
I become a cheat

Dear diary, It's been 10 days since x, 2021, when the lockdown started. christmass is coming and everything is not jolly. We are almost out of food, people are complaining, when will this be lift?. ----- Dear Diary, It's the already new years eve, its the 28th day when the lockdown started. after the 10th day people from.the government keep on sending supply on us, but no news of lifting the lockdown. ----- Dear Diary, its already 2022 and no sign of lifting the lockdown, I saw people running from something but i don't know what?, heard few gunshot, i guess alot of people are fighting back to get the lockdown lift. ---- Dear Diary, this is the first time I saw someone knocking my door for help, but didn't trust but watched since i knew something was wrong. I never opened the t.v. because it might caught some unwanted attraction, and it scares me the most. --- Dear Diary, it already March and A system just pop up infront of me and i think this will be the start of my hell. end.

Daoist_MC25 · Fantasía
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1 Chs


inside of a Train~

stranger 1 talks: " Hey you've seen the news? some portal opened and some people are behaving crazy man, like zombies~"

stranger 2: " you just watched to much zombie movie get life will you haha"

after the stop Park Arthur Lee, Male, 25 years old graduating student of Computer Engineering stood still after hearing the announcement getting broadcast all over the country.


" lockdown will soon Start tommorrow afternoon, Every establishment will be closed, Work from home is a must due to Arising numbers portals coming out, please be adviced that this lockdown will help tract the infected due to the opening of the portals, everyone is expected to Participate thank you".

Park Arthur Lee: "gonna write this to my diary huh."

upon opening the door, arthur's big Dog came out rushing to welcome him home, weighing 50kg chow chow.

stumbling him to the floor, and asking to get pet by his master.

Arthur:" Come on Johnn your so big, get off me"

after getting scolded Johnn whines and says sorry to his master

arthur: Its ok Johnn, wants some snacks?

the dog wagging his cute tail with anticipation.

arthur: "what news is there other than the lockdown?"

arthur opened the tv to see the news:

"people are getting scared due to the lockdown, people are showing symptoms of being awaken and some are turning into one of the infected, Source are claiming if One can't accept the awaken its kills them and turns them in to a zombie"

arthur: "well thats fuck up right johnn, good thing i got johnn so no need to turn into a awakened or a freaking zombie, but hoping this lockdown will help, oh yeah, for got to write this all down to my Diary"


doorbell rings!

"hello Mr.15062, This is one of the staff building, we were given a task to give each tenant some food supply for 1 week please check the box in the left thank you! have a great night!.

said by the Building staff

Arthur saw the staff leaving and then opened the door to get the box, after opening he saw his neighboor open hers to, she was a 27 yrs old lady with a kid, her daughter Arthur knew from the looks of her she is not korean at all.

getting caught " Goodevening sorry for starring at you, are you a foreigner? " asked by Arthur

" Ah yes, Me and my daughter are from the philippines, i'm working as a Graphics Specialist stationed here in korea" politely said by the lady

" Ow ok ok sorry for asking and being rude erm goodnigbt" after arthur said that he slammed the door because he felt awkward and embarrassed from what he did.

"Let's just go to sleep now since supply is good and johnn has lot of dog food anyway, lockdown is nothing~"


Dear Diary

It's December 1,2021 lock down started due to portals and awakened people.

to summarize it all they wanted to minimize the chance of trouble ahead , Good thing i got Johnn me so i don't need anything to protect me. but i hope nothing will like that happen to us since johnn is the only family i got.

I saw a beautiful girl but she is not korean and has a kid too bad, she already have a husband.

made a mistake but hope to know her more soon.



chapter end