
I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick

This is an AU! In a world where Earth is dying and humanity struggles, virtual reality games, especially the VR game YGGDRASIL, provide an escape. Momonga, the leader of a powerful race in YGGDRASIL, remains online as the game faces shutdown. Alone, he reconnects with a comrade, Bukubukuchagama, before YGGDRASIL's closure. Meanwhile, in Nazarick's ninth-floor library, an androgynous character named Thoth, a trapped soul, anticipates freedom as the game ends. Upon the game's closure, Thoth gains control of his movements and discovers his angelic form. As Thoth explores his new abilities and surroundings, a mysterious world awaits beyond the virtual realm. With an enigmatic library, magical prowess, and a goal to adapt to the new world, Thoth embarks on an adventure, uncovering his true potential and encountering diverse characters within the Great Tomb of Nazarick. As the story unfolds, alliances, conflicts, and loyalty to the supreme one, Momonga, shape the fate of Nazarick and its inhabitants in this virtual-to-real fantasy journey. -x-x-x- I've only seen the anime, and have only read the later half of the LN (at which point, the story will be completely different anyway so it won't matter), so forgive any inaccuracies. Also, I don't know much about angel lore as an atheist, so I'm gonna be making up my own stuff. Hope you like the story and have a good one. Also, if you really like the story, here is my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MarAuthor

MarAuthor · Cómic
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60 Chs

The Prophets

After the three ladies walked up the stairs, Bard appeared inside a cupboard.

"Who were they?"

As she asked, Fighter appeared beneath one of the fluffy pillows beside Nfirea.

"No clue, but they had Master Thoth's divine energy on them, I could feel it from this close."

Wizard then peeked out from the pillow on the opposite side.

"Yeah, the clothes they were carrying were extremely magical too, he must have blessed them."

Protector then looked down from the chandelier.

"We'll continue keeping an eye on them, make sure to keep your guards up, Lord Thoth hadn't sent me a message yet. Bard, could you do that?"

Enri stared in dumbfounded shock until she recovered and spoke.

"HOW-" She took a deep breath, "How long have you been hiding in our house?"

"Since the beginning, and no, we don't hide in your rooms. That's creepy." Fighter replied instantly, earning a look from Wizard.

"You know the plan was NOT to let them know that right?"

"Welp, too bad bookworm." He shrugged.


Wizard was cut short as the angels suddenly felt a wave of magical energy wash over them coming from the second floor.

"Everyone hide again!" Protector ordered and everyone did as they were told.

"...I'm already tired of today..." Enri complained to herself, earning a tired smile from Nphirea.

"You know Lord Ainz probably has something that could help with exhaustion right?"

Enri then silently stared at Nphirea with a judgmental gaze, as if questioning his intellect.

"N-Nevermind..." The boy broke eye contact after realizing that becoming even more indebted to their savior would not do wonders for the girl's stress.

The two remained in awkward silence for a few seconds.

Suddenly, they heard a whisper from the kitchen "Kiss already!"

Nphirea felt his cheeks go red as Enri rolled her eyes.

"He's my friend Bard so stop it already. Right Enfi?"

Nphirea died at that moment.

...Well not really, but he wished he did.

The two then suddenly heard the sound of three pairs of feet walking down the stairs. They turned around and felt their words get frozen in their throats as Bard quickly hid beneath the pillow again.

[Pictures here (ignore Gaia's white hat, that isn't there)]

Sol could be seen glowing with radiance like a living star, the two had to squint for a second until their eyes got adjusted to the light she was covered in. She is wearing long white and golden robes with what seems to be gold jewelry on her fingers. Her ears are adorned with two earrings depicting the sun shining bright. As she opened her eyes while walking down the stairs, her pupils shone with golden brilliance. She is wearing what seems like knee-high thick leather shoes painted with gold.

As she walked, her every movement was filled with energy and confidence, she hopped down two steps at a time while scanning the room and pausing momentarily at the chandelier, kitchen, and the two pillows.

Luna is the exact opposite, she sucked in the light around her, making her difficult to see as Enri's and Nphireas's eyes strained to work with the little light that she reflected. She is wearing a black dress with a hole above her chest. Beneath her shoulders, purple-blueish pieces of jewelry could be seen. Her hair has also grown down to her waist. As her eyes rested on Enri and Nphirea, they felt a cold shiver go up their spine as they stared into a dark abyss. Her feet are resting in low-heeled black shoes.

As she walked, she moved with grace and calm, each of her movements was filled with elegance. She did not bother looking around the room, instead, she looked at the two humans on the couch, who seemed quite gobsmacked by their appearances.

Lastly, Gaia could be seen walking down the stairs last. She looked rather nervous as she walked down the stairs in her new green dress, various green jewelry and symbolism covered her as the green and golden flowers in her hair seemed to emphasize the calm and gentle aura she gave off.

She looked incredibly shy, nervous, and careful as she walked down the stairs. As she moved, the air became filled with vigor and energy, Nfirea and Enri felt their heartbeats slow and their minds become sharper, relaxed yet alert at the same time. The temperature around her adjusted as she walked, becoming whatever she considered the most comfortable. Her eyes did not meet anyone's, they were too busy looking at her exposed feet and the stairs, it would be quite embarrassing if she fell right now...

Not to mention she couldn't help but stare as the minor pieces of dust and dirt, which she could now see, rolled out of the way, almost as if they were desperate not to stain her body.

Taking a deep breath, Sol looked around the room as she finally descended the stairs.

"My oh my! It is an honor to meet our seniors!" She took a quick bow.

Enri couldn't help but notice the... Sharp personality twist that seems to have occurred.

She was not this... Bubbly before.

The three small angels waited awkwardly for a few seconds, unsure of what to do, until Protector stuck his head out.

"We're busted guys, come out."

And so all of them did just that.

Luna, ignoring the small angelic beings, sat down in front of Enri and Nphirea again, giving them her full attention.

Gaia only now got down the stairs, taking significantly longer than the others.

Sol looked at the angels and smiled as if she was looking at a bunch of cute puppies and kittens.

They flew down onto the couch, so Sol approached them and got on her knees so she would be at eye level.

"Hi~! You must be Lord Thoth's angels right~?"

Protector and the other angels gathered in front of her, resting on the edge of the couch with their guards now lowered.

They must be Thoth's favored, and are therefore trustworthy, though it never hurts to be a bit cautious, hence why they remained on the couch.

Bard, already loving Sol's personality, spoke up.

"Oh my gosh yeah! Did you also meet him?"

"Oh, I met him alright! He so..."

"Cool!" x2

The two then gave each other a high five while the rest of the angels turned back to Luna and now also Gaia, who sat down next to her.

Protector and Fighter both moved and sat on the shoulders of Enri and Nphirea respectively while Wizard sat on Enri's left shoulder.

Enri, feeling rather awkward with the silence and the stare she was being given by Luna, spoke.

"Um... A-Are you feeling alright?"

"Oh most indubitably! Though it seems each one of us has responded differently to the blessed clothing..."

Gaia timidly nodded.

"I see... Uhm, would you like some tea or such? I don't think you shared your reason for visiting either..." (Enri)

"Oh if you would be so kind, as for why we are here, I believe I told you already but we don't know. Lord Thoth simply teleported us here, he is currently dealing with an invasion force made up of some workers." (Luna)

Enri and Nphirea froze in place, they witnessed a mere sliver of Thoth's wrath when they first saw him, how would he react to invaders in his home...?

No... How will Ainz Ooal Gown, to them death itself, react to such insolence?

The possibilities were as limitless as their power, so Enri, with a shaky exhale, dismissed the staggering fear that threatened to consume her, instead standing up.

"I-I'll go brew some tea." (Enri)

She walked with shaky steps, earning a look of concern from Nphirea, though his hair made this impossible to see for everyone else.

Fighter looked behind him, sensing movement, only to see Sol with Bard on her shoulder sneaking up on Nphirea.

Giving a small grin, already expecting the next action, he pretended he saw nothing and flew off of Nphirea's shoulder.

Suddenly, as Nphirea was looking at Enri, Sol grabbed him from behind, startling him.

"Ah!" Nphirea shouted as he stood up and turned around.

Enri looked back with concern, but when she saw Sol and Bard laughing, she knew nothing serious had happened, still, she sighed.

Her poor human heart is not built for this kind of stress...

Enri sighed as she prepared the drink, silently listening to everyone else in the living room.

Bard of course laughed along with Sol, with Bard knowing what a scaredy cat Nphirea can be, she suggested it.

Nphirea simply sighed, thankful he was not killed, and sat back down.

Luna looked at Sol and gave her a stern look, causing Sol to roll her eyes.

Gaia glanced at Nphirea and mouthed a simple "Sorry," to which Nphirea smiled and waved his hand dismissively.

"Say, how do you know Lord Thoth anyway?" (Luna)

"Oh! Well, he saved Enri and I met him because he and Mr. Ainz Ooal Gown invited us for a request." (Nphirea)

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Who is this 'Ainz?' you speak of?" (Luna)

"He is Sir Thoth's master I think? I know Sir Thoth follows all orders he gives him anyway." (Nphirea)

"...I see..." (Luna)

Of course, this changed nothing for Luna, her savior, nay, her God is still all that matters to her now, however, she must know more about his circumstances to help him more.

"And this Ainz-" (Luna)

As Luna was about to ask another question, Enri's father suddenly opened the door with force.

"Enri! Nphirea! Come with me quickly!" His eyes rested on the angels and then the ladies, with him bowing slightly to both. 

"I apologize for the interruption, but an emergency has happened." (Mr. Emmot)

Enri ran out of the kitchen toward him as Nphirea did the same.

"Dad! What happened?!" Enri asked with concern.

"There are some knights in the distance, they are fully armored and dressed in full plate, we don't know their nationality but they are probably not from the Kingdom." (Mr. Emmot)

"I-...Ugh!" Enri held her head in her hands, "Can I not have a day of peace?"

"I'm sorry Enri but..." (Mr. Emmot)

"I know I know, there is nothing you can do... Haah..." (Enri)

With this, Enri turned to the guests.

"Sorry but I have to go, feel free to make yourselves at home here. I'll try to make this quick." (Enri)

"How about we come with you to help out?" (Sol)

Enri's shoulders relaxed at this offer, she needed all the capable hands she could get, and those blessed by Thoth are the best she could ask for.

"Are you sure?" (Enri)

"We insist." (Luna)

"Well, sure! Let's go quickly." Enri then turned around and left the house after putting her shoes on with Nphirea right behind her.

The girls and angels were a bit behind intentionally, with Sol smiling.

"Oh to think we would be given a chance to prove ourselves so quickly! How 'lucky...'" (Sol)

Luna also gently smirked at this, "Indeed, this must be a test for us, to think Lord Thoth anticipated this!" (Luna)

"W-We have to d-do our best!" (Gaia)

"Of course Lord Thoth predicted this. He is most wise. I have no doubt you shall prove worthy of his blessing, he did pick you himself after all..." (Protector)

"I agree with Protector, you have this in the bag." (Fighter)

Wizard simply nodded while Bard gave Sol a hug, or rather, she tried to.

"You got this bestie!" (Bard)

With that, everyone headed to the town's wooden wall, which is not even finished yet, with some parts still only protected by a wooden palisade.



Guess who's back? Back again? It's your fanfic author who has FINALLY managed to bring his lazy ass to write a chapter, writer's block is a **crazy** mother-ducker let me tell you that much.

Either way, I am back and am going to try to make one chapter every week, again, it's been a while and I need to re-read everything, so I cannot give anything concrete. 

THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS! patreon.com/MarAuthor

Seriously thanks, I have no clue why you stuck with me even after I announced that this story was suspended for an indefinite amount of time, but I appreciate your loyalty!

Love you all (especially the guys who pay me money LMFAO) and I'll see you probably next week!

SUPREME BEINGS (2): ElusiveBucket, shadowlord0474 (6 USD/month)



NAZARICK NPC's (1): Jorge _2602 (1 USD/month)