
I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary

A young woman, Eleanor is suddenly faced with an extraordinary destiny. When a mysterious figure appears before her and reveals that she possesses extraordinary powers, everything changes. With her hidden powers, Eleanor is offered to join a secret organization tasked with maintaining cosmic balance in the world. As part of the organization, she must learn to control her powers and face various challenges that threaten the peace of the world. However, Eleanor's journey is not easy. She must face powerful enemies, unravel the mystery of the existence of two legends that continue to haunt her, know about her true identity, and discover the true purpose of her powers. On her epic journey, Eleanor will discover the true power within herself and change the destiny of the world entrusted to her. "I Became a Reincarnation of Two Legendary" is an epic adventure story of strength, courage, and sacrifice. Read how an ordinary woman transforms into a legendary heroine who will decide the fate of the world.

Wina_Valentina · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Chapter 1 Eleanor's Monotonous Life in Techhaven

What do you want?


Money? Glory?

Honor? Pride?

Authority? Power?

Revenge? Return the favor ?

Or something that surpasses all that and becomes a God?

However, I'm not interested in any of that. For me, life is just about filling the empty days with monotonous activities to get by. 

I'm Eleanor Resurrecta, Ellie for short. Nineteen years on this mundane ride called life, and boredom's my constant companion. 

I don't find anything fascinating about life or the world. Everything just makes me feel ordinary, not happy, sad, or angry.

I'm over being alive. Every day is so same in my life. All I do is get up, go to work, attend the classes, sometimes hang out with friends, go home, finish my homework, and go to bed. Then, I'll repeat the same thing the next day. 

You are probably wondering, does hanging out with friends make me happy? 

Well, it does, but it doesn't make me excited for the next day. I'm just going through the motions of life. No matter what happens or how the world works. I just go with the flow and don't go against it. There's no motivation to achieve goals or achieve anything. 

It's pretty boring, isn't it? Sometimes I hope God would just take my life because I'm so bored with this life.

Do you know why people are still enthusiastic about living? 

Well, it's because they have a purpose in their life. There's something they have to protect, something they have to fulfill, something to fight for. 

But I don't have any of that.

Orphan—that's my label. Five years deep into life, I lost my parents in a twisted dance with fate. 

My grandparents are no longer with me, and my big family didn't want me. You may say that I'm alone myself. I have nowhere to fall back on. I was consequently raised in an orphanage until I turned 18.

Am I sad because I lost my parents and grew up as an orphan? 

Am I upset and disappointed with my family members for turning me away despite the fact that I am related to them?

Of course, what child wouldn't be sad and disappointed to lose their parents and be abandoned by their family? It feels painful and frustrating to think back to those times.

As I became older, I came to accept with my parents' passing and stopped caring about my big family. But this was my life, and I thought I was the only one who could help myself. I didn't want to be a burden to my family.

Aunt Maria, with her crinkled eyes reflecting a lifetime of compassion, became my harbor in the storm of loneliness. She'd mend my scraped knees with gentle hands and read bedtime stories that painted the walls of the orphanage with dreams. I was incredibly grateful to have her. 

I'm 20 years old right now. I've been living on my own for the past a year after leaving the orphanage.

But now, I find myself living in Techhaven, a city pulsing with glistening tech and innovations that would make yesterday's dreams blush.

Everywhere I look, there are tall skyscrapers made of futuristic materials like transparent glass and shimmering metal. It's an incredibly beautiful place, and I should be enjoying it, shouldn't I? 

However, I can't help but feel bored with life despite being surrounded by such a stunning world.

Working at Techhaven TechSolutions, I get to live my everyday life at Techhaven. In my role as a "Tech Support Specialist," I help people in Techhaven with technical problems pertaining to their modern devices and technologies. I have a lot of experience troubleshooting issues, understanding technological solutions, and helping customers who need help with their devices.

In addition to my job, I continue my education at Technovista University, a prominent Techhaven institution that offers a variety of programs in applied sciences, computer science, and advanced technology. I can make a livelihood because of my work at Techhaven TechSolutions.

Days blur, a whirlwind of work and college lectures, yet the rhythm of my life remains stuck in a stubborn loop. Like a machine running without oil, I'm stuck in the same pattern. 

Though it's a dry and boring aspect of my routine, my position as a Tech Support Specialist needs cognitive abilities and technical knowledge.

I wade through student banter and tackle brain-bending courses at Technovista University. But my life seems so empty. 

My days seem to be the same every day, and I have no purpose. Being alive has never really pleased me.

The thrill, the buzz of enthusiasm—foreign concepts to me. They eluded my grasp like ephemeral dreams I never had.

I wondered why other people had the motivation to live, while I felt like there was just an emptiness inside me. 

I don't family, no dreams or goals, and no reason to get up every morning.

Maybe, I thought, I would find something that would rekindle my enthusiasm. Hope's my silent companion, a constant whisper that maybe, just maybe, life will toss me a puzzle piece that fits the void. 

The sun dipped below the skyline, casting long shadows over Techhaven's shimmering towers. Little did I know that this sunset would be the prelude to a night that would reshape the canvas of my mundane life. 

Techhaven was an amazing city, full of advanced technology, but all that sophistication couldn't overcome the feeling of emptiness that kept haunting me. I wanted to feel something more than just existing.

But, what do I want? I'm not sure. All I can hope for is that someday something amazing will happen to me and color my life. 

I'm waiting, but I have no idea what I'm waiting for.

As day turned to night, I was still standing by my apartment window with a cup of coffee in my hand, daydreaming. It had been a few minutes since I started thinking about what I was looking for in this life. Perhaps it was time for me to accept reality and move on with my monotonous routine.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound from outside shattered my deep contemplation, and I moved closer to the window.

I noticed an enigmatic light lighting the Techhaven sky as I looked out the window. It was not just any light, but rather a mesmerizing beam of blue light.

I saw him when I moved to get closer to look out of the window. A mysterious man in a black suit stood on the edge of the building in front of my apartment, bathed in a dazzling light. He didn't look like an ordinary person. I mean, his appearance was remarkable in some way.

I decided to be brave and move onto the balcony because my curiosity got the better of me. 

"Who are you?" I whispered, my words carried away by the night breeze. "What are you doing there?"

His silhouette blended with the twilight, a walking enigma on the edges of darkness. Little did I realize, his mysterious presence was about to unravel secrets buried in the folds of time as he turned to face me. "Finally, I found you," he said, a glimmer of a smile playing on his lips. 

His voice seemed to reverberate in my heart because it was so strong.

Before I could reply or ask any further questions, suddenly, a bright flash of light shattered the dark Techhaven sky with a thunderous roar. 

This unexpected natural occurrence shocked and surprised me, but I couldn't take my eyes off the mysterious who kept smiling faintly in the middle of the enigmatic light. 

The air crackled with a promise, and the city's skyline bore witness to a celestial shift. I felt the tremors of destiny coursing through my veins as the heavens themselves conspired to rewrite the chapters of my life, leaving me on the precipice of the unknown.