
I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover

I find myself walking while I'm thinking, but then I see an old man who seems familiar to me, offers me a new way of living my life, I accept it without giving importance, but I wake up and find myself in a world of magic where everything is new for me . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

Chapter 16- Black Bulls

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.





Please give me good reviews so I know how many stars my story will get, if not, then why do I continue it?


*Previous Chapter*

Satoru returned to the kingdom but ended up in another place which he did not know, he went to investigate what was that area, until he found a tower and as the curious that is went to investigate it, while in the tower he found something he did not expect and was a beautiful girl which was locked in a cage, this beautiful girl was Vanessa daughter of the witch queen, Satoru decided to release it but when he was about to do so came someone else but did not know that there was someone in that tower, this person was Yami, who was doing a task, but in the end he helped them to get out of the witches forest, then he took them to the kingdom where they processed an identity for Vanessa so she could be in the kingdom, besides they promoted Yami as captain, and as now he has the authority of captain he forced Vanessa and Satoru to join his order, Vanessa accepted while Satoru was fighting about why he had to join, but then he ended up accepting and became vice captain of the order.


*General pov*

Currently we are in a forest where you can see three people walking, the first person is a beautiful girl, pink hair, measuring 1.63 m, wearing a dark cloak with an insignia of a bull, was quite nervous and anxious as he walked and looked around, the second person was quite tall with a height of 1. 80m carrying a katana on his left side, with tousled hair and black color, this person was in front while smoking a cigarette and the last person wore a white blindfold on his eyes, was a tall person also 1.79m and his hair was white, these three people were walking towards what would be the base of his order

"The person who said it was Satoru, who was tired of walking and being in the forest-"It's not long now and hold on you want" Yami answered with annoyance while exhaling the smoke of his cigarette, after this mini talk they continued walking for a while in the forest, until they reached what would be a mansion, house or castle, abandoned, this building was built in a strange way.

"Yes you know it looks like it's about to fall down" says Satoru as he points to the building and turns to see Yami and Vanessa who were also looking at the building-"Yes I know, but this is the best I could find, plus it was at a good price" says Yami as he smiles and enters the building.

The three entered the building and could see that it was abandoned, full of dust, cobwebs, several leaves around, plus several things destroyed, nobody said anything, Yami started to walk to see how things were, Vanessa went to look for something to clean, while Satoru was looking around the building until he looked up and saw something so he started to walk, He passed several corridors with several rooms which were just as dirty, after a while he found the stairs so he went up several floors, until he got to where he wanted, he kept walking until he stopped at a door, it was closed but Satoru just smiled and then opened the door.


*Satoru pov*

Satoru was in front of the door so he decides to open it, but he opens it with a slam while saying "I respect your privacy by knocking on the door, but I reaffirm my authority as vice captain by entering anyway" he says with a smile on his face as he entered, when he entered the room he could see a desk on the right side, a window in front of him and on the left side there was a bed, where there was a thin person lying on the bed, he looked quite weak, as if he had never eaten, but what was more interesting was that just being in front of him his mana began to decrease, but as Satoru had enough mana, and could say that he had infinite mana this did not worry him and approached the person who was on the bed.

"Wow you look really bad, well let me introduce myself I am Satoru, Satoru Gojo, I am the vice captain of the order of the Black Bulls and now I am your partner, friend and vice captain, nice to meet you" he showed a friendly smile while looking at the person in the bed and grabbed a chair that was by the desk and placed it next to the bed- "Well how are you".

"I- I am g-good" he says it with some difficulty and it was noticeable that he was breathing with some difficulty-"As you don't look too bad let me help you" he puts his hand on the person on the bed and starts to use his magic power-'If the inverse technique allows me to heal myself then it will allow me to heal others, well we better try' he thinks as he starts to use the technique and his magic power, but what he didn't realize was that his grimoire started to levitate, it opened and started to glow, then the grimoire turned several pages and on a page that was blank, it started to write something and then it stopped glowing and closed and returned to Satoru's waist.

"Satoru was quite impressed that he could heal another person, since he had no practice in that area- "I'm a little better" he says in a tired tone- "You know now you look a little better, before you were very pale and you looked thin, now you look like a person who is very tired after running a marathon" Satoru expresses himself in an amused tone towards- "Right I didn't ask you your name, what is your name friend".

"Henry, Henry Legolant a pleasure to meet you vice captain" Henry was a tall person, somewhat thin, he wears pajamas to sleep, besides having a lot of messy white hair and his eyes were yellow.

"Well Henry nice to meet you and welcome to the squadron, well little by little more people will start coming and we will all be friends, so I say goodbye and bye" Satoru gets up and says goodbye to Henry and then start walking towards the living room of the building, but without first exploring all the rooms that had the building and ran into several things, the bathroom, the living room, a terrace, a library although no one will enter there, after exploring a while Satoru returns to where Yami and Vanessa were.

"Hey brat where the hell was I" He says in an annoyed tone while he had a newspaper in his hand and sat down to read it-"Easy, I was exploring our beloved base, to know where I'm going to stay" he says in a cheerful tone while he looks at Yami reading his newspaper, then he turns to Vanessa and says something-"Come on Vanessa let me show you your room".

"Do you know where the room is?" Vanessa asks quite curious as to how she knows where the room is if they have just arrived at the building.

"Yes, I got lost while I was looking for the bathroom, but I found several things, let me explain while we walk" and that's how Vanessa and Satoru went to explore the base, they found several rooms and several interesting things, both were spending time together and had a good time.


*General pov*

After they settled in the abandoned building, which is now the base of the order of Black Bulls, Yami as the captain, Satoru as vice-captain, Vanessa as a member and Henry as a member of the order as well, currently they were few but little by little they would be many more people, time passed and at the beginning they did nothing but rest, laugh, eat, have fun, train, but then they got missions, which were very simple, such as investigating a robbery, help some people, escort a merchandise, something simple, Yami and Satoru became friends, although I do not know if you could say that friends, because sometimes they fought and went out to solve their business through a fight, although Satoru always won thanks to infinity, but sometimes he let Yami win, Satoru went to visit Henry and chatted a while with him, besides taking him some things for him to have fun, With Vanessa they became quite close and they spent almost all their time together, they had fun, laughed, sang, made pranks, they had a great time, none wanted to get away from each other and just wanted to spend time together, but as one person once said, not everything is forever.


*Satoru pov*

Currently Satoru is sitting on the edge of the roof of the base, watching the sunset, while he had a glass of juice on his left side and ate some popcorn while watching the beautiful landscape, Satoru began to think about some things and about the future of how things will be now, but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard some footsteps.

"So here you are brat" the voice that sounded behind Satoru was his captain Yami, who came with a cigarette in his mouth while holding an apple in his right hand- "Don't tell me you're going to get philosophical now" he says in a mocking tone when he sees Satoru with a thoughtful face while looking at the sunset

"No, it's not that, it's just that I'm thinking about the future" Satoru replies to Yami, in a calm way as he turns to see him-"It's just that many things are going to happen and some will be good and some will be bad, especially the end" he says in a tired tone as he grabs his juice and starts to drink it.

"Yami just smiles at the amount of mana he has-"I know but still, thanks to Ryuya, there's something that might defeat me and that's the worrying thing" Satou stands up while grabbing all his stuff and stands in front of Yami-"How the hell do you know Ryuya" Yami was confused how Satoru knows his name.

"Don't worry, I traveled to your country by mistake and stayed for a while there and then I met him" Satoru gives a smile to Yami-"You're lying, well just the beginning" Yami just stared at Satoru with a serious face-"Well it wasn't by mistake, rather I wanted to go there at the beginning, You know ki is pretty scary" This Satoru says with some nerves as he hugs himself and starts shaking- "But whatever, I'll explain it to you later" he says as he starts walking to Yami's side- "You know you're a weirdo" he says in a disgusted tone- "But it's nice to have weirdos" he says in a disgusted tone- "But it's nice to have weirdoes. "But it's nice to have weirdos isn't it" Satoru stops to turn his head towards him to say-"But you're right" Yami just nods-"Anyway I'll leave you to talk to that emo since I feel you want him for something" Yami exhales the smoke of his cigarette to then start walking back to his base.

Little by little the sun started to go down until the night came, Satoru was standing where he was after talking to Yami, so he turns to where the sun was and says a few words to the air-"You know you are good at hiding but I need your help for something" there was quite silence in the air, if someone passed by they would probably think he was crazy, but something happened, in front of Satoru where there was darkness, the darkness began to rise until it took the shape of a person and revealed itself, the darkness or the surplus that was around this person began to move away and allowed to reveal a tall person, long black hair, light blue eyes, wearing a cloak around his body, he had a serious face and looked at Satoru and then said something-"Because you want my help".

"You know Nacht, you may not like me, but I would still like to ask you a favor" Satoru looks for something in his pants and then pulls out two folded sheets of paper and hands them to Nacht- "I don't like you because of your attitude" Nacht takes the sheets with annoyance, but then he opens the sheets and reads them with curiosity and then looks at Satoru-"What are these things and why do you need them?" he asks with curiosity since he hadn't seen them-"Well the sheet of ingredients or materials is for something in the future and the other sheet with the image is something very dangerous and I need you to investigate, Satoru says it in a serious tone while looking at Nacht-"Besides as vice captain that we are we have to prepare for the future no" he says with a smile on his face towards Nacth-"Well I will investigate about these things" Nacht simply says those words and then return to the shadows-"Wow and then they say that I am the weirdo" after Nacht left, Satoru began to walk towards the base.


A few days passed and everything was quiet, Yami reading his newspaper and being in the bathroom for quite some time, Vanessa practicing her magic with Satoru's aydua, Henry watching everyone at the base as they were living together and Satoru eating some candy, but one day Satoru was in the living room while thinking about something, but then Yami arrives and sees him thinking and just walks up to him to say something-"So you're leaving, aren't you" "Yeah, I've thought about it before, but there are some things I have to do" Satoru gets up from the couch and then extends his hand towards Yami-"You know you're a weirdo, even though it's only been a few months" Yami said.

"Yeah, I've thought about it before, but there are some things I have to do" Satoru gets up from the couch to then extend his hand towards Yami-"You know you're a weirdo, even though it's only been a few months" Yami shakes Satoru's hand to then start walking away-"By the way bring a souvenir from wherever you go" Satoru stood still while watching Yami walk away, Then he turns to a corridor-"Vanessa you can leave now" when he said these words a beautiful lady with pink hair came out of the corridor, she was sad and went straight to hug Satoru-"It is necessary that you leave, you can't stay a little longer" she says in a sad tone and some tears started to come out of her eyes.

"I won't be gone long" Satoru pulls Vanessa away a little, to look at her face and start cleaning her lagrias- "I just have to finish some work and I'll be back I promise" he gives her a warm smile and then kisses her forehead and separates from her embrace, Satoru started to walk towards the door, but he stops and turns to Vanessa, then turns to her and extends his hand to her-"Here, so you don't forget the incredible Satoru Gojo" he says in a funny tone and then opens his hand and shows a beautiful bracelet, Vanessa is surprised by this and turns to see the bracelet and Satoru several times, then she grabs the bracelet and puts it on-"Thank you Satoru I will always remember you" she says in a happy tone, while looking at Satoru, this Satoru just gave her a warm smile and then turned around and walked towards the door, but in that she feels something pull her sleeve, he was going to turn around what was it, but then he feels a warm sensation in his street, he turns immediately to see Vanessa and she was looking away while her face turned red, Satoru knew what it was and started to laugh while Vanessa pouted-"Well I'm going take care of you and I promise to bring you a souvenir" he says while he walks and says goodbye to Vanessa.

Satoru opens the door of the base, goes out and closes the door, looks around and walks a little towards the forest, he walked for a while until he stopped and looked at the sky-"Damn, I'm starting to regret it but there is still time" Satoru simply lets out a sigh and shakes his head and then looks ahead and disappears from the place.


*Some years later"

<Base of the black bulls>

We are at the base of the black bulls, where you could hear a lot of noise, several people talking, but inside the base, you can see a beautiful girl sitting on a chair while having her head on the table and playing with a bottle of alcohol and looking towards the entrance of the base, while sighing sadly-"Hey Magna-senpai, why Vanessa-senpai is sad and stares at the entrance of the base" who said this was a dwarf with hairy hair-"I don't know Asta, I have asked her about that too, but she just says that she is waiting for him to come back after finishing his work" both Asta and Magna looked at Vanessa out of concern since she almost always did this.

While they were worried about her, Vanessa was immersed in her thoughts, then she lifts her right arm and sees a beautiful bracelet on her wrist-"When are you coming back Satoru" she says in a very low tone, but also with sadness, while this was happening outside the base of the black bulls, at a far distance, an adult with a dark shirt with long sleeves, black baggy pants, black shoes and a black bandage on his eyes, plus a snow white hair, this person was sitting looking towards the direction of the base, but he was quite far away, but he just smiles and then stood up-"I think it's time to make my epic entrance".


<Author: I hope you like this new way of narrating the story, if don't it then go back to other way, also please give me a good review because want see rating my and have one why continue :p>