
I Became a Godly Cameraman in my Hero's World

In a fantastical twist, an avid One Punch Man fan finds himself mysteriously transmigrated into the world of their beloved manga. Now trapped in the world of heroes and monsters, they take on the role of a cameraman, capturing the epic battles and hilarious encounters that unfold. Inspired by the presence of their favorite hero, Saitama, the transmigrated fan decides to create a documentary series chronicling the life of the Saitama and all-powerful hero. As he navigates this chaotic world, he aims to uncover the true story behind the Caped Baldy and share it with fans across the multiverse. With humor, action, and a dash of mystery, this fan's journey as a cameraman in the One Punch Man universe promises to be an unforgettable adventure.

iGodof · Cómic
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24 Chs

Apology and Clarification Regarding I Became A Godly Cameraman in My Hero’s World

Hello Everyone

I know I am gonna talk like someone who got a million views (which i didn't), so withstand this.

After much reflection and consideration, I want to sincerely apologize to all of you for my previous commitment to writing this fanfiction. It has become clear to me that this project is beyond my abilities and, more importantly, it doesn't align with my personal preferences as a writer.

The world of One Punch Man is vast and intricate, and I believe it deserves a level of dedication and storytelling that I am unable to provide. I realize that my initial enthusiasm may have given you the impression that I was up to the task, but I must admit that I underestimated the complexity of this undertaking.

Moreover, I've come to realize that my writing style leans towards narratives that don't rush to a conclusion, but instead unfold gradually. This is not in harmony with the spirit of One Punch Man, which is known for its fast-paced and action-packed storytelling.

I understand that this may be disappointing, and for that, I apologize. I do not wish to embark on a project that I cannot do justice to, as this would only lead to subpar work that wouldn't do justice to this fanfiction.

I appreciate the support and encouragement that you have given me throughout this novel, and I want to express my gratitude for being a part of this fanfiction. But it is not that I am dropping this, I will upload chapters slowly with quality. I know some chapters felt cringe and I don't want to repeat those mistakes.

Thank you very much for giving 12.58K views in 3 days and 107 collections.

Feel free to remove this Novel from the library (I knew this day would come but didn't expect it to be this early)

Phew... that was intense.

Thank you