
I become ash in pokemon world l[Pokemon Ash Reincarnation]l PRA.

Honozaki miura a die heart fan of pokemon, he was intelligent boy and made his living through his love, pokemon. He was an poketuber and was having good earning in netizen. As he thought of upgrading his content by adding pokemon anime review but due to his harsh judgement in review, pokemon company killed him an accident because of they were having a huge loss. His dream life ended. But some ending give birth to new story. He become ash in pokemon world, but wait this is not pokemon world he knew, what are this character and who is controlling my body, what are this dream. Pokemon world is anime i know, it is something different a parallel universe, even so it doesn't stop to reach my dream life. Join the journey of ash who fight an extreme fate. ••• @writer_seiji here, This an fanfiction which i write to fullfill my imagination, i am an new writer so don't aspect much from me. ••• |I don't own anything related to the pokemon| |I doesn't own cover image if your are the owner and wants to delete it then comment in novel or review section| |English is not my first language|

ImagineEagle · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
12 Chs

Chapter 6: Preparation?

Infront of huge mansion, who look like some sort of royal castle, with its huge 4 tower and flesh greenary around it, was making a breath taking scene.

A large crowd was formed in front of its gate.

Female with white hair, wearing royal cape with crown on head was front in action and behind her stood several people with high professional profile with their pokemon.

Her white tight hair in ponytail with her fair face gave her a angel wibe, but soon it was vanished as she looked towards a person infront of her, he had black hair and was of similar to her age.

He was on ground on his knees his face was swollen and blood was coming was almost his every body part...

Beside him was an yellow mouse pokemon, the pokemon was not better condition than his trainer his eyes were out and become purple, foam was coming from his mouth.

He was poisoned...

The black hair trainer pleaded with somewhat store energy to his save pokemon.

But to his response only one answer came.

" 'Ashlee Windstone' " she pointed towards towards him.

"From now onwards I 'Rosa Windstone' hereby declared to all that he is banished from Windstone family.

On name of lord arceus i declare him as enemy of royal blood and traitor.

If anyone support or helps him that person will taken as royal family's enemy.

On name of kanto throne, i declared it as my final verdict, because my verdict is my rule."

Rosa the new royal queen declared.

Ashlee in front of her was helpless. soon the guards release him from their grip.

Ashlee quickly crawled towards his pokemon, his eyes were wet only tears of blood were coming from him.

As he was going towards his pokemon, he heard a loud voice.

"Arbok use Poison fang"

As soon as heard this a purple snake came in instant he bites his pokemon.

Pikachu was on verge of dying ashlee his trainer was not able to a single thing his arrogance and boast fulness resulted in his result.

He looked towards Rosa who was laughing loudly entirely and a amusement filled in her eyes.

Only one thing was in his mind 'why why why why you do!'

Ashlee eyes went black and white, Rose who saw this only said one sentence and left.

"Why, because it was fun destroying things people loves and care so much."

As she said that sudden blank ness appeared.

Past dream broke...

Ash woke up.

He was sweating and his green t-shirt was wet as wetland.

The girl in dream had similar features to the yesterday white hair girl he thought.

What was even that he dream. he got up while thinking about but he saw time and was late for class.

His hair was in mess he quickly went to washroom to wash his face it was morning already and was time of class.

He quickly got freshed and ran towards the the class.

Since the camp started various things are happening in his life and he was confused and some part of body was excited with unknown suspense surrounded his life.


At same time a girl got up from her sleep and saw she was late for class.

Even though she was late, she got up elegantly and freshen up and wear a proper dress and went towards classroom.

Her name was Rosa Windstone.

She had distinctive white hair and angelic face. but one must never get believe that her nature will be same.

She was princess of royal windstone family and probably of whole region. but at same time she was spoiled as hell.

She was arrogant and from when she was understanding things she was filled sense of superiority.

She believed that everything in world revolve around her. but little she knew that this believing is something that will lead her demise in future.

When she listens that there was going to pokemon camp by famous professor oak.

She urged her father for going soon with his connection he arranged a seat for her even before application form were started accepting.

She was happy, no person is that hate pokemon.

When she reached there her daddy had assigned her 2 fellow age kids friends but they were personal spy for her surveillance.

When she was going attend breakfast, a fat guy bumped her. her favourite dress got spoilt.

But instead of apologizing to her they were one who directly look down on her, no one had done this before.

She was furious the matter got big and professor oak even came personally and apologized in his students stead to her being a nice character.

After she saw that guys from before were laughing and enjoying their time.

Her dress was spoilt and they were laughing she got angry.

And made fat guy fall purposely. As she felt a little satisfied, a boy with black hair was looking at her with blank eyes...

And suddenly 'slap' surrounded and her cheek stink a little as she touched it was red and painful.

She didn't understand what was going because she was slapped for first in life.

She was angry and will never let go the boy away with it, she will slapped him 100 time.

And made him rub his nose on ground and plead with his tears.

The classes ended for the day and she went into her room and locked herself in.

She quickly called her daddy tell him the injustice happened to her today she was crying loud.

On other end of phone only one reply came.

"I will take care of it just take some time and come home any time you wanted."

"Yes daddy!"

The call ended.

Rosa looked towards phone knew that her daddy will do something about it.

She soon slept with sign relieve and can't wait to see the Black hair kid in despair.

While laughing she slept.


After talking to rosa, her daddy made a quick call to the personal surveillance that he had appointed even though they were kids there age was 8 years making them more mature.

He told them make everyone forget about the event with drowsy sleep paralysis.

His team had found way it made possible with help of lab research.

After he told them only one thing.

"I am sending pokemons, kill the kid" quickly his call ended.

And kids responded with loud Yes before call was cut.

They both looked at each other, nodded thier head.

It was time for some action.

They acted as order and erased everyone memory. they did that but a person happened to miss out from it.

Because even though he saw the incident but was not slept in dorm and instead went outside town same day.

Making him only remember it even more.

At same they have performed in ash so don't he even know reason for his death, but they didn't think that they failed since his mind had some barrier, instead he got out with only nightmare at night.



Sixth chapter posted, just enjoy the ride, you all are free to hate the story, critisism is accepted.

Thanks to fan for support, give lots of collection.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ImagineEaglecreators' thoughts