
I Became a Predator in a World of Systems

If waking up one day to realize that the world has changed, with people bearing different races and systems, doesn't seem to faze Aiden, then dying and waking up in the body of one of the entitled citizens in California, bearing an extreme Evil System, would be enough to faze him. Or even add, being a demon, a race that transcends all other races, the direct descendant of the Devil, a creature from the depths of Hell. Aiden is a calm, collected, and law-abiding citizen born in Canada. After the world purge, he was given a mild evil-generating system - the Incubus system - which tasks him to generate the utmost lust in people. But he got into an incident, only to have his body brutally destroyed, but lucky enough, his soul remained intact. He was soul-swapped into the body of a wealthy young conglomerate in California. He, a law-abiding citizen, became a Predator with an Extreme Evil generating system in a world of systems. Cover is mine.

Unique_Ideas_ · Ciudad
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32 Chs

Three days later...

It has been three days since Aiden discovered what his new life was about, it was worse than his former life. At least in the last one, his task was to arouse lust in people but this was totally different, it's evil and will contribute to all manners of evil.

He had been under the covers, with no aim of standing up to get something to eat. If the world purge doesn't kill him, hunger certainly will.

The door to his room creaked open. Juliana peeped her head through the small open space and sighed before returning her head back.

"He's still under the covers. What could be wrong with him? Is the new world that hard to accept?" Juliana said as she wondered what could be wrong.

"I'm not sure, maybe he's just confused. The new world is certainly better, we are equipped with more power and can do some other things we couldn't do before. I got the life saving system and you, well…the happiness deriving system. You just need to make people happy and that's all." Mark also said as he calmed his wife down with the tap on her shoulder.

"Should we go in and talk to him? If we do nothing, he'll die this way," Juliana suggested peeping through the space again.

"We should," Mark affirmed and they opened the door properly.

Juliana moved to the bed and sat very close to Aiden. As she tried to place her hand on his head, he moved away from his current position and farther away from her.

"Don't touch me," he said with a harsh tone. "How can you live in this world while having that?"

"What do you mean? Having what? Why is it so hard for you to accept? It's been three days? Do you want to die?" Julianna bursted out, almost crying.

"It's better I die than cause more harm to people," Aiden voiced out, still under the covers. He didn't understand how they managed to accept everything or didn't they know what their son was? Didn't they see his demon form?

[System: Well…they didn't. They don't know you are going to cause evil.]

The system said, dissolving his initial notion about them being wicked. But still it didn't manage to bring him down about accepting the world, but it managed to get him to raise his head up from the covers.

"I'm a fucking demon!" He shouted, clearing his mind of what had been biting him and hurting him.

But then he realized that time froze when he said those words. It was like he only said it to himself and no one else.

"Darling…what did you say?" The time returned to normal and Julianna asked as she saw that her son wanted to tell her something but didn't say it.

"Nothing…" Aiden's words were strained as he heard the system announcement.

[System: As an evil generator, you can't reveal yourself to the prey of this world. Your aim is to live with them undercover while causing evil for the greater good of the world.]

"Pfft…" Aiden scoffed.

The time froze again as he said, "What bullshit? What's the meaning of causing evil for the greater good? What exactly is evil? And what is good? Do they correlate?"

[HOST You cannot demean my creators' ways. The world needs to be balanced and cannot only be white, there must be black. Just like poor and rich, ugly and young, kind and wicked. You need to understand that equal opposites are needed.]

"Still bullshit, tell me how this evil of a thing has caused a greater good before. Also, how many people have this system of mine and how many people are evil in this country?"

[System: In this country, there are three species of people. The prey, the predator and the null. The null are normal humans, the prey are the good generators while the predators are the evil generator. The ratio is 6:2:3. The predators are only 2 percent in the world. And a country will have at least one predator.]

"So, in my school..I mean my body owner's school, there are only a few predators and the same for my country? And the level of evil which the predator will generate is different, just like my previous self which was a lust system, right?" Aiden asked, finally piecing everything together.

[System: Yes, host. You finally understand my rules. So, one of the rules is don't reveal yourself willingly to a prey, if you do, you have to kill the prey.]

"Wow…that's harsh. If I did to her, I would have to kill her," he muttered as he watched the time frozen people.

"Care to unfreeze them now?" He said as he motioned at his parents. New parents.

As the time went back to normal, Juliana asked, "Darling I'm not sure what's happening but…are you okay? Talk to me please."

Aiden forced a reassuring smile, his eyes locking onto his parents. 'I'll be fine, don't worry. I won't let anything happen to me.

"Thank you, son." Juliana said before excusing herself and Mark for him to do his stuff.

After they left Aiden instructed the system to show him his task bar to which was shown as thus;

[Daily Tasks (Accumulated 21 days)_

1. Cause a minor argument between two people (Reward: 50 EXP, 500 Credits)

2. Make a person trip and fall (Reward: 50 EXP, 500 Credits)

3. Feed in your demonic form. Reward: (50 Xps, 500 Credits.)


(19 more daily tasks)

_Monthly Task (Pending, 6 days to complete)_

Request bail for a notorious criminal in prison, known to have killed numerous people, using your influential social status. Then, recruit them as your ally. (Reward: 500 EXP, 1000 credits) First monthly task completion reward: Life renewal potion]

"This is crazy because there's no way I can use my influence to break a prisoner out of prison. A prisoner who has killed so many people. It will spoil my name and also my parents will have an idea of my abilities and goals!"

[System: It's left to you to decide how to go about it. But note, the criminal must be released on bail and social status means more than those of your parents. ]

"What are the Exps and credits for?"

[System: Exps are for leveling up as a demon which will help unlock certain skills, while credits are for buying rare items or needed items from the inventory.]

"Oh…I have only 6 days to do that and today's Saturday meaning I have to wait till Monday which will make me have just 5 days left to complete the monthly task since I can't do this when I'm at home." Aiden muttered with his hands on his chin.

With the way he was looking at it, he might use the help of his friends or that of the mafia world if they don't think he was already dead after 21 days after the world purge.

"Also, what is wrong with the daily task? I can't see it all." Aiden said as he tried to swipe up the hologram screen checking to see if he can see more tasks.

[System: Yes, you can't. Because you were unconscious and didn't just deliberately leave the tasks, it has been excluded and you only need to do today and the two days you've spent doing nothing.]

"So I have three tasks to do today. Wow! Let's get to work then, I'll surely make good use of this life then. It's a gift," he muttered as he rushed into the bathroom.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Unique_Ideas_creators' thoughts