
I became an Overlord in another World

A story where protagonist teleported to a fantasy world where he became an Overlord and create his own harem. (**Warning** contains lot of adult themes, Sex etc. so it may not be suitable for everyone. Basically if you read/watch hentai then this will be for you.)

NightSlash69 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs


The next day...

We reached the academy. The academy is full of students going here and there while chatting. We stood at the gate with other freshers waiting. Soon a teacher came and took us with them.

Looks like they want to test us and then give us a rank on our performance.

They took us in a large hall and asked us to use our magic power to attack a dummy placed in front of us. One by one each student begin attacking the dummy.

Most students couldn't put a scratch on the dummy while some could only activate a very weak spell. But some were good too. A guy used a fire spell to completly burn the dummy. On the other hand, a girl used her ice magic to completely freeze the dummy and then ice broke and dummy too with it.

"As expected of royalty, no one can match their strength"

I healed murmurs among students.

So they are royalty huh..

Soon Haruka's turn came, she used her fire magic to burn the dummy easily. Sakuya too used her plant magic with ease to pull off its arms and legs and strangle it.

As expected of Vivian and Paladin, they have taught them well.

Vivian used her black fire and dummy disappeared right away. Even the wall behind it got black with her flames.

Crowd begins excited. When my turn came, I pointed my index finger towards the dummy. A lightning bolt appeared from my finger and sticked the dummy through heart. It even pierced the wall and went outside.

Everyone became silent upon seeing this.


"Who is this guy?"

"He is so strong!"

Looks like I manages to make an impression on then. After the demonstration, we recieved our uniform. The uniform is white in color. We wore our uniforms and moved to the classroom. In our classes, they taught us about history, magic fundamentals, and other various lectures. Most of them were theoretical lectures. In this academy, you can opt for magic or physical training classes. Some rare students apply for both and I am one of them. So when I got free from these classes, the day was already about to set. I moved to my dorm. I opened the door and saw, a student lying on the lower bed. It's a single bed with one bed above the other. When he saw me, he immediately stood up from his lying position and sit on his bed.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Kenji. I must say you are pretty good."

"My name is Ace. Thanks for the praise."

"I must say, your skills are even better than the royal family kids."

I simply nodded my head. I used my skill to see what type of guy he is, before telling him much, and I think I will get along with him just fine.

"Also did you see those girls. They are not only beautiful but also quite strong. I wonder how much they trained to reach that level?"

"I know them."

"Really? Are you guys friends?"

"You can say that."

He seemed happy.

"By the way, how did you perform?"


He sighed as soon as I asked.

"I was below average. I could barely manage to cast the spell, let alone do any damage to the dummy."

After talking for a while, we went to sleep.

The next day, a lot of students are surrounding me while I am sitting on my seat in the class. Haruka and Sakuya are in different class than me and Vivian is in seprate class than us. From what Vivian told me, it's same in their classes too. My seat is at the end of class. I looked ahead and saw there is also a small crowd on one other seat. I looked at the owner of the seat and noticed it's the princess of this kingdom.

What was her name again?

I tried remembering her name but could not remember it.

From reading the minds of students, I found out that her name is Liliana and from the looks of it seems like other students wants to befriend her but unable to approach her due to her high status. On the other hand, it seems she is thinking about me. She is trying to guess who I am and which noble is my parents. I stopped reading minds and looked at the seat besides me. Kenji, sitting there, has a quite jealous face when he looks at the princess.

"Hey who are you?"

"Which noble is your father?"

"How did you become so strong?"

They are asking a lot of questions. I tried to calm them down but it's not working. Then princess come to my seat and spoke,

"You guys. You are troubling him. Instead of troubling others, why don't you train yourself."

Crowd begins to split and they moved to their seats. I thanked her to which she nods and went back to her seat.

"Wow. I have never saw princess Liliana from this close." Kenji spoke besides me. But yeah, I know what he means. She definitely is beautiful. Soon our class begins. By the time, classes ended, it was already evening.

When I was moving to my room, I saw some students bullying Kenji.

"What are you doing?"

"Crap it's that guy."

As soon as they saw me, they run away.

"Are you all right?"

I asked to which he nodded his head in silence.

"Why were they bullying you?"

"Because I belong to a lower noble and also because I am weak."

He replied. I placed my hand on his shoulder and spoke

"Let's return to our room"

He nodded and we returned back.

"If you are weak then why not become strong? If you do that then they won't be able to bully you."

"You think I don't know that?"

He spoke angerly. But as soon as he realized he immediately apologized.

"I want to become strong but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't become strong."

"If thats the matter, I can help you become strong."


"Yeah. But you have to prove to me that you are worthy to be trained by me."

"How do i prove it?"

"Do you remember the guys from before?"

"Yeah." He lowered his head while thinking about that moment.

"I want you to beat them."
