
I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover

I find myself walking while I'm thinking, but then I see an old man who seems familiar to me, offers me a new way of living my life, I accept it without giving importance, but I wake up and find myself in a world of magic where everything is new for me . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

Chapter 8-Fight against the demon 1(I need to correct)

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.

Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.





Well, to begin with, this is the first battle I've done, so I'm not sure if I've written it right, so don't get too mad about this, I'm trying to do my best.




Now another novelty, I may change this several times, but in the end I am the one who makes the story, hehehe, before I decided to do it by week, now I will do it when I want, I can do only one per week or several in a week, or I can do several chapters per day, I think you would like me to write more chapters in a row and I would like it too, so wait and maybe you will have chapters in a row for a week, but if I do that there will be a waiting time, besides I am going to take exams now so I will try to write more chapters.

spoiler, actually I have more chapters, about 20 in total, of course some are not complete and others I'm modifying them, but it's just to let you know that there is more story and I'll upload it soon


We are deep in the forest, where we can see several dead animals, destroyed trees, you can see a destruction and massacre, but there are two figures, one totally black with gray, somewhat deformed, this is a demon that is not yet fully recovered and therefore his body still can not be seen but it is a demon, The second figure is on a branch of a tree, this figure is a boy with white hair and blue eyes like gems, these two figures are observed with a defiant look and in a few seconds begin to fight.


*Fight in the forest*.

After observing each other for a few seconds, the devil Thierry shoots towards Satoru to hit him, but Satoru just smiles and puts his hands together to disappear from the place, Thierry sees this and is a little confused to see the human disappearing from the place.

Satoru: "What happened to you, did you lose something?" he says in a mocking tone, when the demon hears his voice he turns around and sees Satoru in the place where he was before.

Thierry: "Insolent human, you are looking for death".

Satoru: "Well, something like that, I'm seeing if I can do something, although I know it's going to hurt a lot, but it's worth a try" he says while raising his hand and starts channeling mana: "Well, it's time to see how strong I am" he says and then generates a small blue ball and throws it at the demon, The attack was a little fast and the demon manages to dodge it.

Thierry: "That's all you got" he says with mockery for his attack.

Satoru: "Nah, I'm doing an experiment" he says with a smile on his face and then he shrinks his hand, but when he does that, the blue ball he shot comes back and hits the demon, causing him a little pain.

Thierry: "Argh damn human" he says with a tone full of annoyance, hate and anger, then he starts to raise his two hands and points to Satoru, moments later behind the demon begins to generate some ice arrows and they shoot towards Satoru, these arrows were going fast, anyone could not see them, but suddenly they stop inches away from Satoru and this causes the demon to be surprised.

Thierry: "How????"

Satoru: "You didn't see it coming haha, well now it's my turn" he says with a defiant look, then he disappears from there and appears behind the demon flying, in that moment he prepares to attack and kicks the demon in the face sending it flying to his right, it shoots out and breaks some trees.

Thierry: "TCH DAMN HUMAN" he says as he gets up and removes the dirt and dust from the attack.

Satoru: "What are you waiting for, I'm seeing my power" he says with a chibi face and quite calmly, when he does that he bothers the demon, who starts to gather a lot of mana, when he does that Satoru is surprised by the amount of mana that he gathers in a single moment.

Satoru:(Wow that's a lot of mana) says in his mind quite impressed-"Well since we're getting serious I think I should too don't you think so" he says in a mocking tone to then channel and mana and say-"Magic creation: Blue amplifier" he says while pointing towards the demon and then a blue sphere is generated and shoots out, the demon seeing that also launches his attack which was a sphere of hard ice, these two attacks shoot out and seconds later collide between them and then explode and raise dust, plus a fog of snow.

Satoru:(Tch I should have put more power in blue to swallow that snowball) says in his mind something annoyed, but then he sees that there is enough fog and does not allow you to see, so he begins to use the six eyes to look for the mana signature of the demon, but in doing so he is surprised because the signature of the demon that he felt before now he feels it around him, rather he feels it in all the fog, seeing that he does not find the demon is surprised and begins to get nervous.

Thierry: "Now that you are human, it seems that you are afraid of not being able to feel my magic power".

Satoru: "To feel fear, ha, you wish, it's just that I got a lint in my beautiful eyes" he says in a mocking tone to hide his nerves.

Thierry: "Hahaha" he starts to laugh and his voice is heard in all directions.

Satoru:(Tch I couldn't find it, I managed to hide his mana but how) he says in his mind quite confused while looking around, but then he hears something and feels something coming but quite fast, then he turns and activates the infinite and sees how an ice arrow stops in front of his face.

Satoru:(Almost and I can't stop it)-"haha that was good, well let's clean this up you want" he says and then join his hands and channel mana, at that moment he moves his hands to form a sphere and starts to generate a blue ball, then he raises his hand to the sky with the blue ball and says [Magical creation: Maximum blue amplifier] and then the blue sphere starts to grow a lot.

Then Satoru throws it forward and starts to control it to move it all around him, when the blue sphere is moving it starts to absorb everything in its path, trees, leaves, stones, wood trunks, the ice fog, he spins it all around him and when it finished spinning he threw it upwards and dissipated the spell, now you can see the area where Satoru was, there was no longer fog, there was only a hole around Satoru but where Satoru was, the floor remained the same.

Thierry:(Damn, that was close, if that thing touched me it would probably hurt me pretty bad, tch this human is troublesome, I need a grimoire, but this is fun) he says in his mind while still hiding and smiling a little bit.

Satoru: (mmhh where did this demon go) he thinks while looking around-(Tch knows how to hide, but how weird I can't locate him) he thinks with quite annoyance but suddenly he hears a sound of ice breaking, then Satoru turns to his left but he doesn't see anything, Satoru turns his head slightly and with his eyes he can see the demon smiling while it has ice claws, then Satoru activates his infinite and manages to stop the attack, but this attack came with enough power to make Satoru get pushed by the force of the attack.

Satoru: (Wow if he had enough strength, I think I better finish this once and for all) he thinks in his mind to then join his hands and disappear from the place, when the demon saw that he got on guard, because he doesn't know what is going to happen, moments later Satoru appears under the demon with a serious face, the demon felt the presence of Satoru but he reacted too late and received Satoru's blow in his face which sent him flying in the air, when he was in the air Satoru appears above him and kicked him sending him down, the demon hit so hard on the floor creating a crater under him and spit some blood.

But Satoru would not wait for the demon to recover, then he appears next to him and grabs him by the arm to throw him towards a tree, the demon shot towards the tree receiving the blow, but then he looks down and sees Satoru about to give him another blow, the demon began to worry about the strength of this boy, besides he can see that he is not tired, then he resorts to use a spell as his last way out.

Thierry: "GET OUT" he says shouting so loudly, to then Satoru out shot and crashing into some trees.

Satoru: (But what was that) he thinks as he gets up from the impact, in that he sees the demon hurt, but quite upset, but in that his six eyes warn him to be careful, Satoru didn't know why he felt danger, so he starts to use the six eyes to see what's going on with the demon, in that he sees two source of energy inside the demon, one was the mana but the other one he didn't know, it was violent, horrifying and quite negative, Satoru tried to figure out what that second source of power was, but in that moment the demon disappears and appears next to Satoru, he could only follow it with his eyes but he couldn't react, so he looked to his right and he could only see a fist heading towards him.

So he activates the infinite but receives the blow that sends him to fly, Satoru collides with several trees and falls to the grass, he is all confused why he could hit him, so he raises his head and manages to see the demon that was about to hit him in the face, so he activates the infinite again and manages to stop the blow, but fails to stop the force of the impact and sends him to fly for several meters.

Satoru:(But what happened) thinks all surprised by the increase of the devil's power-"Hey buddy what the hell was that" he says as he stands up and gets on the defensive.

Thierry: "Just a birth ability" he says while waving his arms a little bit.

Satoru: "Tch I'd like one of those too" he says but then he remembers something-"Hey demon you want to see a magic trick" he says and then disappears, the demon seeing that he left gets defensive and becomes alert, but then he hears a voice behind him.

Satoru: "Hehe too late [Magical creation: Inverse red]" he says while pointing his finger towards the demon as if he was going to shoot something, and at that moment begins to generate a red sphere that illuminates the entire area, the demon was surprised and got nervous because he did not know how powerful the attack would be, so he crossed his arms in the form of X while generating ice that covered them to increase the defense, then several seconds passed and the red light disappeared, so the demon lifts his head and sees Satoru standing in the same position pointing his finger towards him.

Thierry: "Eh??" he says all confused.

Satoru:"..." he is still while he starts sweating and getting quite nervous.

Satoru:(Damn, why don't I get the explosion that I always get when I try to do the technique) he says in his mind quite nervous.

<Author: explosion-san, he went on vacation :p>

Thierry: "And what was that spell supposed to do"?

Satoru: "Well it's supposed to send you away, and it's a force that pushes everything away and it's pretty strong, but apparently I haven't mastered it yet hehe" he says while he puts his hand behind his head and scratches his cheek out of embarrassment.


Satoru: "Hehe sorry" he says rather sadly, while the demon and Satoru stare at each other for a few seconds.

Thierry: "That's pretty pitiful" he says as he removes his defense and shoots towards Satoru, but his attack is stopped in midair-"Tch this barrier is really annoying" he says quite annoyed, then he decides to increase his power.

Thierry increases his magic power enough that makes Satoru surprised by the mana he is gathering, besides he sees another power in his body gather, then the demon begins to create an ice crystal that had enough mana and enough energy of the other power of the demon, it began to grow a lot and then stopped, then the demon points to Satoru and the crystal shoots towards him, Satoru was a little nervous because if he received that attack it could leave him hurt, but he also had doubt that it was that other energy, then he decides to stop it with the infinite and he succeeds, but something happens that surprised Satoru, the ice crystal begins to advance, this makes Satoru scared and surprised, then he moves his body as fast as possible to dodge the attack.

Satoru dodges the ice crystal, but the crystal manages to make a cut in his right arm, Satoru was not sure why he started to advance if he was stopped by the infinite, he was upset and angry, so he was going to attack with everything with the demon but then he sees his wound and freezes for a moment.

Thierry: "HAHAHAHAHA it seems that you are nothing without that invisible barrier of yours" he says with a mocking tone, because of what just happened, then he sees Satoru freezing seeing his wound-"What surprises you the wound I gave you, let me tell you that it is nothing hahaha" he says and then he shot towards Satoru.

Satoru was seeing his wound, but he was not seeing it because the demon managed to hurt him, but he was seeing the other energy that the demon had, apparently when the ice crystal made the wound to Satoru, it left a little of that energy, so Satoru began to see it and analyze it, after a few seconds in reality for Satoru were minutes, which were enough for him to get an idea of what this was, so he turned to see the demon and he had a serious face, but in his mind he was thinking and analyzing that energy.

Thierry: "What are you dumb with fear haha" he says while laughing and launches several ice arrows towards Satoru, but he simply dodges them or stops them with the infinite.


*Satoru's mind*

Satoru:(Mmmhh this energy looks familiar)

Satoru:(Wait a minute this energy is negative, it can't be, it must be a joke, it's cursed energy but HOW???)

Satoru:(Let's think, the cursed energy is negative energy that we humans give off, but during all this time I couldn't see it)

Satoru:(Mmmhh maybe I didn't see it because of the mana, IF THAT HAS TO BE, mana is a positive and pure energy, and as there is enough mana everywhere, maybe the mana has hidden the cursed energy, now it makes sense)

Satoru:(The cursed energy has it all, well I think so, and the reason why the devil has it, is because of its own existence, being a demon or devil, they themselves generate cursed energy and they are also cursed energy, but because they use mana)

Satoru:(mmhh maybe they don't realize the cursed energy, because there is a lot of mana, they don't realize their own power, hehehehehe, this is perfect for me, I have to thank the devil for letting me see the cursed energy, now I think I can do the reverse technique)

Satoru:(But I'm curious, now that I see the cursed energy, now I feel it in the environment, as if it's been there for a long time, but why I couldn't see it, even with the six eyes, mmhh how weird)


*Back to the battle*

Satoru kept dodging the attacks, some he stopped them with the infinite, while others he returned them or counterattacked, after a while, Satoru started to sweat and to breathe irregularly, the demon saw that opportunity and started to attack much faster and with more strength, Satoru saw how the attacks became stronger, so he used blue at maximum power and managed to hurt the demon's left arm, when the demon received the attack he moved away a little while he saw his arm, then Satoru was going to use blue again and he pointed his arm towards the demon, he was ready to throw blue, but at that moment Satoru feels a strong pain in his head and in his eyes.

Satoru falls on his knees while he has one arm on the grass to support himself and with the other on his head, he starts to feel a strong pain in his head and closes his eyes a little bit because they also started to hurt and when he opens them again, he sees some drops of blood on the floor, this makes him very surprised, then he feels a sensation of liquid in his nose, so he touches his nose and then he sees his hand to see that liquid and he realizes it was sange, Satoru started to bleed from his nose.

Satoru is surprised that he starts to bleed but he comes out of his thought because he sees an ice crystal approaching him, so he activates the infinite and stops it, but at that moment he feels a strong pain in his head, making him put his hand on his head.

Satoru:(ARGHHH, IT HURTS SO MUCH) he says in his mind and then tries to stand up, he manages to stop and gets defensive, but you can see how Satoru is tired and has a strong pain, the demon realized that Satoru was reaching his limit so he simply starts smiling.

Thierry: "HAHAHAHAHA, it seems that you have reached your limit human" he says with a lot of emotion and joy-"I have to say that you are a good fighter and that power of yours is quite rare, but enough is enough, I want to have fun with other humans hehehehe" he says while he starts to create several ice arrows, ice crystals and ice spears, then he throws them towards Satoru.

All the attacks of the demon were quite fast and Satoru managed to dodge some of them, but other attacks managed to hit him, causing Satoru to receive many wounds, he tried to use infinite and managed to stop some attacks but he received a severe headache and the pain became stronger and stronger, Satoru's movements began to become slow and he became clumsy, all this because his brain could no longer stand much more.

Satoru was fighting for a long time, besides keeping almost all the time the infinite, causing his brain was overexerted and began to reach its limit, but if it continues like this soon his brain will burn and stop working causing the death of Satoru, but at this moment Satoru had three options, kill the demon as fast as possible, die for the demon or die for burning his brain, in this difficult situation, Satoru began to make more effort and keep the infinite deactivated, but only activate it when the attack was going to touch him, minutes passed and they continued the fight but Satoru could hardly fight, he was only on the defensive.

Thierry: "HAHAHA you can't do it anymore human surrender at once".

Satoru: "Argh, will you shut up, I'm trying to remember the soap opera that was on at home argh" he says mockingly but with a lot of pain.

Thierry: "Well it was fun human hahaha".

Satoru: "Argh you quiet and me nervous, I mean the other way around you nervous and me quiet because very soon you will die" he says with a smile on his face but in his face you could see the pain he was in.

Satoru: "Well my dear demon is tim---" he couldn't finish saying it because he felt something in his stomach, when he looked down he could see a spear pierced in his stomach from his back.

Satoru: "But how, how could I not see it????" he says quite confused.

Thierry: "Haha apparently your body can't take it anymore" he says while walking towards Satoru-"I really thought you would see it, but apparently your body reached its limit haha, too bad I was already having fun" he says while he generates an ice sword and stabs it in Satoru's chest.

When the demon stuck the sword in Satoru's chest he just spit blood, his body couldn't move anymore, his brain was at its limit, he couldn't bring the infinity anymore.

Satoru: "You---" he couldn't say more because he received several attacks from behind, causing him to spit a lot of blood and fall to his knees while looking at the demon.

Thierry: "You know I would kill you quickly, but since you gave me fun I will let you die while you get to hear the screams of your people hahaha" he says quite happily with a sinister smile, then he turns his back to Satoru and starts to walk away from him to get out of the forest.

Satoru was on his knees while blood started to come out of his stomach and mouth, soon Satoru fell to the ground and the spears he had fell apart, Satoru stayed on the ground motionless as he watched the demon move away, he tried to move but his body was no longer responding, little by little his breathing became heavier and his eyesight began to blur, and the glow in his blue eyes that looked like gems gradually began to fade meaning that his life was ending.

Satoru:(Shit.... so close....mama....papa.... sister.... sorry... I'm not strong) he says in his mind while he starts to close his eyes, but some words say that when you are in a difficult situation it always happens that a glimmer of hope arises to light your way and so it happened with Satoru.


Satoru was leaning on a tree while he had his eyes closed and eating a piece of cake that his mother made, he was currently relaxing after several attempts to use the reverse technique but always failed, but then he heard a voice.

????: "Brother"

Satoru: "Mmmhh what's up Celena" he says while taking a bite of the cake.

Celena: "I've been wondering why you want to be strong".

Satoru: "Mmhh we've had that talk a few times before, haven't we"?

Celena: "Yes I know, but what is it that gives you motivation"?

Satoru: "Well, to be the strongest and that's it".

Celena: "But that gives you motivation to train but in a battle that gives you motivation to fight" she says rather curiously while looking at her brother.

Satoru: "Well fight I don't know yet, because I have not had a fight, but I think it would be to see my loved ones, because they give me a sense of warmth and I do not want that feeling is lost, also if I find myself in a difficult situation I always manage to get out of that situation, because I am your brother and I will protect you" he says with a smile to open his eyes and see his little sister.

Celena: "Hahaha I want to see how powerful you will be" she says with joy.

Satoru: "Just wait and see" he says with a smile and then puts his hand on his sister's head and tousles her hair a little bit.

*End flashback*

After remembering that scene Satoru begins to move his body a little to put his hand in the pool of blood that was there, while he begins to breathe with difficulty.

Satoru: "In... situations..... difficult ..... measures..... extreme" he says with difficulty while channeling mana into the pool of blood, but also channeling cursed energy.


Currently you can see a somewhat tall black figure, with a pair of black wings, a tail with a spike at the end and several horns on its head, but you can also see its left arm quite wounded as it walks through the woods

[Demon pov]

Thierrry: "Tch that human was strong for his age, and that he didn't have a grimoire, I hope humans aren't like that" he says with annoyance for the battle against Satoru but he was happy to fight and kill the human.

Thierry: "Well anyway, time to have fun while I kill and listen to the screams of the humans" he says with a lot of emotion and a little excited about it, the demon walks for a while in the forest until he gets out, then he walks through some small mountains to get to the edge of the mountain and see a small town with some human people.

Thierry: "Perfect time to have fun, but which one shall I start with" he says while looking at the village, but then he sees some houses far away, so he flies towards them and stands a little bit far from the houses to observe them.

Thierry: "I think I'll start with these, and then go to the main course" he says while looking at the houses, but then he sees something that catches his attention and it was a house where the man was fixing the door, while the lady was with the plants and a little girl with white hair could be seen chasing a butterfly.

Thierry: "That human reminds me of the human from before, hehehe, this is going to be fun" he says with a lot of emotion and drools a little, then the demon gets ready to fly away but he hears a voice behind him.

???:"Sorry buddy, but you can't go with my family, they will be mad if they find out I didn't finish my job" when the demon heard the voice behind him, he turns around and sees a person standing there.

Thierry: "Whaaaatt¡¡¡¡¡, but how is that possible?"

????: "Well I'm not sure, but it was worth a try, so you're ready for round 2" he says it with a lot of emotion while he's throbbing his fingers.


<Hello how are you, I hope you like the chapter, this time made it a little long, as would be battle and it, is first write one, I'm not sure if it's right, but will try to improve support story may release chapter much earlier well, work make other chapters>.