
I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary

A young woman, Eleanor is suddenly faced with an extraordinary destiny. When a mysterious figure appears before her and reveals that she possesses extraordinary powers, everything changes. With her hidden powers, Eleanor is offered to join a secret organization tasked with maintaining cosmic balance in the world. As part of the organization, she must learn to control her powers and face various challenges that threaten the peace of the world. However, Eleanor's journey is not easy. She must face powerful enemies, unravel the mystery of the existence of two legends that continue to haunt her, know about her true identity, and discover the true purpose of her powers. On her epic journey, Eleanor will discover the true power within herself and change the destiny of the world entrusted to her. "I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary" is an epic adventure story of strength, courage, and sacrifice. Read how an ordinary woman transforms into a legendary heroine who will decide the fate of the world.

Wina_Valentina · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Eleanor's Subconscious Odyssey (2)

Eleanor's breath hitched in her throat, her voice barely audible as tears cascaded down her cheeks. "So... it's my fault? Does that mean Alex is truly gone? How did this happen? I can't face the Andersons. It's because of me!" Guilt and despair twisted her features, etching lines of torment across her face.

"Calm yourself," the figure urged, her eyes meeting Eleanor's with unwavering resolve. "If you let your emotions spiral, your power may escalate, attracting even more dangerous entities. Embrace your energy. Learn to control it, not just for your sake but to protect others. You have the strength within you to master it."

Eleanor's tears continued to flow unabated, each droplet a testament to the depth of her sorrow. The figure's voice, once gentle and soothing, took on a sharper edge as she sought to rouse Eleanor from her despair. "Enough, Eleanor!" Her words sliced through the air, punctuating the silence with a firmness that demanded attention. With a gentle yet determined grip, she pulled Eleanor closer, their eyes locking in a fierce exchange of emotions. "Crying won't change what's happened!" The figure's voice resonated with unwavering resolve. "You have to face it head-on! You have to find the strength within yourself to move forward."

"In the physical world, you might be unconscious or uncontrollable. I'm unsure of the current situation outside. If you lose control here, it might be the same out there. Do you want to endanger people outside? They could be killed if you don't calm down! You must calm down! Calm down!" she said, shaking Eleanor's shoulders to wake her up. 

Her words continued to resonate in the chamber, a gentle yet commanding presence in the midst of Eleanor's turmoil.

"Now is not the time for self-blame," she emphasized, her voice a steady anchor amidst the storm. "Instead, focus on mastering your power. Channel it not only to protect yourself but to become a beacon of strength and protection for others." Each syllable carried a weight of wisdom, offering Eleanor a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty, a path forward illuminated by the figure's guidance.

The figure's words lingered in the air like a tangible force, a silent call urging Eleanor to transcend her despair. Despite the tears staining her cheeks, a flicker of determination ignited within her—a beacon of resilience amid the encroaching darkness.

As Eleanor's sobs began to subside in the darkness of her subconscious, she felt a shift in the atmosphere, signaling a transition to a new phase of her inner journey. She wiped her tear-streaked cheeks and looked up at the figure, her eyes red and puffy but holding a newfound sense of resolve.

"Have you calmed down, Eleanor?" the figure's voice was gentle, yet carried an underlying tone of concern.

Eleanor nodded slowly, her breath shaky but steadier than before. "Yes, I think so," she replied, her voice still trembling slightly. "Thank you for being here for me. But... where am I?" she asked again, looking around.

The figure offered her a warm smile, her emerald eyes reflecting understanding and compassion. "Eleanor," she began "You are in your subconscious. Don't worry, you're still alive," she said softly. "You're stronger than you realize. And you're not alone in this journey. I'll be here every step of the way to guide you. But... you can't stay here too long. The people outside might get worried. You must come out immediately. Go out and control your power so that you can protect the people you care about. I will help you."

The figure gazed at Eleanor with concern, "If you need my help, I'm always inside you, Eleanor. You can come here." she said with a gentle and reassuring look. 

The weight of the figure's words seemed to hang in the air between them, a silent challenge to rise above Eleanor's despair. And though the tears still flowed, Eleanor felt a spark of determination igniting within her—a glimmer of resilience amidst the darkness. 

With a deep breath, Eleanor pushed herself to her feet, her newfound resolve coursing through her veins like a rushing river. Meeting the figure's gaze with an unwavering stare, she voiced her innermost desires. "I want to learn how to control my power, to protect others and myself," she declared, her voice steadier now.

The figure smiled proudly, offering her hand. "Then I'll show you. Trust in this journey." 

Together, they traversed the cavernous expanse of Eleanor's psyche, navigating through the labyrinthine corridors of her mind. Shadows danced upon the walls, illuminated by the flickering glow of her inner turmoil.

After a few minutes, Eleanor realized something, 'Wait a minute, seriously, why am I following this stranger's directions? First...Who is she? Why is she here with me in this place?' Eleanor thought, her steps hesitant as she glanced at the figure's serene figure beside her. 

The hooded figure picked up on Eleanor's thoughts and gave a gentle smile behind her veil. "Ah, I apologize for forgetting to introduce myself. I'm Seraphina Theralea, but you can call me Sera," she replied, her words carrying a sense of familiarity. "I represent your inner strength, Eleanor. We are connected, and my purpose is to guide you in discovering your true self," she said while removing her veil.

As she spoke, the shadows that cloaked her form began to dissipate, revealing Seraphina's features in all their serene splendor. Her jet-black hair cascaded like a waterfall, framing her face adorned with emerald eyes that glimmered with an ethereal light. 

Eleanor paused mid-step, her attention captured by the radiant presence of Sera. It was as if a comforting warmth emanated from her very being, enveloping Eleanor amidst the turmoil of her emotions. The thought bubbled in Eleanor's mind, 'Wow! So pretty.'

Sera's emerald eyes twinkled with understanding as Eleanor's thoughts raced. With a gentle smile playing on her lips, Sera responded, her warmth palpable.

As Sera continued to explain about this world of the subconscious, Eleanor could only marvel at the surreal scene happening around them, 'How could this be possible? I'm literally taking a walk in the depths of my own mind with a mysterious guide. This feels like something straight out of a strange dream... or a very strange fantasy novel.'

'And also...How can I trust someone I just met in my own subconscious?' she thought looking at Sera. 'Hm...She seems like a trustworthy person, but what if she leads me to some kind of psychological trap or, worse, a mental dead end?' her steps faltering for a moment. 'And strangely... why do I feel comfortable and trust her?'

Sera, who could hear Eleanor's thoughts, chuckled softly, her laughter echoing in the chamber. 

Surprised by Sera's sudden laughter, Eleanor furrowed her brow and inquired, "Uh? What's wrong Sera?" 

"Hahaha nothing," Sera replied, attempting to stifle her laughter. 

Eleanor's confusion deepened, her mind swirling with anxious thoughts. 'Uh? Why is she laughing? Oh My God! Is she going to take me to a scary place? How is this? Should I run now?' Her thoughts spiraled further into confusion and fear. 

Sera's melodious laughter danced through the air, as if in response to Eleanor's unspoken thoughts. "You're quite perceptive, Eleanor," Sera remarked with a playful glint in her emerald eyes. "But rest assured, I have no intention of leading you astray."

Eleanor raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in her expression. 

"Ah, Eleanor, you never fail to amuse me," Sera chuckled, her voice carrying a playful tone. "You think I can't hear your thoughts, Eleanor?" she teased, her emerald eyes twinkling with amusement.

Eleanor's cheeks burned with embarrassment, her eyes widening in disbelief. "You... you can hear me?" she stammered, a mixture of astonishment and disbelief coloring her words. "How... how do you know what I'm thinking?" Her gaze darted between Sera's emerald eyes, searching for answers.

Sera nodded, her laughter subsiding as she offered a reassuring smile. "Of course, my dear," she replied, her voice gentle yet mischievous. "It's because we are one, Eleanor. Your mind and mine are intertwined in this realm. What you see, feel, and say, I can too."

Embarrassment flooded Eleanor's cheeks, prompting her to cover her face in shame. 

Sera chuckled at Eleanor's expression, offering reassurance. "Don't worry. I won't take you to any weird or scary places," she said, patting Eleanor's back. "Eleanor, have you ever heard of Tat Twam Asi?"

Eleanor threw her head back, then shook her head. 

"It means…I am you, and also you are me. We are one." 

"Uh? I don't get it." said a confused Eleanor. 

Sera offered a reassuring smile, her gaze unwavering. "One day, you will understand," she replied cryptically. "Just take it one step at a time."

Though Eleanor found herself still grappling with Sera's words. With a nod, she resolved to trust in the journey ahead, knowing that clarity would come in its own time.

As they approached a crossroads, Sera paused. "We have arrived," she announced.

Eleanor stared in awe. She saw a mirror backdropped by an aurora—a meeting point where her past, present, and potential future converged. The road ahead was uncertain, but the figure assured her, "Eleanor," Sera began, "I am you, you are me. We are one. Look and believe. Your strength will light the way." Sera explained, allowing Eleanor to look into the mirror.

Eleanor gazed into the mirror, seeing two beautiful women behind her. One was Sera who was emitting an emerlad green aura and the other, a woman resembling a princess with blonde hair, bright crystal blue eyes, and a glowing blue aura.

"Sera... I see you," Eleanor began, her curiosity piqued, "but who is she?" 

Eleanor felt a surge of flowing energy through her. What secrets lay hidden within the depths of the mirror, and what role did this enigmatic woman play in her fate?