
I became Hades

Truck Kun? Yes Successfully Died. The MC actually wanted to die and reincarnated unlike other people who died unintentionally but he on the other hand was the opposite. Reading to much Isekai and Reincarnation he thought it would be fun and tried it out. After dying he wanders around in a place he could never get out. “You LIED god” the MC groaned then suddenly the gods voice inside his head was heard.

ShizunNOVELS · Otras
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17 Chs

Meeting my wonderful siblings

Hades POV:

"Hades, when will you save your siblings?" Erebus asked.

I thought for a moment.. Maybe I should rescue them? I don't really want to since I know in the future Gods will be rapists, and I don't wanna rescue the rapists. Especially from the likes of Zeus.

"Do I really have to?" I asked Erebus.

"Yes, it's quite a important matter you need to think it throughly. If you rescue them then they will owe you a debt, willing to pay you back the favor with loyalty don't you think?" Erebus Said.

Hm, he does makes sense. But what if Zeus already rescued them?

"Alright let's see then, we can go and pick up my siblings!" I finally decided, even if they are already out they would need my underworld to hide so they are destined to owe ME a debt.


I got up from my seat and said, "let's go."

And with that, i asked one of the fates to teleported us inside Kronos stomach. (Don't ask why or HOW they did it)

. . .

"No ones here?" Hestia said after we shrank to a smaller size that fit the Stomach from Kronos. We decided that just us two is enough.

"I guess They escaped already." Hades sighed. It's really troublesome if they already escaped from Zeus's plan.

"Hey Lachesis, get us to Mount Dicte in Crete quickly"Hades then said.

And with a flick they was teleported to Mount Dicte in Crete.

In front of them, there are quite a few nymphs there taking care of them along with Gaia.

Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter and Hera. That's about right.

They walked over to the cave where they were deciding on how to kill Kronos.


Zeus POV:

I already freed 4 of my siblings, but when Mother asked them about the two other ones they had no idea. So it probably mean they either faded away or got digested by Kronos.

As we were revising on the plan of attacking Kronos suddenly I felt a chill down to my Skin. I felt uncomfortable, I looked at my siblings and saw two Gods face in face in front of me. A girl with blond hair wearing a veil and holding a flowered branch and Green eyes, they were beautiful.

The Other god on the other hand was handsome, I mean really handsome. He can even make me jealous.

On his face was a smirk, who does he think he is?! He is in front of the New King of Gods after we kills Kronos!

"Oh my Babies!! You are alive!!" Mother ran towards the two and hugged them tightly. Your telling me they are my missing brother and sister?

Hmph, how the heck did they even escape without my help?! Or did they escape way earlier beforehand.. if so, how?

Thanks for the power stones

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