
I Became a Flashing Genius at the Magic Academy Ch. 151+

*This is a fan translation of the novel starting from chapter 151 *Chapter 1 to 150: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/i-became-a-flashing-genius-at-the-magic-academy/ ✧ ✧ ✧✧ ✧ ✧✧ ✧ ✧✧ ✧ ✧✧ ✧ ✧ A character with extreme difficulty and the worst performance, Baek Yu-Seol was considered tr*sh in the game because he couldn’t use magic in a fantasy world where everyone else could. However… [Due to the wrong ending, 90% of Aether World has been destroyed.] [Please reach the ‘True Ending.’] Suddenly, those words echoed in my mind before I was transmigrated to the Aether World. [You can use the skill ‘Flash’.] “Why did I possess this character?” Flash was the only magic skill I was given. Surviving in Stella Academy where many genius mages ran rampant, I became the notorious Flash Mage.

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20 Chs

159. Soul Amulet (3)

Soul Amulet.

It is said to have been bestowed by angels in the distant past, and this item, which cannot be touched except by high elven elders, is a unique treasure in the world that reveals how pure and clear the owner's soul is.

The more misdeeds one commits, the darker the amulet becomes, while the more good deeds one does, the brighter it shines.

The soul of a murderer is tinged with a deep gray, and Dark mages and those who kill spirits become even darker.

Without a doubt, the soul of Baek Yu-seol, who is both a Dark mage and a spirit slayer, should shine in black.

"This, this... how...?"


Why does it emit such a blindingly white light? Even saints cannot possess such a color. Only beings with noble souls like angels and spirits could have such a perfect white glow.

"Human beings cannot emit such a color under any circumstances."

Yet, no matter how much one doubted, it was futile.

That light wasn't a magical deception, but indeed the light emanating from the Soul Amulet.

"Ah... I received this as a gift last time, but it turned out to be the Soul Amulet?"

As Baek Yu-seol dumbfoundedly held up the pendant and spoke, the crowd began to murmur. Not only did he not formally hand over the Soul Amulet, but he disguised it as a gift?

Although he wanted to immediately cry foul, he couldn't. Mentioning the "Oath of Magic" would soon reveal the truth, as stipulated by the Magician's Pact.

Under the Magician's Pact, the Oath of Magic could never be enforced. Even if the other party were a murderer, it didn't matter.Mana was as vital to a magician as life itself, so forcing the Oath of Magic recklessly would be akin to violating the magician's pact.

[*Fan Translation from OldFable* wink]

The whole council was rising up to stop it.

However... Orenha was currently in violation of one of the taboos.

"Never accuse a magician of being a Dark mage without evidence."

There is a history on Earth where once ordinary women were branded as witches and burned at the stake.

A similar incident occurred in Aiter World, where innocent magicians were falsely accused and massacred as Dark mages.

As a result, society was thrown into chaos, and eventually the association created a taboo against accusing a magician of being a Dark mage without evidence.

Although the taboo has mostly disappeared in modern times, falsely accusing an innocent magician of being a Dark mage is a dishonorable act.

To commit such an act, especially in such an official capacity... It was the Elven King's advisor who had committed such a deed.

As a consequence of breaking the taboo, he could immediately be forced to take the "Oath of Magic," so telling lies was absolutely impossible.

With clenched fists, Eltman Eltwin lowered his head and returned with a calm expression.

"Advisor, do you realize the extent of your mistake, both diplomatically and as a magician?"

All the races and nobles attending the ceremony looked at Orenha with uncomfortable gazes. Some were hostile, some pitying.

"I don't know why you did this... but trying to tarnish the honor of someone who should have received praise in such a prestigious setting will not go unnoticed."


Originally, he should have been the 'superior' here. Instead, he had ended up as the 'subordinate.' Something was seriously wrong.

"This can't be happening!"

Can a human possess such a pure soul? Is it even conceivable that a human could harbor such a clear aura, similar to that of a spirit?


That was the only thing that came to mind immediately, so without realizing it, I blurted it out, yet it turned out to be just another verbal slip.

"My goodness. Are you... trying to tarnish even the honor of the most precious and magnificent treasure carried by High Elves?"

"That's not it...!"

"The word 'deception,' how do you intend to prove it? Are you suggesting that tricking the Soul Amulet is possible?"

The Soul Amulet is the most precious treasure for the elves. If one falls for a mere Dark mage's trick... that becomes a huge problem.

"What have I done...?"

Verbal slips led to more verbal slips, spiraling into a sharp blade that tore through Orenha's chest.

Cold sweat trickled down his back.

His head felt hot, yet his brain seemed to have shut down, not producing any thoughts.

He could only wish this was a dream-like foolish imagination.

The weight of it, the gazes of the people...

Each gaze felt like a squeeze on his heart and throat, pressuring him.

How ridiculous must they find me?

Boldly pointing out Baek Yu-seol was a Dark mage at the moment he was receiving the award, only to find out later that it wasn't true.

Orenha, who had ruled over others all his life, now being the subject of ridicule, felt so shameful and desperate that he wanted to bite his tongue off right then and there.

"Wait a moment."

At that moment, when a clear voice was heard, all eyes in the room turned towards her.

Was it because her voice was beautiful?

Or because she spoke unexpectedly in this situation?

No, it wasn't like that.

It was more like... a magnet.

As soon as her voice was heard, an instinctual pull directed all attention towards her, as if one had no choice but to look at her.

No one looked at Orenha anymore.

King Florin, draped in black cloth from head to toe, finally revealed herself on the official dais after hesitating to show her presence.


Even with thousands in the audience, the sound of her heels echoed louder than anything else in the world.

Clad in a dress where not a single inch of skin was visible... everyone held their breath in silence for a moment longer just to gaze upon her.

Florin stepped beyond the barrier that concealed her form and walked towards Baek Yu-seol, facing him.

"I know that some things cannot be repaid with just words, but... on behalf of the advisor, I will apologize."

A king should not easily bow his head. Therefore, with grace and authority, Florin offered her apology.

However... the fact that a king of one race directly uttered an apology itself was problematic, causing Orenha's complexion to pale significantly.

Only then did he truly realize the mistake he had made.

'Because of me, the king has personally apologized to a mere human commoner.'

This realization hit him quite shockingly, leaving him gaping like a goldfish, unable to even breathe.

Even Eltman Eltwin, who had no idea Florin would apologize directly, showed a slightly surprised expression.

Knowing well that she was hesitant to reveal herself in such a situation due to an unknown curse, one could guess the immense resolve it took for her to step forward.

"...While it wasn't necessary for the Elven King to apologize directly, Stella is willing to accept it."

"Yes. I hope this will ease the tension."

While the king stepping in could lead the situation to unfold in a peculiar manner, it was the most certain way to quell the friction that had arisen.

There was a risk of the diplomatic issue escalating between humans and elves, but Florin had decisively cut it off.

"How strange..."

Baek Yu-seol also looked at Florin with a peculiar gaze. Known for being mostly a recluse in the corner, afraid to come out and reveal herself, she had never expected her to step forward like this.

He had considered trampling Orenha thoroughly, but now it didn't matter. Florin's act of direct apology itself would be the most fatal blow to Orenha.

Due to this incident, Florin had lost faith in Orenha. This was quite a significant gain for Baek Yu-seol.

Florin was known to often follow the bad ending route in the original game, and most of it was due to Orenha.

If they could separate Orenha from her side early on, the likelihood of avoiding the unfortunate route would significantly decrease.

"It seems I showed a bad side at the prestigious awards ceremony. While it's a bit awkward to say this, it truly was a tumultuous event. Let's conclude the school tournament awards ceremony with this, and I hope everyone will enjoy the remaining festivities."

Eltman quickly managed to salvage the situation and, upon receiving his signal, the emcee swiftly took the mic to continue speaking.

[*Fan Translation from OldFable* wink]

"Then, next in line, we have the Magical Fireworks Show by the Stella Isle Rock Performance Troupe. Ladies and gentlemen in the audience...!

As the ceremony concluded, an opaque spatial barrier formed, cutting off the outside from the stage.

Thanks to this, Florin could escape from the gaze of the people and weakly sat down in her seat.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Orenha approached Florin to apologize, but she spoke without turning her head.


"Yes, Your Majesty."

"To me... you know what the term 'Spirit Slayer' means."

"...I know."

"However, you tried to use that politically..."

Initially, She wanted to have a quiet conversation with Baek Yu-seol. But Orenha ignored all his own words and tainted the reputation of the Elves in front of all the races gathered.

Florin believed in Orenha.

No, she used to believe.

She could forgive and overlook any mistake he made to a certain extent.


This time, he had crossed a line beyond forgiveness.

Not only had he acted on his own using the term Spirit Slayer, which remained the deepest wound in her heart, but he had also attempted to bury Baek Yu-seol, a student who might be the savior of Celestia, in an official gathering.

"Your Majesty, the truth is... It was all for the eternal peace of the elves."

Attempting to justify himself like that.

"Stop, please stop. I no longer... want to hear any explanations. Please go back and rest."

Then, she asked Eltman.

"Thank you for your consideration earlier. I know it's rude, but... could I perhaps have a separate conversation with student Baek Yu-seol?"

"I don't mind, please ask for his consent."

While other award recipients were leaving, Baek Yu-seol, who had been standing somewhat awkwardly, his eyes widening as the arrow of attention turned towards him.

Florin weakly smiled at him and said.

"On a personal note... there's something I really want to share."

✧ ✧ ✧

Florin left somewhere to have a private conversation with Baek Yu-seol. Although the king instructed him not to wait, Orenha stayed at Stella, awaiting her return.

"Damn it...

The guest waiting room.

Alone in the corner of an empty room, he bowed his head deeply and began to pull at his hair with both hands.

There was no mistake.

The deduction, calculations, evidence were all perfect.


Why did such a bright light burst from Baek Yu-seol's soul?

'It's a trick!'

There was no evidence, but he was sure.

He was a Spirit Slayer and a Dark Mage without a doubt, hiding his true identity with some unknown technique.

"To Your Highness, not even knowing that...

It was cruel. Your Highness didn't even bother to look at me. How hard I've worked for you, and yet, I've tried!

Just because I made one mistake, does that justify being treated so coldly?

Moreover, the gaze of Florin, who was looking at Baek Yu-seol, was strangely warm... It made me feel sick. What does it mean to show such a gaze to a filthy human being that you meet for the first time today?

'Baek Yu-seol...

Certainly, he must have planned to deceive the innocent Florin, using some dirty and despicable means.

'I must save her.'

My fingertips were trembling.

The gazes of people still do not fade from my memory. The disgusting gazes that dared to look at me, the most noble and prestigious noble of High Elf, with contempt and disgust.

And, the cold gaze of Florin.

'Everything... must be undone.'

I must regain her trust.


I am an elite.

I have always handled everything perfectly, never allowing a single failure.

So there is no need to panic just because I've experienced a failure for the first time. Didn't they say even monkeys fall from trees, sometimes there are days like this.

What should I do to undo everything.

The first thing that comes to mind is undoubtedly, Baek Yu-seol.

The fundamental reason why Orenha has fallen into such disgrace.

The thought of killing him did not cross his mind as a foolish option.

More intelligently, more cunningly.

Revealing the true identity of Baek Yu-seol and bringing about his downfall.

By doing so, all the dishonor he had received would be restored.

Then suddenly, he remembered the girl who had planned this from the beginning with him, and Orenha's eyes lit up.

"Jeliel. I must meet that woman."

Nahh.. This ain't it bro. Just take the L.


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