
I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick

This is an AU! In a world where Earth is dying and humanity struggles, virtual reality games, especially the VR game YGGDRASIL, provide an escape. Momonga, the leader of a powerful race in YGGDRASIL, remains online as the game faces shutdown. Alone, he reconnects with a comrade, Bukubukuchagama, before YGGDRASIL's closure. Meanwhile, in Nazarick's ninth-floor library, an androgynous character named Thoth, a trapped soul, anticipates freedom as the game ends. Upon the game's closure, Thoth gains control of his movements and discovers his angelic form. As Thoth explores his new abilities and surroundings, a mysterious world awaits beyond the virtual realm. With an enigmatic library, magical prowess, and a goal to adapt to the new world, Thoth embarks on an adventure, uncovering his true potential and encountering diverse characters within the Great Tomb of Nazarick. As the story unfolds, alliances, conflicts, and loyalty to the supreme one, Momonga, shape the fate of Nazarick and its inhabitants in this virtual-to-real fantasy journey. -x-x-x- I've only seen the anime, and have only read the later half of the LN (at which point, the story will be completely different anyway so it won't matter), so forgive any inaccuracies. Also, I don't know much about angel lore as an atheist, so I'm gonna be making up my own stuff. Hope you like the story and have a good one. Also, if you really like the story, here is my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MarAuthor

MarAuthor · Cómic
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60 Chs

A Dream And Preparation

Thoth looked around him, confused.

He had just passed out in his library to sleep, even though he did not need to, he still slept regularly to help manage his emotions and also to improve his memory, but this had never happened before.

Around him could be seen a realm of clouds, painted in an ugly, orange hue. It was as if the sun was about to fall below the horizon, except there was no sun anywhere.

However, something was far more... Intimidating, located in a "valley" beneath him.

An angelic being with no face or any defining feature, its two wings monumental, stretching across for kilometers, they were lying on the floor, stretching out from the creature's lower back.

Its thin, skinny body could be seen on its knees bending forward, its thin arms limp on the floor while its head looked down at its feet, also limp.

Its skin is an ashy light grey similar to stone, while the wings were white, albeit without any glow or grand aura.

Thoth gulped.

'That is... Yeah, it's probably God.' (Thoth)

Thoth revealed his many wings and allowed the eyes beneath his skin to reveal themselves, he then flew down toward the large creature.

He had to be on high alert -Who knows if there are any powerful demons or such patrolling around?

As he flew, Thoth realized that flying was a terrible idea, he should have snuck around on foot, but he dismissed the idea, or rather, something deeper within him did.

Suddenly, he recognized what seemed to be a few buildings made out of clouds.

He landed in the middle of a "Street" and looked at the houses around him.

Everything was empty, including the houses, as if the entire place was ransacked.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance.

He felt his emotions bubbling up, specifically disgust and anger, probably cause of his angelic nature.

In a way, this is the most "at home" he will ever be but there is nothing to come "home" to.

Thoth spent some time looting the buildings, each one of them grander than the last until he reached what seemed to be some kind of institution.

The building had an architectural style similar to the Romans and Greeks, with large columns that maybe once glowed with luster, but now they looked... Empty? No building in this place was damaged in any way, all in a perpetual state of perfection, they were like a time capsule to a more prosperous era.

Funnily enough, there seemed to be no shadows in this realm, as if everything emitted light.

In this large building with many rooms, he stumbled upon a small, black crystal.

He picked it up and felt his hand twitch involuntarily, crushing the crystal in an instant.

A faint mad whisper could be heard along with a titanic plume of black smoke that rose into the air, covering the entire building in a thick, dark smog.

"Shit." (Thoth)

Thoth sighed and cast "[Greater Appraisal]" on the remains of the black crystal.

[Broken Sealing Crystal (Demonic)]

[Rank: Archdemon]

[This is all that remains of an extremely powerful demon who was sealed into a powerful magical artifact. If the artifact is broken, the subordinates of the demon, if there are any, will be alerted of their master's freedom. The demon's soul will eventually wither away and die, this process may take thousands of years depending on the level of the demon.]

Thoth looked at the fog and with a mighty beat of his wings, it was blasted away, revealing a large muscular demon with a deer skull on his head, teeth around his neck in a necklace, and a loose piece of brown cloth around his waist.

Its skin was surprisingly enough a sickly orange and not the blistering red Thoth had expected, but its skin was growing redder and redder with each passing second. Its face was full of wrinkles and it had an ever-present rage-filled expression as if it was about to snap at any moment.

Two thick black chains wrapped around his chest as they rose from the floor, his teeth grew larger and sharper, with two tusks in particular standing out. his eyes were a blistering red, and two large horns grew from its head, circling the top of its head to make a twisted halo.

It snorted, looking down at the pathetic child in front of it.

(Demon POV)

The demon, known as Onry, had been a universally feared demon across the plains.

Sure, he wasn't any Lucifer or Satan, but he was still a great demon nonetheless, a Greater Demon.

He had amassed himself a great amount of power and was on the frontline during the great invasion, but sadly, he was sealed away.

His horns were gone, his teeth dulled, his skin no longer the mighty red,

He gnashed his not-as-sharp-as-desired teeth, punching against the void that imprisoned him here, yet it was useless, the artifact did not waver for even a second.

"FUCK THIS!" (Onry)

He roared and screamed for... Well, decades at a time, his rage unending and power great, he slammed his fists until they broke and healed over, yet he felt no pain.

As a mighty demon capable of invading heaven with the rest of the army, a tiny thing such as "pain" no longer held any significance to him, after all, to resist the angels and their powers, they were... Conditioned.

This is also why the passive aura of the angels held no effect on them, after all, what good would an army be if a vast majority of it went mad at the mere sight of a Seraph? It would be no good.

So, they did a straightforward thing.

If you are going to fight a horror beyond your comprehension that can drive you mad with a mere look at it, rip your eyes out so you cannot go mad, problem solved.

This is the logic the demons took, and while they did not rip out their eyes, they instead sacrificed their ability to sense angelic auras, making them useless.

Of course, only the demons who were gonna invade were trained in this way, and he was one of them.

"AAAAH!" (Onry)

Onry screamed at the top of his lungs, at least he could do that while in here.

A more fragile mind would have gone mad, and with time, the soul stuck within the gem would wither away, but anger is the most powerful motivator, and he has an internal ocean of it.

Still, his once blistering red skin was now reduced to a mere orange, how shameful.

Suddenly, the void cracked away like broken glass, and he heard a child-like voice speak as he fell unconscious- Or was he waking up? He couldn't tell the difference.

The smoke he hid within was quickly blasted away, revealing some weak-looking kid in front of him, he could tell it was an angel, and judging by the amount of wings... A fairly high-level one, but it should be no problem.

The child's many, many eyes looked upon him with destain and rage, a rather familiar look, and one that did not move him.

No doubt, the angelic aura was in full swing, yet he only felt a faint pressure, like someone was tapping him on the head.

The child shook and stayed in place, its main two eyes staring at the floor.

It is afraid, good, it should be.

 Onry glanced around, no one else could be seen, and since the child seemed to be scared of him... His rage bubbled up.

Finally, he could let out some steam!

He sighed, and a grey smoke came out of his mouth, he then walked to the child, the clouds would have shaken if they weren't absorbing his walking like cotton.

He cracked his knuckles and laughed.


He swung down his fist, yet the next second, he found his arm missing.

"Huh?" (Oryn)

The face that looked upon him was not filled with the anger that he was fueled by, nor by the disgust that he found so common, no, there was nothing.

"Y-You are not an angel-" (Oryn)

That was the last thing Oryn ever said.

And then, Thoth woke up.

"...Well that was a weird dream." (Thoth)

Thoth wasn't stupid, he couldn't dismiss the possibility that this dream was prophetic or some kind of vision or something similar, but he couldn't do much until he returned to it.

"Right! I'll ask the angels if I saw heaven!" (Thoth)

As he teleported away to do that, he realized something important.

"Monday is tomorrow isn't it?" (Thoth)


Aura looked at the calendar before her with deadly intensity.

Monday is tomorrow.

Thoth would visit tomorrow.

Well, the girl was certainly handling this with a level of calm and maturity that would make even seasoned MILFs gasp in awe.

"MARE WHAT DO I DO?!" (Aura)



The poor boy stuttered as he was rapidly shaken.

"I-I-I d-don't k-know!" (Mare)

Aura dropped him to the floor and Mare stumbled around for a second, his world shifting as If made out of water.

"Aah!" (Aura)

Poor Aura had never done this kind of thing, hell, she wasn't even sure if this counted as a date or just a visit or what, so she didn't know what kind of preparations to make!

What a disaster!

She simply threw it to the back of her head with a "It'll sort itself out" mentality, but now she regrets that deeply.

"M-Maybe Lord Ainz would know what to do...?" (Mare)

Aura froze at that suggestion.

"W-Well..." (Aura)

Aura didn't want to bother Lord Ainz with her foolish drama! He has way better things to do than to deal with her.

"I don't want to bother Lord Ainz you know? But... aah!" (Aura)

Aura scratched her head in frustration.

"W-Well, L-Lord Ainz said that you should c-come to him if you need a-anything right?" (Mare)

"I-I guess? But still..." (Aura)

Mare sighed and looked at the calendar.

A day marked as "M" could be seen circled with a big heart.

Mare looked into the eyes of his sister.

"Sis, this is important, so you shouldn't be afraid to ask for help." Mare's eyes dropped to the floor, "A-At least t-that's what L-Lord Ainz s-said."

"I..." Aura slapped her cheeks, a fire burning in her eyes, "Okay! I'm gonna try!" (Aura)

"G-Good l-luck!" (Mare)

Ainz meanwhile could be seen sitting in the throne room, Albedo by his side.

"How long until Jircniv and his troops arrive?" (Ainz)

"They will be here in approximately an hour, Lord Ainz." (Albedo)

"I see, thank you for your excellent work." (Ainz)

Albedo smiled giddily at the praise, but before she could speak, Aura crashed into the room.

She hurried walked to the front of the room and kneeled. Her cheeks were still red from her slapping them, and Ainz noticed, thinking that it was a blush.

"Rise Aura, tell me, what has happened to make you so flustered?"

Aura stood up and noted the presence of Albedo.

"W-Well, um..." Aura felt her cheeks grow slightly redder as she felt great regret in coming here.

Ainz meanwhile noticed the hesitation.

"It's alright Aura, I won't judge you or anything of the sort. Speak freely." (Ainz)

The skeleton was rather concerned.

'Aura is always very energetic and rather mature, so to see her so worried... Something extremely important is most definitely-'

"W-Well Lord Ainz you see T-Thoth is supposed to come to visit me and... Um..." (Aura)

Aura nervously played with her thumbs.

"I-I don't know what to do...?" (Aura)

"Aura, you would bother Lord Ainz with something so-!" (Albedo)

Ainz raised his hand to silence the succubus.

"Albedo. You know Aura is quite mature, the fact she brought this to my attention shows that it is deeply troubling her, and she needs help. Do not enforce your standards on others." (Ainz)

"I-I apologize Lord Ainz!" (Albedo)

The succubus bowed, Ainz waved his hand, and looked at Aura, who looked rather guilty.

"Don't worry Aura, sadly, I do not have much experience in this, so I cannot help you." (Ainz)

"I-I see, I'm sorry for bothering you with something so insignificant Lord Ainz..." (Aura)

Aura bowed and turned to leave, but Ainz thought out loud.

"Perhaps we could summon some monsters to help with this? Albedo, could you summon some succubi and incubi to tell Aura what to do in this case?" (Ainz)

Aura turned around, her eyes sparkling, and Albedo nodded.

"I will arrange for it right away Lord Ainz." (Albedo)

"Thank you, you may head home Aura, your advisors will arrive soon." (Ainz)

"Thank you so much Lord Ainz!" (Aura)

"You are very welcome, feel free to come to me should you do anything else." (Ainz)

Aura nodded and hopped away, filled with joy and energy.



Number 1: No more NSFW chapters, I felt disgusting writing them, like I was throwing shit at a pretty painting.

Number 2: I am taking a week-long break, which may extend to 2 weeks because school is starting and I need to do my best to not kill those asshol- ...I mean, people I have to share oxygen with.

Number 3: Instead of NSFW chapters, I will be releasing early content. The peeps on Patreon will have a few chapters more than those who are not patrons. Currently, there are no chapters, but after I come back, this should hopefully change.

Thank you for your support, I truly appreciate it!

THANK YOU TO MY PATRONS! patreon.com/MarAuthor

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NAZARICK NPC's (0): NONE (1 USD/month)


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