
I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary

A young woman, Eleanor is suddenly faced with an extraordinary destiny. When a mysterious figure appears before her and reveals that she possesses extraordinary powers, everything changes. With her hidden powers, Eleanor is offered to join a secret organization tasked with maintaining cosmic balance in the world. As part of the organization, she must learn to control her powers and face various challenges that threaten the peace of the world. However, Eleanor's journey is not easy. She must face powerful enemies, unravel the mystery of the existence of two legends that continue to haunt her, know about her true identity, and discover the true purpose of her powers. On her epic journey, Eleanor will discover the true power within herself and change the destiny of the world entrusted to her. "I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary" is an epic adventure story of strength, courage, and sacrifice. Read how an ordinary woman transforms into a legendary heroine who will decide the fate of the world.

Wina_Valentina · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Unveiling Mysteries (4)

Athena and Quintus remained concealed behind the broken altar, their senses heightened as they awaited the arrival of the intruder. As footsteps echoed through the chamber, they exchanged a silent glance, bracing themselves for whatever lay ahead.

Moments later, the figure stepped into view, their silhouette shrouded in the dim light of the chamber. Athena's heart raced as she recognized the familiar face of Caelum and Thalia, her teammates and fellow investigators.

"Caelum? Thalia?" Athena whispered, her voice barely audible above the rustle of robes.

Caelum froze, his eyes widening in surprise as he spotted Athena and Quintus hidden behind the altar. "Athena? Quintus?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with astonishment. "What are you doing here?"

Quintus emerged from their hiding spot, his expression a mixture of relief and curiosity. "It was you guys. You surprised me." he said, stepping forward to greet their unexpected visitor.

Athena, still processing the situation, responded, "We were investigating the monsters' origin, and this hidden chamber led us here. What about you guys?"

Before they could answer, the echoing sound of stomping feet reverberated through the chamber, drawing all eyes toward the dark hallway looming in the shadows. 

"Wow, this place is incredible! I had no idea Techhaven held such secrets," Isolde exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder as she followed Thalia and Caelum, her recent communion with nature still fresh in her mind. 

"Uh? Wow, everyone has gathered here," she began. "Hello, Athena! Quintus!" Isolde greeted enthusiastically, waving a hand in their direction as she joined them. 

"Haa..." sighed Athena in relief. "How did you get here, Isolde?"

Isolde approached cautiously, her gaze sweeping over the broken altar and the mystical symbols adorning the chamber, "The trees led me here. I've been trying to piece together the puzzle of what happened in Techhaven. Hm... this place's interesting."

"How is it, Isolde? Did you find something new?" Caelum asked, cutting in. 

Isolde looked down and shook her head. 

"Then… We should investigate this place." said Caelum, looking around. "So, what have you found? How did you end up here, Athena, Quintus?" he asked, his tone mixed with curiosity. 

Athena stepped forward, her eyes alight with excitement as she began to share their findings. "We've uncovered a hidden chamber behind the temple," she explained, gesturing towards the altar. "It seems to be a focal point for the monsters' origins. There are traces of dark magic and a broken altar, as if someone disrupted a ritual here."

Quintus nodded in agreement, adding, "We believe that whoever orchestrated this had a deep understanding of Techhaven's magical infrastructure. This room is protected by powerful wards and concealment spells."

Caelum listened intently, his brow furrowed in concentration as he processed the information. "That's... troubling," he murmured, his mind racing with possibilities. Caelum's eyes narrowed in determination as he voiced his thoughts, "It seems like we're dealing with someone with considerable magical knowledge and intent."

Athena's jaw tightened with resolve as she voiced her determination, "We can't let whoever is behind this threat continue unchecked. We need to uncover their identity and motives and why they would unleash such creatures on Techhaven."

As Athena and Quintus shared their discoveries, the atmosphere in the hidden chamber crackled with anticipation. Caelum, Thalia, and Isolde joined the group, their expressions eager as they awaited their turn to share their findings.

Athena wasted no time in recounting her observations of the natural elements surrounding Techhaven. "I sensed a surge of chaotic energy in the flora near the site of the explosion," she explained, her voice filled with urgency. "It's as if the plants absorbed a fraction of the explosion's power."

Caelum nodded in agreement, adding, "We followed a trail of blood from the explosion site, suspecting it might lead us to the heart of what happened. Isolde's insights from the trees indicated a man sacrificed himself to protect Eleanor, but we encountered a blood trail that doesn't match the story witnessed by Isolde."

Isolde chimed in, her voice tinged with concern. "I communicated with the trees, and they revealed that the man who protected Eleanor was killed by monsters. However, we discovered a blood trail that suggests someone else was injured during the incident."

Athena and Quintus exchanged a glance, their minds racing with the implications of this new information. "So there's someone else involved in this," Athena remarked, her voice tinged with curiosity. "But who could it be?"

Quintus furrowed his brow in thought, his mind racing with possibilities. "And why would they hide their injuries? It seems like there's more to this than meets the eye," he mused, Quintus's voice held a note of suspicion.

Caelum furrowed his brow, deep in thought as he processed the information shared by his teammates. After a moment of contemplation, he straightened his posture and turned to the group with a determined expression. "We can't afford to waste any time. Let's search this room meticulously for any clues that might lead us to the perpetrator," Caelum's tone was resolute as he issued the command.

Team nodded in agreement, their eyes alight with determination. "Understood," they replied, their voice filled with resolve.

With shared determination, they scattered to investigate the room for traces of someone's energy, their resolve unwavering as they dispersed to examine every corner of the altar room. 

Isolde, with careful steps, she approached the broken center of the altar, his eyes scanning the intricate magical symbols etched into its surface. She ever attuned to the mystical energies surrounding them, noticed something glimmering amidst the debris near the altar. With a curious tilt of her head, Isolde reached out and retrieved a unique object resembling a cosmic sigil necklace. Its surface shimmered with an otherworldly glow, the intricate designs pulsating with cosmic energy, drawing her closer. 

"Look what I found," Isolde exclaimed, holding up the pendant for her teammates, Athena and Quintus close to her, to see. 

Athena and Quintus approached, their eyes widening in astonishment at the sight of the pendant. "That's... incredible," Athena murmured, her voice filled with awe. "It looks like a cosmic sigil, imbued with powerful magic."

Quintus nodded in agreement, his mind already racing with possibilities. "It must have some significance to the events unfolding here," he remarked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Isolde's brow furrowed as she studied the pendant, her fingers tracing the intricate runes etched along its edges. Her mind raced with possibilities as she attempted to decipher their meaning. 

Caelum and Thalia, who saw the trio gathered, approached them, "What did you find?" Caelum asked. 

"Look, I found this around the debris near the altar." Isolde replied, pointing to the object. 

Caelum's eyes widened in surprise, "It's a cosmic sigil seal! Why did you take it? Put it back where it belongs!" 

Isolde's voice betrayed her confusion and concern as she turned to Caelum, "Why? What's wrong, Caelum? What is this thing?" 

Before anyone could react, the chamber began to shake violently, sending tremors rippling through the ground beneath their feet. Wide-eyed, the team exchanged worried glances as they braced themselves against the unstable terrain. From the broken center of the altar, a brilliant blue light erupted, shooting upwards and out of the room with a deafening roar.

The team stumbled back, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they watched the dazzling display of magical energy unfold before their eyes. Sparks of cosmic energy danced through the air, illuminating the chamber with an ethereal glow.

"What's happening?" Athena exclaimed, her voice barely audible above the cacophony of sound.

As the blinding light enveloped the chamber, each member of the team instinctively shielded their eyes. In the brief moment of darkness, their minds raced with possibilities, contemplating the implications of the unexpected phenomenon. 

Caelum's voice trembled with fear as he whispered, "No way... this is dangerous. The seal has broken. It's serious." 

The brilliant blue light vanished with a deafening roar, leaving the chamber bathed in dimness. Silence followed, broken only by the bewildered glances exchanged between team members as they grappled with the mysterious aftermath.