
I became an Overlord in another World

A story where protagonist teleported to a fantasy world where he became an Overlord and create his own harem. (**Warning** contains lot of adult themes, Sex etc. so it may not be suitable for everyone. Basically if you read/watch hentai then this will be for you.)

NightSlash69 · Fantasía
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18 Chs

Azurethra Kingdom II

After we leave library, it was already evening. I asked Silver for a task and he left us to do it. Now me and Vivian decided to explore the city.

"So where should we go now Satsuki-sama?"

"Hmm... let's go check out the academy."


"Yeah. To learn any community, it is better to learn from where they teach about it. And I heard Academy is open for registrations. So its the right timing."

"But Satsuki-sama, you are a supreme King. No one in this world can hope to match your strength. Why do you want to enroll in an academy that Is full of weaklings?"

"Vivian it is true that I am very powerful and no one in this world can defeat me. But think about it, if I conquered this world right away, would it be any fun? I want to enjoy this world as much as can."

"As expected of Satsuki-sama. You are very wise."

"Than you Vivian."

The real reason is difficult though. For my original goal to have a harem of my own, Academy is a good place to start. And who knows maybe I can make new friends.

"Forgive me for saying this, but Satsuki-sama are you not too old for enrolling in Academy?"

"Ohh don't worry about that. Disguise."

As soon as I activate my Disguise skill, I turn into my 12 year old self again.

"With this, I can enter the academy easily and no one will know my true identity. I will also scale down my level so no one will be suprised."


Vivian was totally surprised with my new look. She looked at me amazingly and I return to my original look.

"By the way Satsuki-sama, can I also come with you when you enroll into academy?"

"Of course that was the plan to begin with."

"Thank you very much Satsuki-sama."

Soon we reached academy. It was a quite big building as you would expect from a big city. I registered both me and Vivian. I changed my name to Ace when registering so I can become a separate entity from Supreme King.

"It's done. Now what should we do?"

I asked as I stretched my arms to relax. It was already dark when we leave the academy. The town is brimming with street lights that gave this city an entirely new look from the you look at it during day time.

"Now that we are in a human city, why don't we take a stroll."

"Sure. Let's take a look at the city."

"By the way Satsuki-sama, I have been noticing since we entered this city, why are everyone looking at our direction?"

She only noticed that now. Their stares have been piercing me for a long time that I decided to ignore them. The reason of their stare is...

"Isn't it because you are quite beautiful."

Words slipped out of my mouth. I noticed that Vivian has stopped walking. I turned around to look at her and noticed her face has turned red.

"Satsuki-sama what did you say?"

Well it Is too late to change the topic and seeing her blushing like that is also quite attractive.

"I said it's because you are quite beautiful. That must be why all these people are looking at us."

She tuned her head sideways as she was blushing. Man she is quite a beauty. If I am not careful, I might end up doing it with her.

But she is so beautiful that if I did it with her even once, i might not enjoy doing it with others. So I need to save Vivian for later.

"Let's go someplace with less people."

I hold her wrist and take her with me. To be honest I am amazed with myself. When I was in my original world, I couldn't even talk properly with any girl and now I am holding the wrist of most beautiful girl in the entire world. Maybe it is because I am strongest in the world that I have no fear or maybe it could be because I am no longer a human as my race is now a demon. Either way I am quite grateful for entering this world.

"By the way Vivian, what do you think about humans?"

I asked a question that I wanted to ask her from the moment i met her in the morning when i entered this world.

"Humans? Well I think they are quite arrogant. But it's not like I hate them or anything. To me they are lesser beings who can never reach the level of us supreme beings."

"I see.."

Well good thing is that she doesn't hate humans with her entire being. As we were talking, we somehow entered an alleyway.

"How did we enter here?"

I spoke as I was totally absorbed in the conversation that I didn't look where I was going.

"We entered this area when you asked me about my perspective about humans."

I see. She is quite good to notice her surroundings. We turn around and left the area.