
I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary

A young woman, Eleanor is suddenly faced with an extraordinary destiny. When a mysterious figure appears before her and reveals that she possesses extraordinary powers, everything changes. With her hidden powers, Eleanor is offered to join a secret organization tasked with maintaining cosmic balance in the world. As part of the organization, she must learn to control her powers and face various challenges that threaten the peace of the world. However, Eleanor's journey is not easy. She must face powerful enemies, unravel the mystery of the existence of two legends that continue to haunt her, know about her true identity, and discover the true purpose of her powers. On her epic journey, Eleanor will discover the true power within herself and change the destiny of the world entrusted to her. "I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary" is an epic adventure story of strength, courage, and sacrifice. Read how an ordinary woman transforms into a legendary heroine who will decide the fate of the world.

Wina_Valentina · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Veil of the Unseen: Techhaven's Hidden Struggle

The Arcanum team arrived at Techhaven in haste, their eyes wide with shock as they witnessed the aftermath of Eleanor's unleashed power. Grandmaster Aurelia, with her silver long hair cascading down her shoulders, surveyed the chaotic scene. The once pristine streets of Techhaven now bore scars of destruction, with remnants of buildings and infrastructure shattered by the uncontrollable surge of magical energy.

Harris, still processing the unprecedented events, met with the arriving Arcanum team. He quickly recounted what he had witnessed, emphasizing the emotional turmoil that triggered Eleanor's overwhelming power. "Grandmaster!" Harris exclaimed, rushing towards the Grandmaster. "You won't believe what just happened. That girl... her energy went haywire, and monsters attacked. It's like nothing we've seen before."

Grandmaster Aurelia furrowed her brow, deep in thought. "Take me to her, Harris," she said, her voice urgent. "We need to assess the situation and contain the damage." 

Harris nodded, leading Grandmaster Tim Arcanum towards the epicenter of the magical outburst. The once serene streets of Techhaven were now littered with debris, and a few of citizens peeked out cautiously from behind hastily barricaded doors and windows.

Approaching the chaotic scene, Eleanor's uncontrolled energy wreaked havoc. Buildings trembled as her power surged. Sparks danced in the air, and remnants of the monsters that dared to challenge Eleanor were scattered across the landscape.

At the epicenter of the magical maelstrom, Eleanor stood grappling to regain control over the torrent of power surging within her. Her blue eyes blazed with an otherworldly intensity. The air around her crackled with energy, and her hands emitted a radiant blue aura that pulsed in sync with the ebb and flow of her emotions. It was as if the very essence of her feelings fueled the magical tempest surrounding her.

Aurelia tried to stop Eleanor, but her energy repelled any approach. 

"Grandmaster," Seraphiel, leader of Restoration Division, shouted over the din, "We need to act swiftly to contain the situation and protect the citizens."

Aurelia nodded solemnly, her voice firm. "Our first priority is to conceal all of this," she said, her leadership unwavering even in the face of chaos. "Valeria, Harris, Alaric, and Seraphiel, gather around that girl and form a circle! We need to create an invisible barrier to contain the uncontrolled energy! We can't afford to let it spread further, and we must ensure that the residents remain unaware of what's happening."

"Elara! Please check the surroundings for any injuries! Take two security guards with you for assistance. We need to ensure the safety of the area and attend to any immediate concerns," she ordered.

Elara nodded and immediately checked the surroundings. 

As the Arcanum team converged around Eleanor, each member retrieved a sophisticated scroll and firmly planted it into the ground. With a shared understanding, they bit their fingers, drawing blood, and anointed the scrolls with their life force. The scrolls responded to the offering, glowing with radiant energy.

Channeling each other's energy, they initiated a harmonious blend, forming a protective chamber around Eleanor. The air thickened with magic as the invisible barrier materialized, seamlessly merging with the surroundings. To the citizens, unaware of the mystical turmoil within, it appeared as a fleeting sparkle in the air, akin to a momentary mirage.

"Maintain the balance, focus on the unity of our energy," Seraphiel urged, his eyes closed in deep concentration.

With a surge of energy, Team Arcanum fortified the barrier, struggling to contain Eleanor's power.

Amidst their concentrated efforts to stabilize the protective shield, Harris's voice cut through the tension. "Aurelia, are you sure about this?" His brow furrowed with uncertainty. "That girl's power is off the charts. What if we can't contain it?"

Aurelia met his gaze, determination shining in her eyes. "We must try, Harris. The stability of the barrier relies on our unity and control. We can't risk letting this chaos spread any further."

The invisible barrier now stood firm and flawless, resembling a delicate fortress containing volatile magic within its confines, shielding the outside world from the unstable magical storm that now remained invisible to the citizens. Behind its shimmering veil, residents stood, some in awe as they witnessed the sky pulsate with erupting energy. And concerned citizens hurriedly dialed the emergency line, reporting the strange occurrence. "Huh? Where did they disappear to?" Mr. Johnson, a resident who had witnessed the events, exclaimed, scratching his head in disbelief. "This is beyond anything I've ever seen. Maybe we should leave before it gets worse."

As confusion rippled through the crowd, they exchanged bewildered glances and hesitant whispers. Without hesitation, some cautiously approached the site of the energy explosion, their footsteps hesitant on the trembling ground. Aiden's voice trembled with disbelief as he questioned those nearby, his wide eyes betraying his incredulity. "You all saw it too, right? The buildings shaking, the flashes of light... and then, nothing. I didn't see it wrong, did I?" His words echoed the collective bewilderment of the crowd, their shared confusion palpable in the air.

"Absolutely. I witnessed it firsthand," affirmed Harper, another resident in the crowd.

The crowd buzzed with murmurs as residents exchanged bewildered glances. Some nodded in agreement, while others squinted at the spot where chaos had unfolded. The air was thick with shared confusion and a collective effort to make sense of the inexplicable events.

After a few minutes, the police arrived at the scene. "What's going on here?" inquired one of the policemen.

The citizens described their observations of the events. Some policemen listened attentively, while others inspected the location.

Despite their thorough investigation, the police discovered nothing – neither signs of human presence nor evidence of damage. One of the officers shook his head in frustration, signaling a lack of evidence.

The residents stood firm, their voices rising as they passionately asserted the truth of their eyewitness accounts. "But it's true, Officer! We really saw it! There was a girl crying, and for some reason, there was a flash around her," Harper explained, pointing to the location to emphasize the incident. "Then, a few moments later, some people arrived, all wearing veils so we couldn't see their faces clearly," Aiden added.

Miles, another resident who had observed the event, chimed in, "Exactly. It's strange, suspicious even. This needs to be investigated immediately." He recounted his experience, "Initially, I heard a cry for help. When I reached the person in distress, suddenly there was a woman sobbing there," he gestured to demonstrate the locations of the incidents. "Then, without warning, flashes surrounded the woman. It escalated to a rumble, and the wind picked up like a sudden storm," he concluded.

"This was highly unusual. What we saw couldn't be wrong. The four of us witnessed it, and there might be others who saw it too but ran away out of fear," Miles confidently stated. The other residents nodded in agreement, their expressions conveying confidence in their testimony.

Confused by the lack of concrete evidence, the police officers deliberated on the residents' explanations. "We're perplexed too. If what you say is true, we should have at least seen scattered leaves, fallen trees, or damage to the surrounding buildings. But here, there's nothing," one of the puzzled policemen remarked.

Mr. Johnson pointed to the once-devastated area. "I swear, officers, just a few minutes ago, this place was a disaster zone. Crumbling buildings, debris everywhere. But now, it's like a calm after the storm. You have to believe us; something supernatural is at play here." 

Officer sighed, exchanging a glance with his partner. "Alright, folks, we'll look into this. We might need statements from each of you later. Please stay nearby and report anything unusual. We'll get to the bottom of it." 

Miles, the resident, approached the officers with a sense of urgency. "Officers, you've got to believe us. This wasn't some shared hallucination," Miles insisted, his tone earnest. "We're not making this up. There's something magical happening here, and we need your help to figure it out." 

The police, still skeptical, exchanged uncertain glances. Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through the area, tousling their uniforms and carrying with it a faint echo of the magical energy channeled by the Arcanum team. Mr. Johnson's eyes widened as he glanced around. "Hold on a minute. Did anyone else feel that strange shift in the air?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "It's like a ripple, or am I going crazy?"

Intrigued, the officers focused on the unusual sensation. The winds seemed to whisper an arcane secret, leaving them bewildered by the inexplicable occurrence. As the residents dispersed, murmuring amongst themselves about the mysterious events they had witnessed, the officers pondered over the enigmatic occurrences. In Techhaven, an unseen battle between the forces of magic and the resilience of the Arcanum team continued to unfold, shrouded in secrecy and uncertainty.

"Keep the barrier steady," Aurelia instructed, her voice unwavering, as the team intensified their efforts, determined to prevent any further escalation of the magical tempest.