to be called Xinghei Soma!"

"Xingping Chuangzhen?"

Hearing this name, several blue veins popped on Ruishan's forehead.

"It's this nasty freshman again, is he taking the autumn selection as a joke? How dare he be late!"

"You pay attention to me. If this guy exceeds 11 points and hasn't arrived... I will disqualify him from the competition!"