
I Became MC In Eroge Game! So Gotta Catch 'em all?

If I fail to catch the heroines of this shit game, I will die. As of now I, Kevin announce that if I can’t complete the quest - [Catch all heroines before graduation] - the responsibility will solely lie to the Gods who trapped me in this game. Nope, it’s not my fault that I left 1 star review in their game or cursed at the Goddess. It was really shit game. How could I control myself? ►[Host, stop babbling and do your work. You haven’t caught a single heroine till now.] ‘Stop annoying me, useless system. Can’t you see I am talking to readers?’ ►[Finish it quickly.] ‘So grumpy. Tsk.' I don’t think this system will allow me to continue this talk. So people you have to read this novel!!

Madwriter_2377 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Foundation Enhancement (1)

[You got a new quest.]

["It's a waste of Academy life if you haven't confessed a single time."

Quest: Confess to a girl.

Details: Man, just go and confess to a real girl.

Time limit: 7 days

Rewards: 500 God Coins

Penalty: It's a surprise for you. fufu.]

Kevin was astonished after reading the quest.

'Do those gods have nothing else to do?'

Kevin was wondering about it. After all, when he was on earth he read in some mythology books that gods have many things to do. Like controlling the balance of the world, etc...

But after knowing that the Gods are free enough to peep at him 24/7, he felt quite weird.

'Hey, Dio. This quest is real, right?'

As Kevin was in doubt, he asked Dio about the quest.

He felt Gods were being too meddlesome this time and he should at least have some freedom to progress in the story at his own pace.

[Yeah. Kevin.]

Hearing Dio's affirmative response Kevin frowned.

'Then why reward is so low?'

Kevin felt that the reward of 500 god coins was quite low compared to the task of the quest.

It's because if he tried to complete this quest, there will be many variables and risks.

The most annoying thing is that his whole strategy to clear the game will be ruined.

[I don't know.]

Kevin really wanted to smash something.

'What is the penalty for failure?'

Kevin wanted to know this at the very least.

Although he liked surprises, he didn't have a single percentage of trust in the gods now. He thought he can at least skip this quest if the penalty is low.

[I don't know.]

Kevin lay down on his bed. He was tired, physically and mentally.

'What should I do?' Kevin asked himself.

[I don't know.]

'Then, what do you know?'

After hearing the same answers from Dio, Kevin was kinda ticked off. So he asked him again.

[I know that my name is Dio.]

Kevin just sighed at this response.

He was just slightly irritated.

After all, he doesn't like when someone intentionally interferes with his plans.

Although he knew that Dio was just a medium to connect Gods and him. He still wanted to ask him one time but it was futile in the end.

He controlled his urge to curse at the gods.

After all, he will get nothing out of it and make just enemies of the gods. He still remembered how he was thrown into this world for just a single critique review.

Then he started to think about what to do about this quest.

'It's not like I can't complete this quest but the aftermath of it will be challenging.'

Then Kevin started thinking.

He had to keep the impact minimum. So the least amount of people gets affected by that. Although his plan for clearing the game will be ruined but he just has to modify it again.

After some time, he got an idea.

He jumped from his bed. He felt that some pressure was lifted from his shoulders.

'Yeah, I can do that...'

After that Kevin finished his dinner then he started reading books regarding the syllabus.

Even though he wanted to do physical exercises and finish stage 1 of Foundation enhancement. But he didn't want to overdo it and studies were also important.

After all, he is just a weakling now.

Even after training these days and defeating Henry, he was just level 35.

Compared to others he was just some trash.

Although he won against Henry, it's a one-time thing.

Soon others will also learn new spells and become strong. At that time they will be able to beat him quite easily.

So Kevin has to raise his strength and make sure he stays in the S-class. For that reason, he has to score according to the standard of the S-class. Otherwise, he will be demoted to some other class. It will be too much troublesome for him.

After all, making a splash like in his first days in the academy and after that, if he got demoted. Those annoying flies will surely come to him in herds.

He doesn't want to become some protagonist who will come back getting more stronger after getting demoted from the ranks.

Because of this Kevin kept following his routine.

He attended the class every morning.

After attending all the lectures he returns to his room.

However it was quite annoying.

Like how sometimes Alicia gazes at him coldly but she didn't say anything.

Although he got the rest of Irene for one time but on the next day, as usual, she kept coming to him in breaks and initiating conversation.

Although Luna didn't do much but Kevin knew that she also had ordered his staff to monitor him.

If there was any good thing among them, then that was how no other people bothered him. As Kevin was expecting that some annoying flies will come buzzing but nobody came. It gave some relief to him.

After returning to his room, he started his physical exercises and magic practice.

Whenever he got tired he drank some nutritious drink and started checking forums or reading books.

And just like that, two days passed.

It was midnight.

Having trained every day, Kevin found himself quite tired, as fatigue had accumulated in his body. Each time he attempted to move, his joints would crack, causing excruciating pain.

But he finished the stage.

Yeah, finally he finished physical training for the early stage of Foundation enhancement.

'Hey, Dio. Show me the progress.'


[Physical Training Stage - 1

- Running - 2000/2000 km

- Push-ups - 3000/ 3000

- Sit-ups - 3000/3000

- Squats - 3000/3000

- Lift up 30kg weight: 14999/ 15000]

'Yeah, just as I counted.'

There was a small smile on Kevin's face.

Before completing the goal Kevin had removed body weights from his body.

After that, he took out a body weight from the subspace and lifted it.

[Congratulations. You finished the first stage of physical training.]

[Foundation Enhancement process starts.]