
I Became the monster that I hunt.

A ruthless monster hunter died at the age of fifty. During his prime, Oliver exterminated all living beings as long as it is a monster. He is not one to show mercy, and this never changed until his death. Arising on a new planet, the merciless hunter soon noticed that he has a new body and mind. Nature played a joke on him by transferring him into a new but similar world, a world where monsters and humans battle each other. There is one problem... ...Oliver is now a monster, one of the most dangerous that every hunter seeks to destroy.

InTheDark · Fantasía
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26 Chs

Angus (pt2)

*Oink, Oink, Oink*

As he got closer, Angus listened and heard a somewhat familiar noise, one that is commonly generated by a particular animal. This, however, only added to the unanswered question.


He stepped on a branch, an action that destroyed his plan. The digging stopped along the strange noise. Angus sneaked forward a little more. Hopefully, he'll catch a glimpse of whatever this thing is.

Something that looked like a Boar peeked at the human. For a second, they both stared at each other, neither was expecting to see the other.

"Night Boar?" Angus mumbled.

Night boars are monsters that are known to feed on meats of any kind. They are smaller and weaker than most pigs or Boars even. They are harmless to normal humans since they are just too weak to be viewed as predators.

Night Boars can at least prey on weaker and slower animals, but most of all, they prefer to feast on any meat they didn't have to hunt. Yes, they feed on dead animals, humans, or any life form that is perceived to be dead.

The name 'Night Boar' was given because they are mostly seen when the sky is dark. They feel safer this way. Night Boars are also known to dig graves to feast on newly buried bodies that can be found underneath, a criminal act they prefer to do at the night.

Angus's presence scared the creature. It ran away very quickly. That was the best move. However, as it disappeared into the dark, it squeaked in pain.

Within the dark, growling could be heard. Two pairs of monster eyes illuminated, gazing at Angus who had already noticed it. The mysterious beast stepped out of the dark and behold, this is a very dangerous animal, a monster Boar who had attained more vigor through evolution. In its mouth is the poor Night Boar already crushed to death.

After a few more tries, it swallowed the Night Boar and then locked on its new prey.

'I was not expecting to see this here,' Angus thought.

The creature sped up towards him with its head placed downwards, ready for impact, one that should render the human immobile. Never had it anticipated that this was the wrong move.

It hit the human but ended up receiving all the damage. Angus remained unfazed, immovable like a sturdy wall. He threw a kick at the beast's face, shattering the facial bones as a result. The Monster Boar died.

Angus closed the grave before returning home. He returned home after roaming around for a while.

"Where have you been, son?" said the old woman upon Angus's return.

"Nowhere," replied Angus.

"So that's how you want to play, huh," she said, obviously not pleased with his answer. Angus on the other hand doesn't care.

"I didn't know there were Night Boars here," he said.

"Yeah, those cowardly creatures moved by a few years ago... I guess we have a higher level of deaths,"

It seemed like she was trying to say something. There was more to what she just said.

"People have been dying for reasons mysterious to us. Mr. William was said to have been killed by a wild animal. I large chunk of his body had been bitten off,"

"William is dead?"

"Yeah... He was buried alongside the Lincolns,"

"I see..."

The grave that was being dug by a Night Boar was William's burial ground. Meaning it hadn't been that long since his burial.

"Honestly, our town may have been cursed,"

"Cursed?... How so?"

"Did you know that William isn't the first victim to have died similarly? we've found countless bodies brutally murdered with most of their organs eaten up... a few times, there are many we could not identify. That is how badly they must have suffered,"

"How come I never heard of this?"

"What could you have done? we are yet to identify the culprit. I'm sure you know very well that The Night Boar could not have been responsible,"

Realization dawned on Angus. His eyes widened the moment he remembered something;

"...The Monster Boar," he mumbled.

Monster Boars, just like the Night Boars mostly hunt in the dark. Their sense of sight is very well adapted to the dark, giving them the advantage. These creatures will hunt and eat anything that is living, and sometimes, that also includes their kind.

Monster Boars are smart enough to understand their advantage in number, which is why they are almost always moving together.

If this thing has truly migrated from wherever they were to the countryside, then that would explain all the recent murders.

Hannah was taken aback by Angus' expression. She is scared of what this might mean.

"What is it?" she asked.

"We have a problem," said Angus. Seconds later, he had exited the house into the dark, ignoring Hannah's call.

He went back to the spot where he found the Monster Boar, the one he had killed.

"They haven't noticed yet," He muttered.

Monster Boars are also very vengeful. If one among them was killed, they will seek the killer and repay that enemy in full. Angus will have to hide this body, find where its clan is and slaughter them all... With that in mind, Angus entered deep into the forest, hoping his search will be fruitful.

* * *

Leon, the team leader ripped the head of an Orclin with his bare hand and crushed it under his fist. By this time, several corpses of the same specie were scattered around, all of them killed by the hunters.

A huge Orclin about seven feet tall darted towards Leader with a club in its possession. It lost its arm and then its head, killed by another hunter. All this while, Oliver, disguise as the Nameless Hunter hadn't done anything. He didn't need to.

Since he seemed like the weakest, he was tasked with carrying all of their loads, weapons, and so on. He also happened to be the navigator using the map that was handed to them.

"Where to?"

"Forward... we should go forward," he said.

"You sure about that?"

"Not really,"

This spacious environment had so many pathways with no clear instructions on which to follow.