
I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover

I find myself walking while I'm thinking, but then I see an old man who seems familiar to me, offers me a new way of living my life, I accept it without giving importance, but I wake up and find myself in a world of magic where everything is new for me . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

Chapter 12-Roses(I need to correct)

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.





The truth is, I still doubt if I can be a romance or not, maybe I ask for help in that part, but at the moment the ones that could be the interest of mc, would be, Mimosa, Vanessa, Mereoleona and then maybe I put it or maybe not.


After Satoru said goodbye to his family and started his journey to the kingdom, it was not long before Satoru arrived, he walked for a while and decided to teleport, this way he arrived to the kingdom faster, currently Satoru is in the streets of the kingdom, after passing the gate and a review to take care of people, the review consisted of saying your name, where you come from, and put your maso on a crystal ball which lights green or red, green if you are innocent and have not committed any crime, red when you made a crime and you are a criminal.

<Author: I decided to add this detail, just make filler hehehe>

After that review Satoru began to walk through the streets of the kingdom, he could admire that they were quite large, he had the same impression when he first arrived, maybe in the anime or manga show the kingdom as a big place, but precensiarlo is another thing, Satoru was observing the kingdom, he could admire several food stalls, clothing, materials, weapons and pets

Satoru approached each store to observe and every time he stopped in the stores could not hide a face full of excitement of curiosity of things, people who were passing and saw him had some thoughts about him, but also talked about him, some things he said was that he is a blind guy for the glasses, or is pretending to be blind, is a commoner disgusting, what memories of youth, the young man seems excited, said several things and Satoru could hear it well, even so did not give importance and continued watching the kingdom.

Satoru saw that there was a long line of several young people, some looked excited, others nervous and several were quite confident, Satoru who saw this was a little confused, so he went to ask what it was, when he asked a guard replied that it was for the exams of magic knights, Satoru was excited at the idea and thanked the guard and then went to form the line, but before arriving he stopped and started thinking.

Satoru:(Wait a minute, there are the exams to be a magic knight, but will all the orders be there mmhhh)

Satoru:(It's a good opportunity, but I'm not sure about taking the exam, I don't doubt that I'll fail it, but I'll pass it by being the number 1 in the exam hehe)

Satoru:(But I want to join the order of black bulls, for 3 reasons, 1 because it is a free order and I can do whatever I want, 2 because I will be the main character of the story and I would like to see how the romance of Asta and Noelle develops, maybe I can help him a little in that, hehehehehe and 3 because hehehehe) says in his mind while showing a funny smile, but while he was thinking about which knight order to join his stomach began to growl.

Satoru: "I think I'll go get some food, I'm already hungry, I'm craving for something sweet" he says while holding his belly that started to growl louder, then he starts to look around in search of a food stand, but then he remembers a stand that was close to where he was, so he started to walk towards the restaurant.

A few minutes passed and Satoru was walking, it did not take long and found the food stall, so he entered, when he entered the restaurant, it was a cozy place, several wooden tables and chairs, with a decoration of flowers, plus the place gave a feeling of warmth and relaxation, so Satoru walked into the restaurant to sit at the bar that was in front of the kitchen.

Waiter: "Good afternoon young man".

Satoru: "Good afternoon sir".

Waiter: "Well, young man, what would you like to order?

Satoru: "A, could you pass me the menu, I am new hehe" he says while touching the back of his head with a little embarrassment.

Waiter: "I'll give it to you right away" he says to turn around and walk towards a piece of furniture where there was a notebook, then he grabs it and arrives with Satoru to give it to him, Satoru observes the notebook where there were several dishes, the price was nice but what surprised him was the amount of dishes.

Satoru: "Wow they really like to cook, mmhh this is a little difficult, there are several things but I don't know what" he says while he looks at the menu and tries to decide what to order, but then he hears a voice

???: "Ask for the special dish of the house, it is a good dish, besides they always put it on discount this day".

Satoru: "Mmhh this dish is delicious????"

????: "Too much kid"

Waiter: "I can guarantee it, it's a special dish of the house" he says with a smile on his face.

Satoru: "Alright then, bring me one with some water please".

Waiter: "Right away, I'll bring you your food now" he says to turn around and walk to the kitchen and then talk to the chefs.

Satoru: "Thank you, I'll wait for you here" he says as he settles in his chair and waits for his food, but then he turns his head to the right to see the person who helped him choose the dish to eat, when he turns his head he is surprised to see who was the person on his right.

The person was wearing a white shirt with a black cloak or a black coat, Satoru could not figure out what it was, he was wearing dark brown pants, with black boots, he was carrying his grimoire on his right side, on his left side he was carrying a katana and he was smoking a cigarette while he was smoking.

???:"What, do you have a problem, you brat?

Satoru: "Not really, I just wonder how you can smoke and eat your soup at the same time" he says it with a calm tone and his face did not show any change in his attitude, but inside Satoru was surprised to meet the future captain of the black bulls, he says future because he looked younger at this moment, this person was Yami Sukehiro.

Yami: "So what?

Satoru: "No nothing, I was just curious, by the way this dish is delicious as you say".

Yami: "Pretty much, it's the best dish in the place, besides there is a discount this day, and you are lucky the dish is half the price, I don't know why the owner makes offers, but what else do you give, take advantage of the opportunity" he says while he continues eating his soup.

Satoru: "I see, if you say so, then it must be delicious".

Yami: "Totally bratty".

Satoru: "Hehe" he says as he turns to see the waiter bringing his plate, Satoru stares at the plate for a few seconds, and then starts to taste it, when he took his first taste, he was surprised at how delicious it was, so he turns to Yami, who only sighed and showed a small smile, Satoru just laughed a little and then continued eating his plate quietly.

He was a few seconds enjoying his plate, until something interrupted his tranquility, the ceiling above them suddenly broke, the debris from the ceiling fell on the bar where they were eating and was destroyed, the soup plates of Yami and Satoru, flew out and then fell to the floor, the two were staring at the plates, Satoru saw his plate and a tear came out of his left eye for losing his food, while Yami started to show his murderous intent for throwing his plate, Yami went out of the restaurant to look for the culprit, Satoru stood still and then looked up and saw some plant stems with some blue flowers.

Satoru: "Where have I seen these flowers" he says while looking at the plant, then he looks at the waiter and chef who were shivering under a table-"Hey if I make this problem go away, you can give me a new plate but with a better price" he says while looking at them, and they both agreed, they nodded their heads towards Satoru, then he smiled and started to leave the restaurant.

When he left the restaurant he saw several people running, they were all scared, then he saw how several stalks of plants with blue roses were coming towards his direction, Satoru was calm and started to walk towards them, the people who were running to get away saw him as they walked and many shouted at him to go away, but he kept walking, but then something surprised them because the stems of plants with blue roses, stopped in front of him, they were still a few inches from his body, Satoru just bowed his head a little to see the roses, then sighed and kept walking, the stems of blue roses began to move around him but never touched him.

Satoru walked for a moment until he saw some injured people, but in that moment he saw that part of the roof of the house where they were started to fall towards them, so he simply raised his hand towards them and using the power of blue, he attracted the people towards him, The people saw him with emotion thinking that he was a magic knight so they thanked him and then ran away from the place, Satoru saw how the people were leaving so he turned back to see where this magic power came from, so he lowered his glasses a little and observed a little around him and then smiled and put on his dark glasses, so he joined his hands and disappeared from the place.

Moment later Satoru appeared on a roof of one of the houses that were close to where the source of mana came from, Satoru observed how a large castle was wrapped in several stems of blue roses, Satoru was thinking what to do while making memory, to see where he saw this scene, but then he saw a dark cut that hit the castle, and then turned and saw Yami with his katana in his hand, wrapped in a dark aura on his sword.

Seeing that something clicked in Satoru's memory and he remembered that this was the scene where Yami and Charlotte met, and then Charlotte fell in love with Yami, Satoru thought that he should interfere in that, but he decided to stay there to see the scene, so he started to look around and saw a candy store, so he went in and bought some candy.

Meanwhile Yami was facing the stems of the roses, he was throwing several cuts of darkness, while dodging others, but he kept moving forward, after a while he started to climb the castle until he reached an area where you could see the stems of roses forming a bud, then Yami began to cut them with his katana wrapped in dark magic, then Yami cut the cocoon allowing him to walk towards the center of the cocoon to see what was the source of energy, but when he arrived he found a beautiful woman with blonde hair floating while she was entangled in the stems of the roses.

Yami: "How are you going to make it up to me? the bowl of soup I was eating has flown away" he says while looking at the woman, the beautiful woman didn't know what she was weighing and just stared at Yami.

Yami: "And you are the brave woman who always accomplishes the missions calmly? it's pathetic" she says while exhaling the smoke of her cigarette.

Yami: "But you know I like strong women" he says while looking at the beautiful woman-"But from time to time you can depend on others, in the chivalry orders there are a handful of strong and reliable people" he says while looking at the woman, the beautiful woman is surprised by Yami's words and little by little her magic power started to go down and caused the stems of the roses to start to disappear.

Woman:(That a man stole my heart, that was the way to break the curse) she says it in her mind while she keeps watching Yami then she begins to notice that the stems of the roses begin to disappear. 

Yami: "They have disappeared what luck"

????: "Technically you helped him in that" says a voice coming from behind him, so Yami turns around and sees a young man with white hair, wearing dark glasses eating a sweet bread while walking towards him.

Yami: "You're the brat from the restaurant"?

????: "Yep that's me".

Yami: "What did you say your name was"?

????:"Satoru, Satoru Gojo nice to meet you ehhh, what's your name hehe".

Yami: "Yami, Yami Sukehiro for you brat and now what are you doing here".

Satoru: "Me, just watching this romantic scene".

Yami: "Romantic scene your panties, I just came here to get paid for my soup that flew away".

Satoru: "Ah me too, but I got sidetracked by some candy, look at the taste it's too tasty" he says while holding a candy towards Yami, he just stares at him weird, then he takes the candy, eats it and just says it's tasty.

Satoru: "By the way, the owner of the restaurant gave me a discount on the soup, I think he will give it to you too, because you are a magical gentleman, aren't you".

Yami: "Yes I am, and since you're sure he'll give a discount, it's better if he gave it for free".

Satoru: "Well, I don't know, but if you want, let's go and ask, no, at the end of the day, the soup is delicious".

Yami: "I agree with you brat" he says to start walking out of the castle, Satoru also started to walk behind him, but he stops and turns to see the beautiful Charlotte who was on the floor a bit confused, then Satoru comes closer to tell her something.

Satoru: "You know if you need help in love with him, just look for me to help you and you have my blessing with him" he says with a smile while he laughs, Charlotte when she hears that she can't help blushing, but at that moment she hears a scream from behind Satoru.




Satoru: "YOU CAN'T EVEN HIT ME" he says while walking towards the hole in the castle wall.


<Hello, I hope you like the chapter, I'm trying to do it well and with some changes, maybe in things ask for help but well, enjoy chapter little by story is getting closer plot of Black Clover, still missing a few chapters that hehehehehe>.