
Drama- Chapter 2

After class it was time for lunch.


Ms. Snow: Have a good day!

Kayla: See you at the party Lexi.

Lexi: Um yeah, see you then.

Lexi heads to the café for lunch.

Cashier: Hi, what can I get you today?

Lexi: Today's special please.

Cashier: Coming right up. What should I put name under?

Lexi: "Lexi".

Cashier: We'll call your name when it's done.

Lexi goes and sits near the windows and Kim and Astro enters the café.

Lexi: . . .

Kim: Hey Lexi!

Lexi: Hey Kim, hey Astro.

Kim and Astro sit at Lexi's table.

Lexi: What are you 2 doing here?

Astro: Well, Kim wanted to go out to Ms. Queen's for lunch, and then we saw you here and decided to eat here instead.

Kim: Yeah, we thought it would be better to eat with someone we know, instead of just the 2 of us.

Lexi: . . .

Kim: Anyways, what are you doing here?

Lexi: Having lunch...

Kim: Hahaha. Lexi your so funny. No, I mean are you here alone or are you waiting for someone.

Lexi: Yeah, I'm waiting for my date.

Kim: Really?!

Lexi: No! I came here for lunch, alone.

Kim: Don't joke about that. You know how much we want you to find someone again.

Lexi: I'm just not ready to move past what happened with you know who.

Kim: Stop being dramatic. You know just as well as I do that Jon didn't plan on what happened.

Lexi: If he didn't plan on it, then he shouldn't have cheated on me with that psychopath!!

Everyone in the café looks over to Lexi and her table.

Lexi: . . .

Kim: I mean it's not his fault that she tricked him into cheating on you.

Lexi: Tricked him! If you ask me it seemed to me he chose to cheat on me. Especially with the psychopath that he knew I hated.

Atsro: I mean she's not wrong Kim.

Lexi: Why are you even standing up for him. I thought you were my friend not his?

Kim: . . . I-

Lexi: You know what, save it. I'm leaving.

Lexi leaves the café.

Cashier: Wait miss, you forgot your coffee!

Lexi heads back to campus.

Sarah: Hey Lexi... are you alright?

Lexi: I'm fine. Just a little heated.

Sarah: What happened?

Lexi: I don't want to talk about it.

Lexi heads to her next class.


Mr. Peterson: Okay class today we're going to watch a movie about the mythology of sirens.

Lexi: There is seriously something wrong with this guy.

An hour later.

Axel: Lexi are you all right? You seem... down.

Lexi: I'm fine Axel, thanks.

Axel: If you say so. I'll see you later then?

Lexi: See you then.

Lexi goes to her last class.


Ms. Lee: Finish the work from yesterday if you haven't already. When you finish get the activity in the back and answer the questions.

An hour later.


Ms. Lee: Be sure to study for the quiz!

Lexi heads to the gate to meet up with Stacy.

Stacy: You ready to go?

Lexi: Yeah. Let's get this over with.

Lexi and Stacy head to the mall to buy new outfits.

Stacy: This short dress would look cute on you. Go try it on.

Lexi tries the dress on.

Lexi: What do you think?

Stacy: Perfect! You should buy it.

Lexi: Sure.

Lexi buys the dress.

Stacy: Ok. Let's go to your house and get ready.

Lexi: Ready for what?

Stacy: The party silly.

Lexi: But what about Axel?

Stacy: You'll still go to your "hangout" with Axel, but when your done you won't have to worry about changing before coming to the party.

The girls go to Lexi's house and get dressed up for the party.