
I became a werewolf

I am not the savior, I am the god of murder! "I have left the king silent, the gods dispersed, and chaos engulfed the earth!"! My roar signifies war and death, survival or death, domination or slavery! "My power will surely manifest, I am the giant wolf sweeping the universe, I am the war."

xinchao_zhang · Fantasía
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54 Chs

Chapter 027 You Are Just a Brother

A familiar smell came to my face.

"Mother?" Seeing the woman's face clearly, Wang Ming's face became stunned.

"No, it's her." However, in the blink of an eye, Wang Ming shook his head and denied it. Then, in his heart, there was 80% speculation about this woman who looked like a mother.

With a general idea in mind, Wang Ming's face darkened as he watched several people come towards him.

"I am the second group army of the Kapang ethnic group, the intermediate commander of the fifth battle group, Shuang."

Shuang, Wang Ming's eldest sister, has a charming melon seed face, but a high and cold face. Like the pure blood of the Kapang ethnic group, when she opens her mouth, she will reveal two sharp wolf teeth.

A waist high black hair, two iconic wolf ears, and the furry tail behind her hips all added a bit of wildness to this woman.

The tall and flamboyant figure under the shawl coat made all the men's blood flow.

However, she has a hatred towards Wang Mingxin, although she usually doesn't show it clearly, because she rarely hears about her brother.

"What can I do for you?" Wang Ming answered in an unhappy tone.

Upon hearing Wang Ming's question, Shuang Shuang showed a surprised expression and then frowned. Looking at the silver armored half beast, it should be the new subordinate commander of the Sixth Group Army, Ming.

"Now half of the beasts are so arrogant and arrogant, are they arrogant? This is Lord Shuang, the intermediate commander of the Fifth Battle Regiment."

The one who spoke was an accompanying female werewolf soldier who followed Shuang.

"Humph, he's just a subordinate commander's half beast."

One of the soldiers continued.

Upon hearing the harsh words you said to me, Wang Ming didn't intend to ignore them. He turned a blind eye and leaned over to the team and shouted, "Let's go!"

"I said wait."

Seeing the black half beast leader not paying attention to her right now, Shuang immediately felt ashamed.

Upon hearing frost's stop, the wolf people stopped again and looked at Ming in a daze.

After all, that's the middle level commander of the Second Group Army, and even ashes have to give her some face.

"I am the subordinate commander of the first battalion of the Second World War Regiment, and this is the half beast I need to requisition. I wonder if Lord Frost has anything important to prevent me from the Second World War Regiment?"

Wang Ming turned to Shuangfa and asked.

Shuang's eyes tightly fixed on Wang Ming, who was talking in front of her. As he approached, she could detect a familiar smell on him, which made her even more convinced that this half beast was the smelly younger brother.

"Are you Mingming? You've grown up so old, haven't seen me for over a decade, and don't even say hello when you see my sister?"

Although she is a sister, Shuang's tone is not gentle, but rather a bit bleak.

"If Lord Shuang only comes to gather the old, I am angry and have no time now. We need to hurry."

Upon hearing what Wang Ming said, everyone present was in a fog, except for the embarrassed faces of the two accompanying male and female soldiers who spoke harshly just now.

It turns out that this guy is Shuang's own brother, and I've long heard that Shuang has a half animal brother.

"A while ago, I sent someone to release you, but unfortunately, they were not doing well, which made my mother very sad."

Within a moment, Shuang came to Mingming and said again.

"I just want to fulfill your longstanding wish, but you guys, besides Ling, don't deserve to mention your mother."

In Wang Ming's opinion, even though the second sister Ling hates him for nothing, she still often goes back to visit her mother. Based on this alone, Wang Ming will not have any complaints against Ling.

So all along, whenever Ling comes home, he always avoids giving way, which is a respect for Ling.

But Shuang and Ying, the two sisters, Wang Ming, would not have recognized them even if they had come to the concentration camp and died on the battlefield.

Upon hearing Wang Ming finish speaking, Frost's face slightly showed a hint of anger, and then suddenly regained high cold.

"I heard that you have survived from the Tars twice. If this were to be known to my mother, she would be very worried, and you, leaving her side, want her to have nothing? You're so damn it."

Frost remained silent for a while, then spoke with resentment towards Wang Ming in front of her.

"Yes, Lord Shuang was disappointed. Not only can I come back alive from the Thars, but I will also kill all the Thars in the future because they have taken away my mother's closest relatives."

"And you, for almost twenty years, have a look at what you've done. Yes, you can't do anything. You just hang around with an intermediate commander and threaten. Your father and your brothers have all died in battle, but you're indifferent to this."

Wang Ming was not so angry at first, but now he sees frost. Somehow, these things begin to emerge in his mind.

A fire suddenly lit up in my heart.

"Sad woman, you look like a mother, but it makes me feel sick to the point of vomiting."

Wang Ming pointed to the frost in front of him and bared his fangs and said to her.


Shuang was so angry that Wang Ming didn't know what to answer, and she stared at Wang Ming in front of her trembling body.

"One person and one wolf's angry eyes widened, making everyone present feel extremely embarrassed.".

"Hmm, I can't believe that Stinky Brother has grown up and his mouth has become so powerful. I remember you didn't like talking when you were young."

However, for a long time, Shuang Leng snorted. She didn't come to criticize Wang Ming this time, and her tone began to change.

"If Lord Shuang has nothing else to do, please step aside. The military situation is urgent, and there can be no delay."

"Don't worry, I'm here to support your Sixth Group Army. According to reports, the Thars have really drawn up a plan to comprehensively attack the Kapang ethnic group this time."

"The Third Group Army has become a lesson from the past. Their next target was originally the First Group Army, but I don't know why they suddenly turned their forces to the sixth group army, the weakest of our Kapang ethnic group."

Seeing Wang Ming leaving in a hurry, Shuang explained to him the purpose of his trip.

Upon hearing Shuang's complaint, Wang Ming thought for a moment and said, "Oh? Interesting, go on."

"The Fifth Battalion Regiment I led will launch a counterattack against a mobile unit of the Thars in the coming days, and the order from above is to have your Second Battalion Regiment cooperate with me."

Upon hearing this, Wang Ming fell into deep contemplation again, fighting back? With your few firesticks?

"Wang Ming, the equipment of the Thars, has seen it before, and the Third Group Army cannot survive their main attack for more than five hours.".

With the words of the half beast of the Sixth Group Army and a mechanized battle group, Wang Ming felt very suspense.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Ming said to Shuang, "Why don't you tell Hui about this matter? After all, he is the leader, and I am just the leader."

"Now it's equivalent to asking you to take the message for my sister, which also saves me sending someone to notify."

"Don't you all need to plan ahead and discuss tactics?" Hearing what Shuang said, Wang Ming looked at her with a shocked expression, as if she were a fool.

"Humph, all you need to do is follow the command, and the rest of you are not in your turn to be semi beast gymnasts."