
I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary

A young woman, Eleanor is suddenly faced with an extraordinary destiny. When a mysterious figure appears before her and reveals that she possesses extraordinary powers, everything changes. With her hidden powers, Eleanor is offered to join a secret organization tasked with maintaining cosmic balance in the world. As part of the organization, she must learn to control her powers and face various challenges that threaten the peace of the world. However, Eleanor's journey is not easy. She must face powerful enemies, unravel the mystery of the existence of two legends that continue to haunt her, know about her true identity, and discover the true purpose of her powers. On her epic journey, Eleanor will discover the true power within herself and change the destiny of the world entrusted to her. "I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary" is an epic adventure story of strength, courage, and sacrifice. Read how an ordinary woman transforms into a legendary heroine who will decide the fate of the world.

Wina_Valentina · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Overflowing Energy

At the grand headquarters of Arcanum, members of the Surveillance Division detected a sudden surge in magical energy. Their sophisticated instruments and magical sensors within the high-tech facility captured the anomaly and promptly initiated tracking.

Director Valeria Silvershade, a seasoned leader of the Surveillance Division with a sharp understanding of magical phenomena, monitored the readings. "Team, we've got a significant magical disturbance. Track its source and report back immediately. We need to know what we're dealing with. And contact the relevant Security Division for this."

With an urgent beep, the skilled Surveillance Division team sprang into action, fingers flying over holographic maps as they initiated the tracking protocol with a sense of urgency. 

Their high-tech consoles displayed holographic maps and data streams as they followed the trail of the powerful energy. As they pursued the origin, urgent communications were exchanged.

"Director Valeria, the energy signature is unlike anything we've seen before. It's powerful," reported Lysandra Crystalis, a sustainability observer monitoring the balance of magical energy.

Director Valeria furrowed her brow, "This is unusual. Keep me updated, and proceed with caution."

As everyone at the Arcanum headquarters sensed the powerful energy, the leaders of each division gathered in the emergency room. While the Surveillance Division figured out the location of the energy, Captain Harris, the leader of the Security Division, arrived. "Where is the source of that energy?"

"We're still figuring it out. Be patient, Harris," reassured Valeria.

Excitement rippled through the surveillance room as Lysandra's voice cut through the tension. "We found it! The energy's emanating from Techhaven!" 

"What?!!! Techhaven?!" Director Valeria and Captain Harris were startled simultaneously.

"How could this happen?! Techhaven has anti-magic shields! It's impossible for monsters to get in there!" exclaimed Director Valeria.

All silent in wonder.

"Lysandra! Send me the coordinates of its location. I'll go to the emergency room to tell the others. We have to hurry. Harris! You too!"

"Send me the coordinates as well! Now! I'll go ahead! I need to find out what's happening immediately," said Harris.

"What?! We need to wait for more clarity and discuss this with Grandmaster Aurelia," Valeria said, halting Harris's actions.

"There's no more time. I'll go first. You can catch up later," said Harris, Harris vanished into thin air, leaving Valeria visibly frustrated in his wake.

Valeria gritted her teeth, frustration etched on her face. "Typical! Always rushing ahead without a moment's consideration," she muttered, a mix of irritation and concern in her tone. 

"Lysandra, keep monitoring that energy. If there are any changes, let me know. First, I'll report this to the Grandmaster."

"Understood!" replied Lysandra.

In the grand headquarters of Arcanum, the emergency room buzzed with activity as leaders of each division gathered to discuss the unexpected surge of magical energy emanating from Techhaven. 

"Valeria, this has never happened before. We need to understand the nature of this magical disturbance. Have you checked it?" urged Grandmaster Aurelia, the wise and powerful leader of Arcanum.

"I have, Grandmaster. This energy comes from Techhaven and is very powerful. It's as if monsters are appearing," explained Valeria, frustration evident in her voice.

Aurelia's expression turned serious. "Techhaven is protected by a powerful anti-magic shield. It's impossible for monsters to enter that area. What triggered the appearance of these monsters?"

"Lysandra is currently investigating it in the surveillance room," replied Valeria.

In the Surveillance Division, Lysandra Crystalis continued to monitor the energy signatures. As she observed the readings, a realization dawned on her, prompting her to call Valeria using the SorceryLink device, an advanced tool designed to harness magical powers for remote communication.

"Director Valeria, the magical energy seems to be related to intense emotions. I detect someone with a strong and large aura triggering the arrival of the monsters," reported Lysandra.

For a moment, Lysandra sensed the energy growing, "Wait... what is this? Suddenly, the energy exploded, causing the aura to become erratic."

Upon hearing Lysandra's report, Valeria was shocked. "What do you mean? I'll come there immediately!"

"What's going on, Val?" asked Professor Alaric Stormweaver, the leader of the Research and Development Division.

Unable to explain anything, Valeria asked them to see the situation through the surveillance room. "We better look directly at the situation in the surveillance room."

Upon arriving in the surveillance room, "Lysandra, what do you mean?" asked Valeria.

Lysandra was surprised by the arrival of all division leaders and Arcanum leaders. "Uh? After I checked, it seems that the energy is triggered by exploding emotions."

"You can see at this point, previously the energy was not as strong and didn't emit an aura. But after a few minutes, suddenly the energy became large and emitted a blue aura," explained Lysandra.

"Hold on, this energy…" Professor Alaric Stormweaver mused. "Enlarge the image, Lysandra!"

Without hesitation, Lysandra immediately did so.

After enlarging and clarifying the image, Healer Elara Moonblossom, the leader of the health division, exclaimed, "That is…"

"Blue crystal energy... This is the first time I've seen it. No wonder the monsters appeared. They sensed the blue crystal energy," explained Professor Alaric.

"But Techhaven is protected by a powerful anti-magic shield. Why can the monsters enter Techhaven?" asked Valeria.

"It seems that the blue crystal energy can weaken the anti-magic shield owned by Techhaven, hence the monsters can enter Techhaven," Aurelia explained.

Professor Alaric nodded, "It's possible. I will investigate further."

Aurelia's expression turned serious. "Techhaven is protected by powerful anti-magic shields. The intensity of this disturbance raises concerns. We must act swiftly and decisively. Prepare the team for a potential deployment. Where's Harris?"

"Oh, Harris left ahead of us. Earlier, he came here to ask for information and got the coordinates, then teleported there," Valeria explained the situation.

The Grandmaster's eyes narrowed with a hint of impatience. "Typical. In that case, Valeria, inform the Security Division members to follow promptly."

A foreboding shadow passed over the Grandmaster's usually composed expression. "I have a bad feeling about this. The energy is exceptionally significant," she whispered, her eyes betraying a hint of worry. 

"Caelum! Follow Harris to Techhaven and safeguard that energy! We'll catch up with you after preparing the team. I have a premonition that this will trigger something monumental," the Grandmaster requested from Caelum, her right-hand man.

Caelum's eyes flashed with determination. "Understood!" he replied promptly, ready to embark on the urgent mission assigned by the Grandmaster.

In the depths of Techhaven, hidden spaces trembled as magical powers suddenly permeated. In the center of the Hall of Technology Policy, three key figures gathered: Mayor Vanessa Ardent, a bold and futuristic tech magnate; Draven Gearspark, an urban wizard skilled in city magic; and Zephyr Ironheart, an engineer leading the latest technological research.

"What's happening?!" Vanessa's eyes narrowed as she sensed the unexpected surge of energy.

"I feel it too. This isn't ordinary magic; there's an extraordinary magical force at play," Draven said, raising his hand to let the magical energy pass between his fingers.

Zephyr looked up in astonishment. "How can that be? This magical energy shouldn't penetrate our anti-magic shield."

Suddenly, a magical rumble rippled through the room, shaking the surrounding objects.

The mayor stood from her chair. "There's no time for confusion. We must act quickly before Techhaven faces greater danger. We need to locate and eliminate this energy immediately! I won't tolerate magical energy in Techhaven!" Her eyes showed anger.

This energy was felt by many, even in another land, Astrodominion, the land of magic. The sensation also reached the people of Twilight, potentially triggering a struggle.

With a relentless hunger, the monsters closed in on Eleanor, their grotesque forms advancing with a predatory grace, driven by an insatiable desire for the magical energy she unknowingly possessed.

With a swift motion, Alex pulled Eleanor through a narrow gap, attempting to create distance from the encroaching monsters. Yet, as if guided by a malevolent force, the creatures closed in relentlessly. Alex and Eleanor, breathless and desperate, found themselves facing the monstrous horde once more.

The monstrous hand lunged for Eleanor, but Alex, driven by a selfless instinct, pushed her out of harm's way. In a tragic twist, the monstrous grip found a new victim, ensnaring Alex in its vise-like hold.

"El! Run! Go! And seek help!" Alex shouted.

"No. No. No! I won't leave you!" Eleanor's heart screamed against leaving Alex behind.

"Ellie! Run!!!!! Go!!! Get away!!!"

A paralyzing fear gripped Eleanor, rendering her motionless. Every limb trembling under the weight of terror. Tears streamed down her face. Other monsters quickly captured Eleanor.

"What's happening? Anyone... Please help us... I beg you..." Eleanor murmured, tears flowing down her face.

"Ellie!!! Wake up!!! Listen to me!!! Go away!!!" Alex pleaded, still caught in the grip of one of the monsters.

"Anyone!!! Help us!! Please!!! Help!!" Eleanor cried out.

"Arghhh!!!" The agonized scream reverberated, filling the air with a spine-chilling resonance as Alex felt the crushing force of the monstrous grip.

The next few haunting seconds, blood gruesomely splattered, creating a macabre tableau in the dimly lit surroundings.

Eleanor's eyes widened, the scene unfolding before her more nightmarish than she could have ever imagined. Her frozen body quivered in sheer terror, and the tears that streamed down her face now carried an eerie weight.

"Arghh!!! Alex!!!" Eleanor's screams echoed with an unsettling intensity, a symphony of despair.