
I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary

A young woman, Eleanor is suddenly faced with an extraordinary destiny. When a mysterious figure appears before her and reveals that she possesses extraordinary powers, everything changes. With her hidden powers, Eleanor is offered to join a secret organization tasked with maintaining cosmic balance in the world. As part of the organization, she must learn to control her powers and face various challenges that threaten the peace of the world. However, Eleanor's journey is not easy. She must face powerful enemies, unravel the mystery of the existence of two legends that continue to haunt her, know about her true identity, and discover the true purpose of her powers. On her epic journey, Eleanor will discover the true power within herself and change the destiny of the world entrusted to her. "I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary" is an epic adventure story of strength, courage, and sacrifice. Read how an ordinary woman transforms into a legendary heroine who will decide the fate of the world.

Wina_Valentina · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Eleanor's Decision

The faint scent of antiseptic lingered in the air as Eleanor's thoughts drifted in a haze of uncertainty. Enzi's question hung in the silence between them, a gentle prompt that tugged at the edges of Eleanor's consciousness.

"Eleanor, have you considered the offer to join us?" Enzi's voice, soft and hopeful, broke through the quiet of the hospital room.

Eleanor's gaze flitted from Enzi's calm demeanor to the window where sunlight filtered through billowing curtains. Outside, the world carried on, oblivious to the weight of the decision resting on Eleanor's shoulders.

Memories of chance encounters and cryptic revelations danced at the periphery of Eleanor's mind, their significance echoing in the depths of her thoughts. The mysterious organization known as Arcanum beckoned with promises of answers and purpose, yet uncertainty gnawed at Eleanor's resolve.

"I need more answers," Eleanor finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to understand my powers and what this organization truly stands for before making such a significant decision. This... it's all so sudden."

Enzi nodded understandingly, her expression a portrait of patience and empathy. "That is a wise choice, Eleanor. It's crucial for you to be fully informed before committing to a path. As I explained earlier, we are here to guide and assist you in understanding your abilities."

Just as they were engrossed in their conversation, Alex returned to the room with a visibly worried expression. "El, we need to talk," he said, motioning for Enzi to excuse them for a moment.

Alex hesitated for a moment before expressing his concern, "El, I just spoke to the police. They are looking for you. They want to ask about the incident you experienced at the library. Are you going to tell them the truth?"

Eleanor's eyes widened in surprise, "The police? How am I supposed to explain something that's unbelievable? No one will believe the story I tell. Because it truly doesn't make any sense."

Eleanor and Alex were puzzled about how to handle the situation.

Enzi, who had quietly overheard their conversation, spoke up, "I can help with this matter. Our organization has connections, and I can ensure that the truth is revealed without putting Eleanor in unnecessary trouble. Actually, this incident should not be disclosed. That's why we have connections that will handle it if it is seen by ordinary people."

Alex's eyes narrowed as he regarded Enzi, an undertone of skepticism evident in his gaze. He sighed, a reluctant nod signaling his agreement. "Fine, but I want answers too. What is this organization really about? And why does Eleanor play a part in it?"

Enzi sighed, "Haa... Didn't you hear my explanations about Arcanum earlier?"

"Okay! Let's address the immediate issue with the police first, and then I will repeat my explanation about Arcanum and... Eleanor's power, okay?" Enzi said, scratching her head.

Both agreed with Enzi's suggestion. Then Enzi left to meet with the police.

Seeing Enzi about to leave to meet the police, Alex was confused, "Wait! How are you going to explain to the police?"

"Don't worry about that; I know how to handle it." Enzi smiled, indicating that everything would be fine, and left the room.

Alex left the room after Enzi. But before leaving, he couldn't help but voice his worries to Eleanor.

Alex's voice dropped to a whisper, laden with worry. "El, be careful." His fingers drummed anxiously on the edge of the table, betraying the unease he felt. "I don't want you caught up in something dangerous. This organization and its secrets... they sound like trouble." 

Eleanor nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll be cautious, Alex. But I need to know the truth, about myself and everything that's happening. I can't ignore it anymore."

Alex gazed at Eleanor for a moment, then left the room, joining Enzi to deal with the police.

While Alex and Enzi dealt with the police, Eleanor's mind raced with a mix of emotions. She felt the weight of the decisions before her—whether to trust Enzi and explore her newfound abilities or to reject the offer and return to a normal life.

Outside the room, Alex found Enzi talking to the police while showing a card in her hand. As he approached Enzi, the police bowed and left to meet the waiting journalists.

Enzi turned around and refocused on Eleanor and Alex. "Okay! Now, should I explain again what I have explained before?"

Eleanor and Alex took their positions, ready to listen attentively.

Witnessing their attentive expressions, Enzi took a breath before deciding to repeat her explanation, "Alright, I'll go over it once more. Arcanum has been safeguarding the cosmic balance. Our mission is to protect the world from supernatural threats and maintain harmony. Eleanor, you are chosen because of the unique power within you, a power that has the potential to tip the scales in favor of peace."

They were very focused and listened carefully. Eleanor absorbed the information, her curiosity fueled by the desire to understand her role in the grand scheme of things.

Enzi continued, "Your abilities, Eleanor, are tied to the Celestial Core, a source of immense energy that flows through all living things. With guidance and training, you can harness this power for healing, protection, and more. The missions we undertake involve confronting mystical anomalies, creatures, and individuals who pose a threat to the delicate equilibrium we strive to maintain."

As Enzi spoke, Eleanor's initial hesitation began to wane, replaced by a growing sense of responsibility. She glanced at Alex, silently acknowledging his concerns, but an unspoken determination sparkled in her eyes.

Seeing Eleanor becoming more interested, Alex interjected, "El, remember, be careful." 

Alex furrowed his brow, frustration evident. "We've scoured the internet, checked every library—nothing on this Arcanum organization. Isn't that suspicious?" He gestured to the empty search results, emphasizing his point. 

Enzi sighed, "This appointment must be entirely on Eleanor's decision. We never force anyone to join us. We simply inform that she is chosen and possesses extraordinary power. We only want to help, guide, and develop that power to maintain balance in the world." Enzi explained softly and stared at Eleanor.

After listening to Enzi's explanation, Eleanor stared deeply. Although her curiosity remained significant, Alex's concerns and doubts about the organization's safety made her hesitant.

A heavy silence hung in the room as Eleanor wrestled with her conflicting thoughts. "I... I think..." 

Her voice, uncertain and wavering, finally broke the quiet, "I should reject this offer. Everything was too sudden, and I felt unsure about everything. I can't think clearly right now, with everything that's happened suddenly and in sequence. I don't want to decide something in a situation like this. And I feel this is going to be a dangerous journey. I want to live a peaceful life."

Enzi nodded with understanding, "Your decision is entirely yours, Eleanor. We won't force you. However, our doors are always open if one day you need my help or feel ready to join."

Enzi handed Eleanor a sleek, black card adorned with an ancient symbol—an emblem of Arcanum's enigmatic presence. "Should you decide to seek answers or face the shadows," she said, "Let this be your guide."

Gratitude laced Alex's whispered words, "Thank you, El. We shouldn't blindly enter into something we don't fully understand. Your safety comes first."

Gratitude warming her, Eleanor nodded and offered a thankful smile to Alex, appreciating his unwavering care. "Thank you, Alex. I also felt the need to focus more on everyday life and find out more about this power without getting involved in a mysterious organization."

Enzi, despite respecting Eleanor's decision, leaned forward and placed a reassuring hand on Eleanor's forearm. "Eleanor, your power is a rare gift. Use it wisely. If someday you feel ready, Arcanum is always open to you," she said with a gentle sincerity. 

The room's atmosphere, tense moments ago, gradually settled. Eleanor's chest felt both lighter and burdened, a paradoxical mix of relief and uncertainty settling within her.