
I became a Katana and a Monster

Currently on Haitus Do you like soul eater? Then this is not for you. Do you like Pokemon? Then this is not for you Why? Because I put the fucking two!!! This is a Soul Eater and Pokemon mixed together with a bit of gore, this is a story of a man who has to get stronger, yeah it's cliche, so I beg you not to read it! This is all about fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, a nonsense synopsis. Are you interested? Then go read it! Burn your eyes to the core then rate this one-star after, Gawdamit!! I don't accept any rating except one-star! If it's not one-star, then it's a troll! Show and Tell? I don't care about that, and for those who wanted to read an immersive plot, this story not for you!! ADVANCE SIXTEEN CHAPTERS: https://www.patreon.com/Puji_maki Warning: -I can't promise you high-quality content since I write two other stories, I can't put all my time here. - You may found some errors here in there but I'm confident that this novel will be readable. -If I don't like the performance of this novel, I will drop this after hundred chaps. -I only accept a one-star rating. -I will update 5× a week. -I will put all of my shit here in this story. - Please leave a shitty review.

pujimaki · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
97 Chs

Chapter 73

Capitulo 73

"Eh? Your back again? It didn't take a long time for you to return?"

Jeanne was surprised to see Keenan in front of her hotel room. Keenan came out early in the morning but he returned within just a few hours. 

"So what brings you here? How many hours passed, three, four?"

She asked. She thought Keenan would appear tomorrow and not the same day. Based on his appearance, Keenan didn't change clothes, he was still wearing the t-shirt and pants that she gave earlier. 

Keenan sat on the table, although he frowned when he saw a bottle of whiskey on.

"It's still noon, it's 1:30 pm to be precise, and you're already drinking alcohol?"

"So what?" She shrugged. "I like drinking, you can't stop me from doing what I want." 

Keenan shook his head. "Now I'm not going to be surprised if I'll see you sleeping on the street again."

"Nah, already experienced it thrice."

Keenan confirmed that her drinking was not a calculated action, this woman was a drunkard from the start.

"So what brings you here?"

She smiled but Keenan's nose twitched when he smelled her breath. She reeks of alcohol! 

"What, you have a problem?"

Jeanne raised her brow, acting smug.

He sighed and decided to start talking. He threw the letter together with three crystals.

"This is the letter from Shana, don't worry, I did not read it."

"Okay. Then what about these crystals? Eh, they are Class-SSS. Even for a person like you, it's impossible to kill a Class-SSS."

"I stole them."


"I stole them from Yora and Shana."

For a moment Jeanne did not understand it. However, she started laughing so hard when she realized what Keenan did. 

"Pfft-haha! You!! Are!! A!! Chad!! A fucking chad! Jeez, I want to know their reactions after knowing that someone stole their N-cores. It is such regret that I'm not there."

She held her stomach because she laughed so hard. This was the best gift she could ever have. 

"For them to get stolen too, I wonder how mad their faces are."

She smiled, genuinely smiled. She glanced at Keenan, this guy made her happy so she was obliged to help him. 

"So what can I do for you?"

"These N-cores, I want to sell them to you. Besides, I want to get the seven digits that you promised."

"I see."

She stared at the N-cores, they were in good condition and they were just recently harvested. She won't lose if she bought them. 

"How much is the average price of Class-SSS N-core in the market?"

"I research it, it's 2.4 million dollars."

(Note: I decided to go with the dollar for currency, it's easier to understand how much it is.)

"Wow, you came prepared, huh."

Jeanne grabbed the N-cores and swallowed them. She liked to swallow them instead of crushing them in her mouth if you know what I mean. She licked her lips, they taste good as always. She extended her hand and Keenan gladly shook it. 

"It's a pleasure having a business with you."

"The pleasure is mine."

To be honest, Jeanne won't spend 7.2 million on these N-cores. She would haggle to lower the price but Keenan made her laugh. The story of stealing from Yora and Shana was the best story she heard this decade. She won't be so cheap for Keenan. 

"Actually, I have another favor to ask."

"Go on, as long as it's not hard to fulfill, I will try my best."

She was in a good mood and Keenan was the source of her good mood so she wanted to help him. 

"Since you know my circumstances, I want to give this money to my teammates' families. Can you do that?"

He was hesitant and he knew that they would be angry if he showed his face. Instead, he wanted to ask Jeanne if she had a way for them to receive the money without knowing that it was from Keenan. 

"How did you assume that I know everything about you."

"I'm confident that you gathered information about me."

Jeanne nodded, Keenan was right about that. So she agreed to his favor. 

"I can do that. It's not going to be a problem. I have my employees to send the money."

Jeanne was amazed that Keenan intended to give the money to the others. In this case, he was a good guy. Keenan may appear to be heartless but it was obvious that he had soft spot for the people close to him. Jeanne chuckled, it was not a bad attitude. It means that the person who almost killed her had a heart. 

She giggled and passed Keenan a glass of whiskey. 

"I don't drink."

"Then how did you know that it's a whiskey? Underage or not, I want you to drink it."

Keenan clicked his tongue and grabbed the whiskey, he drank it in one gulp. 

"This alcohol is strong and you drink it without a change of expression. So who said that he doesn't drink again?"

"This is my first time drinking, I just want to show you that I'm not easy to trifle with."

"Yeah, yeah."

She waved her hand, this man may look young and weak but Jeanne won't be fooled. She knew that Keenan was playing games with her, and she was playing games too. It was a vague game and no one could see the winner. 

"Anyway, since you want my help, I want a favor too."

Keenan sighed, he already expected this. However, he did not have a choice but to ask her for help because Keenan didn't know a person who could buy his N-cores except her. He could sell it to the marketplace but it would cause hubbub, especially for a Class-B like him. Jeanne was the best person he could ask for help. Furthermore, Jeanne was indebted to him so she won't say no. 

Keenan filled his glass with whiskey and drank it again. He missed the taste of alcohol. 

"Let me guess, you want me to be partnered with someone right?"

"… Yeah?"

Jeanne widened her eyes but that expression quickly disappeared. She was surprised that Keenan knew what she was thinking. 

"So you know my plan?"

"Sort of."

Keenan touched the glass, he already knew that Jeanne would partner him to someone. 

'Based on her expression, looks like I'm right. I listened to the chit-chat in the cafeteria and I learned that there is another person who has the surname of Demi Moore. Now, I don't have to think deeper. It's obvious that they are connected. It's too odd for two Demi Moore to appear in the same city without connection. Maybe it's her daughter or niece."