
I became a silver!

Asalynn miller,15 years old girl, once a poor orphan, suddenly becomes the daughter of the duke just like a fairytale except it is not simple nor easy to please the duke and his three sons who are known to be strict and expect everyone to act perfect in every situation.

Jazza99 · Fantasía
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4 Chs


zenith, the capital of frios, a country somewhere in this vast world where everything is weird and possible, it's said that it is the largest and the oldest city in the whole continent, they say that it was the beginning of the humankind, the start of civilization.

the people of zenith say that thousands years ago world was empty, only filled with ancient animals so god navaris made the first human magnus, gave him powers, made him immortal and loved him like a son so made more humans for him, gave him everything, made the whole world for his own sake, but after thousands of years magnus became void.

he became evil, and destroyed half the world, his actions knew no limitation, but navaris could not kill him, he was his favorite son after all, but his second son Theron could not stand still and watch the world he loved be destroyed by his brother, and even though navaris never gave him his blessings, he was strong, his power wasn't giving to him like his brother but made by himself. and he defeated him, and appointed the ruler of zenith, it became a legend and till now the people of zenith believes this legend and even go by and follow it.

and that is what Asalynn believed in as well even if it might be a mere legend, she thought that it does not matter if you are talented she believed if you worked hard you will be rewarded.

" and you shall receive his blessings, I am Asalynn miller, I will be in your care" she replied as she bowed to the maid for the first and the last time, since no one the silvers family ever bow to anyone except for the king being the arrogant people they are.

Emma led Asalynn through to the dinning room, which took forever and it did not help with her wearing high heeled boots which took even more time.

arriving to the dinning room and the butler announcing her arrival, she took a few deep breaths and tidied her hair one more time and entered as the door opened.

it was a enormous room with an enormous table that goes all the way and at the end of sits the duke waiting for the new family member to arrive which is not a good sign as she remembers what Emma when she asked her what he likes and do not to appear good in front of him

" he likes responsible and smart people, he loath people who are late more than anything"

well she might have lost her only opportunity to appeal to him, maybe living in the street won't be that bad, she though to herself, she did have some friends there at least.

" I hope being late is not a habit of yours, that would be a problem, after all we the silver family are always keen on time" the duke pointed out in a serious tone and signs to the servants to serve the food.

"I'm sorry sir won't happen again-" she nervously said playing with the hem of her dress.

"make promises you can keep child" interrupted glaring at her and she goes quite, even Marie and Jonathan wasn't that strict, Asa thought to herself, she felt her new life will be more difficult.

a black haired servant pull a big chair and point for her to sit on and she does sitting at the very other end to which she is relieved that she do not have to sit close to him, she would rather die.

they begin serving the food to the duke first and she sits there whishing it would be over soon, it's not like she is going to enjoy the food or have a good time with him glaring at her every now and then.

the serve her next with different types of food and she just stare at everything awe from the amount of food that she has never seen in her life, the only thing she knew is that there is juice and bread and that what she focused on.

" in a few days you will start your lessons before attending the academy so you can be on the same level as everyone there, do your best and only show me the best, do you understand?"

he asked drinking his black coffee and working

on some papers in his hands not even bothering to look up to see her reaction, all he

could think about is when to be done to take some rest, something he barely get.

"yes sir" was her reply with a small voice that he could barely hear which made him lift his

head to look at her to see her nipping on some piece of bread uncomfortable almost

disappearing in the chair or maybe that's what she wanted to do, he thought.

"always be loud and clear, speak with confidence child you are a silver now, act like one" he

commanded in a sharp voice and she wince from his loud voice answering in reflex

"Yes sir" says again strong this time which makes him seems pleased, and with that he

stands up leaving without a word leaving her alone in the big room with the servants who stood there like statues.

"good morning my lady" said Emma as she deprived her from her sleep and open Asalynn new enemy the curtains.

Emma starts rambling about oh what a special day today is and she sighs remembering what today is, today is the day that her lessons with her private tutor starts,

of course she is nervous, calling it nervous is an understatement since her tutor will not only be teaching her but also testing her knowledge to see if she is fit to be sent to the academy or not, and if she wants the duke to like her and stay here she needs to go to the academy, a big long circle, everything depends on today.

she walks to the drawing room on time after getting having breakfast alone since the duke was busy and she was thankful for that, being able to eat comfortably without being stared at.

Asa stands in front of the drawing room tiding her dark blue dress after Emma decided to never let her wear white after spilling different types of food making the dress unwearable again, walks in after being announced to find a man with glasses sitting waiting for her.

the man appeared to be in his mid fifties, small sharp eyes and hair gray, he notice her arrival and he stands walking to her bowing

"greetings my lady, I am Zachary bell, number one tutor in all of zenith for nobles, I be your tutor for the next few months" the man boasted about himself so proudly.

Asalynn knew what type of a man he was and knew exactly how to deal with him from the beginning even if she hate this type of people, it did not matter what she liked, this was for her to survive and live a peaceful life, so she did her best in something she loathed but it was her only way.

she complemented, she complemented the man like there is no tomorrow, for the smallest and absurd thing that she filled the man with more ego than he already had.

"ahem, well lets see if your brain is as good as

your mouth is with complementing" he quipped placing papers in front of her that had

endless questions in different subjects from math to art.

"the time line is two hours, start"

she knew there was no way she would be able to answer these questions, she never learned anything other than what she reads in the books which Marie taught her how to read which she was grateful for at least she can read the questions...

after what felt like eternity for her, he announced that the time is over grabbing the papers to see what she wrote and he takes a few minutes flipping through the pages before setting them aside with a shocked face.

"I thought- you would at least be able to answer half of them! you answered three and they are wrong... his grace must be out of mind trying to let someone as stupid as you enter the academy!"

he sputtered walking out of the room in a hurry to the dukes office and Asa just sits there with a deadpan face thinking

well that's it for me.